Our divided opinion on what the DOJ should and should not do...


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
We have our right wing friends avidly supporting Trump's call for the DOJ (and FBI) to do HIS bidding and loud call to investigate his political opponents.....

Conversely, we had these same right wingers livid over an ex-president meeting with the head of the DOJ on an airport tarmac.

Openly admitting that Bill Clinton should NOT have met Lynch on that tarmac, are there any right wingers ready to also call for Trump to STOP meddling on what the DOJ should or should not do??
The more Trump tries to interfere, the deeper he gets for the FBI to bust his ass..

Nixon tried to interfere , fire the director, stop any investigations. What president does that except to hide and distract.


Clinton was an EX-president whose wife was under investigation by the DOJ.

Obama was Lynch's boss...it was totally appropriate for Obama to tell Lynch what to do...just like it is totally appropriate for Trump to give Sessions marching orders.
Clinton was an EX-president whose wife was under investigation by the DOJ.

Obama was Lynch's boss...it was totally appropriate for Obama to tell Lynch what to do...just like it is totally appropriate for Trump to give Sessions marching orders.

Nothing came out of any of the witch hunt political schemes about Clinton or Obama ~

On the other hand , who has been indicted in the Trump campaign while many more are expected to go down?

We have our right wing friends avidly supporting Trump's call for the DOJ (and FBI) to do HIS bidding and loud call to investigate his political opponents.....

Conversely, we had these same right wingers livid over an ex-president meeting with the head of the DOJ on an airport tarmac.

Openly admitting that Bill Clinton should NOT have met Lynch on that tarmac, are there any right wingers ready to also call for Trump to STOP meddling on what the DOJ should or should not do??
Better question. If you are outraged now why weren’t you then?
We have our right wing friends avidly supporting Trump's call for the DOJ (and FBI) to do HIS bidding and loud call to investigate his political opponents.....

Conversely, we had these same right wingers livid over an ex-president meeting with the head of the DOJ on an airport tarmac.

Openly admitting that Bill Clinton should NOT have met Lynch on that tarmac, are there any right wingers ready to also call for Trump to STOP meddling on what the DOJ should or should not do??
Obama was Lynch's boss...it was totally appropriate for Obama to tell Lynch what to do...just like it is totally appropriate for Trump to give Sessions marching orders.

You probably will not believe this, but I VERY MUCH want for Trump to begin firing Sessions and appoint someone to fire Mueller......NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING would expedite Trump's resignation more than that obstruction of justice.
Better question. If you are outraged now why weren’t you then?

You're such an astute mind-reader...Could you offer some help in picking stocks?
It was a simple question.

The DOJ.....and through them, the FBI....should be completely INDEPENDENT from the political whims of powerful people.....PERIOD !!
Now show me your posts from when the clintons crossed that line!
We have our right wing friends avidly supporting Trump's call for the DOJ (and FBI) to do HIS bidding and loud call to investigate his political opponents.....

Conversely, we had these same right wingers livid over an ex-president meeting with the head of the DOJ on an airport tarmac.

Openly admitting that Bill Clinton should NOT have met Lynch on that tarmac, are there any right wingers ready to also call for Trump to STOP meddling on what the DOJ should or should not do??
Excellent point.
We have our right wing friends avidly supporting Trump's call for the DOJ (and FBI) to do HIS bidding and loud call to investigate his political opponents.....

Conversely, we had these same right wingers livid over an ex-president meeting with the head of the DOJ on an airport tarmac.

Openly admitting that Bill Clinton should NOT have met Lynch on that tarmac, are there any right wingers ready to also call for Trump to STOP meddling on what the DOJ should or should not do??
Since you didnt prosecute the criminals in your party when Obama was in office is it now your claim they get a pass...somehow they are now off limits......
as stated earlier:

EX president having a private meeting with the person ultimately in charge of the investigation of his wife.


CURRENT president stating what he would like to see DOJ investigating
as stated earlier:

EX president having a private meeting with the person ultimately in charge of the investigation of his wife.


CURRENT president stating what he would like to see DOJ investigating
I'm not seeing a big difference, when it comes to throwing their weight around. What B. Clinton did was wrong. So is what Trump is doing. The DOJ is not supposed to be the President's lapdog.
as stated earlier:

EX president having a private meeting with the person ultimately in charge of the investigation of his wife.


CURRENT president stating what he would like to see DOJ investigating
I'm not seeing a big difference, when it comes to throwing their weight around. What B. Clinton did was wrong. So is what Trump is doing. The DOJ is not supposed to be the President's lapdog.

I'm not seeing a big difference, when it comes to throwing their weight around.

EX president has weight over head of DOJ?
We have our right wing friends avidly supporting Trump's call for the DOJ (and FBI) to do HIS bidding and loud call to investigate his political opponents.....

Conversely, we had these same right wingers livid over an ex-president meeting with the head of the DOJ on an airport tarmac.

Openly admitting that Bill Clinton should NOT have met Lynch on that tarmac, are there any right wingers ready to also call for Trump to STOP meddling on what the DOJ should or should not do??

Article 2, Section 3, Us Constitution "he shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed,". he shall, meaning not optional.

If a political opponent is suspected of violating federal statutes, the president is required by the Constitution to enforce the law. We are either a nation of laws, or a nation that allows the political elite to skate depending on who they are. Allowing the political elite to skate, violates other sections of the Constitution as well, such as the equal protection provided for in the 14th Amendment.

You can feel free to pretend this is a political issue, it's not, it's a constitutional issue.


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