Our new puppy

They gotta go somewhere... :lol: :razz: and they've already finished with the toilet paper.

What a perfect time for a puppy around Christmas. She's adorable. But Ariel? Well, if you must. ;)
Ariel, is what the breeder named her. We like it. It's a character from The Little Mermaid.

We got her Wednesday. She is 8 weeks but learning fast.

She plays fetch now, and I am working with her on sit, down, and come.

Playing fetch.

This is me in the ahem bathroom. She feel asleep.

Our pets show us how to live in the moment. If we but stop to recognize.

That's all we really have.
What a perfect time for a puppy around Christmas. She's adorable. But Ariel? Well, if you must. ;)

christmas is a terrorable time to bring in a puppy...too much activity....need to get them when the house is calmer..

you got lab...it will chew everything you own. ....it will be slow to housebreak....it will been stubborn and strong willed...but i swear just when you are ready to take it out and shoot it...she will turn into a good dog...loyal..protective...good with kids....
Aerial's camera jump. She is now 11 weeks old.


You have a great looking pup there.

I know you will have loads of fun with her. (Once that pesky housebreaking is successfull LOL)

Shouldn't take too long. Labs are pretty smart.

Best of luck with your new best friend.
o a photo of all the things she has chewed up....or a photo where we can tell the pup from the boot?

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