Our Next POTUS, HRC, just ripped Trump a new a-hole...

Based on the giant bags under Crooked Hillary's eyes and the massive wrinkles, and her angry, defensive tone, my guess is she did not sleep a wink last night after being schlonged by The Donald. There was probably a lot of yelling and screaming at here handlers and secret service, etc. :p

There were some real tough questions at the "press conference." :gay: Check out the medicine cabinet in the podium. :p

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....the size of Manhattan.

Fuck that was almost too brutal to watch. Almost.

Hillary needs to be doing more pressers where she just tears Trump down piece by piece. It's breathtaking to watch.

The upcoming debates are going to be fun to watch. Trump is so out of her league.

Hillary going to be wearing her ear-piece and getting coaching again?
I think as soon as the debate starts, Clinton should deliver her first bitch slap and ask Trump if he would like to examine her ears.

Based on the giant bags under Crooked Hillary's eyes and the massive wrinkles, and her angry, defensive tone, my guess is she did not sleep a wink last night after being schlonged by The Donald. There was probably a lot of yelling and screaming at here handlers and secret service, etc. :p

There were some real tough questions at the "press conference." :gay: Check out the medicine cabinet in the podium. :p

Yeah, she was snorting and injecting meds all during the press conference.

You fools are going to throw a fit when Trump rips into that lying corrupt wench during the debates, she's got more baggage than Chicago's O'hare on Christmas Eve. :laugh:

Yup. And its baggage that shows how stupid, careless and incompetent she is. She has given Trump loads of ammo and I'm sure he will have a blast expending said ammo. LOL

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