Our New Openly Racist World

Where are the posts you refer to? Who is racist? What do you consider a racist point of view? What is an openly racist statement? Can you point one out to me?

Are you saying all liberals and Democrats are racist?

I assume that a Democrat is racist by default until they prove me wrong. This is because the Democratic Party Platform condones Affirmative Action which gives preferential treatment to someone based on the color of their skin. That's the very definition of racism. That said, I have met a few Democrats who are not racist.

I'm not going to name-names, although the video points out two.
You being the one who provides so much of worth to the conversation? :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

If thats not the pot calling the kettle black I'm not sure what is

You just sore because I ding you for being an idiot along with dev. I give what I get here, and unless one of you idiots insults me first, I don't insult people personally. You people do, all the time. I stay on topic in a thread until one of you pea brains derails it with your crap, just like this one and many, MANY others all over the board.

You see how long been here? Yeah, almost since the board was started. I've seen little assholes like you and dev come and go a hundred times over.

And talk about childish.... you think you could have put a few more smilies in that post? What a moron.
Due to the fact that you are BY FAR the most racist person on this board you have no credibility even discussing this. I'm fairly sure that you still have Klan meetings in your house

Troll post rating: 2/10.

I would have given you a higher rating, but you continue to use the same material over and over again. You have the potential to be an expert troll so don't lose hope.
You people all are conviently ignoring the word "simply".

When he says he doesnt want it "simply" going to high skilled workers and white construction workers hes saying they want it to get to others ALSO.

This is how you guys are going to opperate?

Your party is truely doomed.

of course they are ignoring the operative word you dope. you've trained them well. :eusa_whistle:
Due to the fact that you are BY FAR the most racist person on this board you have no credibility even discussing this. I'm fairly sure that you still have Klan meetings in your house

and so? you are probably a Black Panther! so?
You just sore because I ding you for being an idiot along with dev. I give what I get here, and unless one of you idiots insults me first, I don't insult people personally. You people do, all the time. I stay on topic in a thread until one of you pea brains derails it with your crap, just like this one and many, MANY others all over the board.

You see how long been here? Yeah, almost since the board was started. I've seen little assholes like you and dev come and go a hundred times over.

And talk about childish.... you think you could have put a few more smilies in that post? What a moron.

In case people don't know, bigdaddygtr is a troll. He even claims to be a teacher. He's quite funny at times, though.
What really cracks me up is how Democrats can be openly racist yet refuse to believe they are racist. There are several libtards on this board that are openly racist, yet when confronted with their racism become indignant and say you are the racist. They are so afraid to look in the mirror and see who they really are that they will go to any length to try to prove you wrong.

Democrats confuse racism with prejudice. Most republicans are prejudiced against anyone who collects welfare, but even more so against anyone who abuses welfare. Yes, many of those people happen to be Black, but many are also White and Hispanic. However, when a Black or Hispanic person or family moves into our neighborhood, we don't go running for the hills. We welcome them to our neighborhood and become their friends.

Democrats, on the other hand, will run for cover as soon as a minority moves into their all White neighborhood. I've seen it. I lived in Chicago for 15 years. The city is 90% Democrats, and the White ones hate the Blacks. As an example, when Harold Washington ran for Mayor of Chicago against Richey Daley and Jane Byrne, he won the primary. When it came to the general election, he barely won with 52% of the vote against a no name Republican by the name of Bernie Epton. The vast majority of White Democrats voted for a Republican because they couldn't stand the thought of a Black Mayor.

That is racism at its core. The far left liberal wing of the Democratic Party is progressive towards Blacks, but the vast majority of Dems are pure racists. It's amazing that Blacks have never figured this out, and that they keep buying into the BS the Democrats feed them. Of course, they do seem to receive more government support when the Dems are in power, but we've seen how much that has helped them out over the years. I'm not talking about laws giving them equal rights and laws that are meant to guard against discrimination; those have been good and necessary and have been supported by both Dems and Republicans. I'm talking about direct handouts.

But no matter how much proof there is, Dems will still tell us how racist Republicans are, and how the Democratic Party is the party for minorities.
I assume that a Democrat is racist by default until they prove me wrong. This is because the Democratic Party Platform condones Affirmative Action which gives preferential treatment to someone based on the color of their skin. That's the very definition of racism. That said, I have met a few Democrats who are not racist.

I'm not going to name-names, although the video points out two.
Affirmative Action whether you like it or not was/is a remedy to correct institutionalized racism...so you are w-r-o-n-g that it is the 'very definition of racism'.

Without the nuance and context and the understanding of exactly what AA is, you would be correct. So you are either being disingenuous again, or you are incredibly ignorant.
of course they are ignoring the operative word you dope. you've trained them well. :eusa_whistle:

There isn't any operative word. The message, plain and clear as a bell is, they don't want all the jobs to go to professional white men, so they want SOMEONE, LESS QUALIFIED, to get a job BECAUSE OF THEIR SKIN COLOR, get PREFERENTIAL TREATMENT.... AND THAT'S RACIST.... you IGNORANT TWIT.

Sometimes... you liberals put forth the most PATHETIC defense of the indefensible. It'd be funny if it wasn't so foolish.
No one has ever used racism to their benefit as well has Obama has over the past several years. To think that it is will stop now is not reasonable.

Sadly the historic value of Obama winning office is blown into fairy tale expectations on many levels. Also the one tool he used some skillfully to shield himself, racism may now come back to bite him.

Racism is a two way street and it shift sometime ago being more of a black problem than a white problem.
Another idiot lying cowboy?

geee and I thought this country had had enough of those types.

Why don't you take a trip into the flame zone, and take your smart ass friends with you. That's the place for your bull shit insults.

Come back when you can say something intelligent about the OP. You fucking jack asses and all your shit gets REAL TIRING.
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I assume that a Democrat is racist by default until they prove me wrong. This is because the Democratic Party Platform condones Affirmative Action which gives preferential treatment to someone based on the color of their skin. That's the very definition of racism. That said, I have met a few Democrats who are not racist.

I'm not going to name-names, although the video points out two.

Affirmative action was a measure that corrected institutional racism in education and hiring in the past. It may no longer be necessary, now, but it was, at one time.

Better to address individual posts that you consider racist than call Democrats racist as an entire group, in my opinion, as a discussion strategy.
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They are talkng about how to stimulate the economy in the fastest way posssible via money for rebuilding the infrastructure HOWEVER for some reason they also think that distributing the money to the minorites will accomplish this. What's the real agenda here?
ahahahahahahah. palerider

yeah an idiot racist trying to make hay.

Quit playing the phoney race card you scumbag and go find a racist country to live in.

Did you miss my post where I showed this was nothing but parsing words.
ahahahahahahah. palerider

yeah an idiot racist trying to make hay.

Quit playing the phoney race card you scumbag and go find a racist country to live in.

Did you miss my post where I showed this was nothing but parsing words.

Blah, blah, blah, insult, blah, blah, insult... inane prattle... insult... :eusa_hand:

Get your worthless ass in the flame zone if that's all you want to do moron.

You're the one parsing words. The point was and is perfectly clear, and it's racist. Sorry, no amount of your twisting and spinning is going to change that.
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They are talkng about how to stimulate the economy in the fastest way posssible via money for rebuilding the infrastructure HOWEVER for some reason they also think that distributing the money to the minorites will accomplish this. What's the real agenda here?

It's called fucking wealth redistribution, obamalama promised us wealth redistribution,, :lol:

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