Our new puppy

Aerial attacks another dog

Aerial 15 weeks


Aerial 13 weeks


Aerial 9 weeks


As of today she is 25.5 pounds. At nine weeks she was 11.2
you dont want her to grow too fast...too hard on joints....talk to vet about when to take her off puppy food.

ahhhhhhhhhhhhh cute lab
This was my baby girl when she was 18weeks old.
She weighted about 87 pounds.

$Me & Gracie.jpg
We have trained several. When they are young try crate training. When you are not there to take them out leave then in a wire kennel. They do not like to potty on their bed. Take then out as soon as you come home. Be consistent. Our dog is now 12, she goes to her leash when she wants to go out. I let her out first thing when I get up and last thing before I go to bed. She hasn't messed in the house in 11 years. She is our best friend.

Good luck they are better friend than most people.

"I wish I could be the person that my dog thinks I am"
Crate training is wonderful if done correctly.

But leaving an animal in a crate for 8 hours at night and then 8 hours when you work (not saying anyone here is advocating that) is too much. No, they don't like to pee in their beds; but they need to go pee. It's not good for their kidneys to hold it in for long periods.

So train with a crate, absolutely. Just be reasonable about it. I don't go 8 hours w/out peeing, I know that much. I wouldn't try to make an animal last that long.
We have trained several. When they are young try crate training. When you are not there to take them out leave then in a wire kennel. They do not like to potty on their bed. Take then out as soon as you come home. Be consistent. Our dog is now 12, she goes to her leash when she wants to go out. I let her out first thing when I get up and last thing before I go to bed. She hasn't messed in the house in 11 years. She is our best friend.

Good luck they are better friend than most people.

"I wish I could be the person that my dog thinks I am"
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