Our President Is Brave And Fearless, Like When He Once Jumped Out Of A Car And Stopped A Mugging

How metaphoric, eh?

Trump’s detractors call him “Cadet Bone Spurs” for his failure to serve in the Vietnam War though he was of age, and they have some facts on which to ground their epithet.

While 9 million Americans served in the military during the Vietnam War — 1.8 million were drafted — the future president was given five deferments from the draft: four related to his college studies and one for bone spurs in his heel, though the problem was not severe enough to prevent him from playing sports such as football, tennis and golf as a young man.

For years, Trump had explained his lack of service by the luck of a high lottery number.

The year of Trump’s graduation from the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School, 1968, was the bloodiest for American troops of the war: about 16,900 soldiers were killed that year. By the time the war ended in 1975, 58,000 Americans had died.

In contrast, special counsel Robert S. Mueller III, whose investigation into Russian interference Trump routinely maligns, chose to enlist in the Marine Corps and was deployed to Vietnam to lead a rifle platoon that year, earning two awards for valor and suffering a gunshot wound to his leg.

Decades later, Trump told radio host Howard Stern that avoiding sexually transmitted diseases was “my personal Vietnam.”

“I feel like a great and very brave soldier,” Trump said.


An eagle named Uncle Sam

In 2015, Trump was beat out by Angela Merkel for Time magazine’s Person of the Year. But as a runner-up (the magazine said he was third, behind Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi), he was still given a write-up and photo shoot for the magazine.

Time paired him with a 27-year-old bald eagle named Uncle Sam during the shoot, but the bird didn’t want to stay still, flapping its wing so hard it blew his hair as it sat on Trump’s gloved hand. And in the midst of a separate pose photographers arranged with Trump at his desk and the bird perched beside him, Uncle Sam lunged at Trump as he went to grab something near its feet.

Trump quickly shrank away from the bird, recoiling so far that he nearly fell out of the camera frame.

Wow!!! Mueller is almost as brave as John Kerry. Shot in the leg you say? Wow!!!

All of the time on an ODA I was never brave enough to get shot in the leg. What a man!!!
Our Glorious Leader, President Trump, said yesterday that if it was him he'd have rushed into the school building. This is a sign of bravery and heroism, a trait all Americans should have, not cowardice. Once before back in 1991, a mighty civilian Donald Trump left into action one night after seeing a man on the street getting mugged by a guy whacking him with a baseball bat. Our now fearless leader jumped out of his car and leapt to action confronting the mugger and forced him to retreat. It's these signs of heroism that makes Donald Trump to be an inspiration. Long live Donald Trump and God bless America!


Trump’s detractors call him “Cadet Bone Spurs” for his failure to serve in the Vietnam War though he was of age, and they have some facts on which to ground their epithet.

While 9 million Americans served in the military during the Vietnam War — 1.8 million were drafted — the future president was given five deferments from the draft: four related to his college studies and one for bone spurs in his heel, though the problem was not severe enough to prevent him from playing sports such as football, tennis and golf as a young man.

For years, Trump had explained his lack of service by the luck of a high lottery number.

The year of Trump’s graduation from the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School, 1968, was the bloodiest for American troops of the war: about 16,900 soldiers were killed that year. By the time the war ended in 1975, 58,000 Americans had died.

In contrast, special counsel Robert S. Mueller III, whose investigation into Russian interference Trump routinely maligns, chose to enlist in the Marine Corps and was deployed to Vietnam to lead a rifle platoon that year, earning two awards for valor and suffering a gunshot wound to his leg.

Decades later, Trump told radio host Howard Stern that avoiding sexually transmitted diseases was “my personal Vietnam.”

“I feel like a great and very brave soldier,” Trump said.


An eagle named Uncle Sam

In 2015, Trump was beat out by Angela Merkel for Time magazine’s Person of the Year. But as a runner-up (the magazine said he was third, behind Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi), he was still given a write-up and photo shoot for the magazine.

Time paired him with a 27-year-old bald eagle named Uncle Sam during the shoot, but the bird didn’t want to stay still, flapping its wing so hard it blew his hair as it sat on Trump’s gloved hand. And in the midst of a separate pose photographers arranged with Trump at his desk and the bird perched beside him, Uncle Sam lunged at Trump as he went to grab something near its feet.

Trump quickly shrank away from the bird, recoiling so far that he nearly fell out of the camera frame.

Wow!!! Mueller is almost as brave as John Kerry. Shot in the leg you say? Wow!!!

All of the time on an ODA I was never brave enough to get shot in the leg. What a man!!!

I'm quite certain..that you are correct..you were not brave enough. I bow to your inner knowledge of yourself.
Bravery has nothing to do with being wounded,or not. It's just a piece of info that draws the contrast..between the man who chose to place his country ahead of his personal safety..and the man who lied..and used his daddy's money and position--to escape serving his country.

Anyone who criticizes those who WERE brave enough to place their lives on the line--is contemptible.
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Trump’s detractors call him “Cadet Bone Spurs” for his failure to serve in the Vietnam War though he was of age, and they have some facts on which to ground their epithet.

While 9 million Americans served in the military during the Vietnam War — 1.8 million were drafted — the future president was given five deferments from the draft: four related to his college studies and one for bone spurs in his heel, though the problem was not severe enough to prevent him from playing sports such as football, tennis and golf as a young man.

For years, Trump had explained his lack of service by the luck of a high lottery number.

The year of Trump’s graduation from the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School, 1968, was the bloodiest for American troops of the war: about 16,900 soldiers were killed that year. By the time the war ended in 1975, 58,000 Americans had died.

In contrast, special counsel Robert S. Mueller III, whose investigation into Russian interference Trump routinely maligns, chose to enlist in the Marine Corps and was deployed to Vietnam to lead a rifle platoon that year, earning two awards for valor and suffering a gunshot wound to his leg.

Decades later, Trump told radio host Howard Stern that avoiding sexually transmitted diseases was “my personal Vietnam.”

“I feel like a great and very brave soldier,” Trump said.


An eagle named Uncle Sam

In 2015, Trump was beat out by Angela Merkel for Time magazine’s Person of the Year. But as a runner-up (the magazine said he was third, behind Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi), he was still given a write-up and photo shoot for the magazine.

Time paired him with a 27-year-old bald eagle named Uncle Sam during the shoot, but the bird didn’t want to stay still, flapping its wing so hard it blew his hair as it sat on Trump’s gloved hand. And in the midst of a separate pose photographers arranged with Trump at his desk and the bird perched beside him, Uncle Sam lunged at Trump as he went to grab something near its feet.

Trump quickly shrank away from the bird, recoiling so far that he nearly fell out of the camera frame.

Wow!!! Mueller is almost as brave as John Kerry. Shot in the leg you say? Wow!!!

All of the time on an ODA I was never brave enough to get shot in the leg. What a man!!!

I'm quite certain..that you are correct..you were not brave enough. I bow to your inner knowledge of yourself.
Bravery has nothing to do with being wounded,or not. It's just a piece of info that draws the contrast..between the man who chose to place his country ahead of his personal safety..and the man who lied..and used his daddy's money and position--to escape serving his country.

Anyone who criticizes those who WERE brave enough to place their lives on the line--is contemptible.

I don't criticize him for that.
I just know that not everyone who wore a uniform is brave or a warrior.
o what bullshit....his bone spurs would have kept him from running in and making the shooting great
BUT HE DID IT, Sorry about your disappointment. But that story is TRUE.
Nothing from James Rosen is ever true. There is no police record of the "mugging" for the camera by Tramp. This is just another "John Baron" publicity stunt.
So you can't prove it even happened or didn't happen so you choose not to believe.
Course Obama never showed us a body when he claimed he killed Bin Laden, but you chose to believe.

But Obama has a media that spent 8 years curled up at the foot of his bed willing to repeat every lie he uttered with a straight face.

Trump never had that......nor did he go around doing things for the benefit of the cameras before he became a politician.

Sometimes good people do great things and they don't show up in the press or result in the awarding of a medal or a Golden statuette.
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Our Glorious Leader, President Trump, said yesterday that if it was him he'd have rushed into the school building. This is a sign of bravery and heroism, a trait all Americans should have, not cowardice. Once before back in 1991, a mighty civilian Donald Trump left into action one night after seeing a man on the street getting mugged by a guy whacking him with a baseball bat. Our now fearless leader jumped out of his car and leapt to action confronting the mugger and forced him to retreat. It's these signs of heroism that makes Donald Trump to be an inspiration. Long live Donald Trump and God bless America!


So. You either think it isn't true in spite of the fact there were witnesses who said it happened?

Or you just can't get over your Trump Disorder Syndrome?
o what bullshit....his bone spurs would have kept him from running in and making the shooting great
Sorry, but having a prior medical condition has always been grounds for 4F classification. The military doesn't sign people up who they feel have to be treated for a ongoing condition. You can't enlist even if all you have a heart-murmur.
Being physically unable to enlist or earn a commission does not mean you're automatically a coward.

The vast majority of Leftists don't even bother to know what a bone spur is, what is does, or how they come about. They just whine about it because they can't do anything else.
Trump is a coward. Nobody — not even Trump — believes he’d have the balls to run into that building. He just loves to hear himself talk. And once again, he shows the law enforcement community just how much he respects them by insinuating that he’s braver than them. He’s trying to emulate his bff, Putin by talking tough. What’s next? Trump’s fat ass shirtless on a horse? (Poor horse)
Would President Trump to Run Towards a Shooting?

Is what the president said he would do and the media went nuts about it. But, if past performance counts, it appears he just might do exactly what he said he would do.

In 1991, according to The Daily Caller, he was with his then-wife Marla Maples on their way a Paula Abdul concert when they came upon the mugging.

Someone in the car looked over and said, ‘Gee look at that, it’s a mugging,'” Trump said to the Daily News. “I said to my driver to stop the car because it was brutal-looking.

He got out of the car and approached “a big guy with a big bat” who delivered five or six “good whacks” before Trump arrived, according to his 1991 recount.

The guy with the bat looked at me, and I said, ‘Look, you’ve gotta stop this. Put down the bat,'” he told the Daily News. “I guess he recognized me because he said, ‘Mr. Trump, I didn’t do anything wrong.’ I said, ‘How could you not do anything wrong when you’re whacking a guy with a bat?’ Then he ran away.”

He could've kept going. Someone with his status certainly didn't have to step, let alone get out and confront the guy.
Trump is a coward. Nobody — not even Trump — believes he’d have the balls to run into that building. He just loves to hear himself talk. And once again, he shows the law enforcement community just how much he respects them by insinuating that he’s braver than them. He’s trying to emulate his bff, Putin by talking tough. What’s next? Trump’s fat ass shirtless on a horse? (Poor horse)
So, you believe Trump would actually run in unarmed against a gunman? :lol:
Our Glorious Leader, President Trump, said yesterday that if it was him he'd have rushed into the school building. This is a sign of bravery and heroism, a trait all Americans should have, not cowardice. Once before back in 1991, a mighty civilian Donald Trump left into action one night after seeing a man on the street getting mugged by a guy whacking him with a baseball bat. Our now fearless leader jumped out of his car and leapt to action confronting the mugger and forced him to retreat. It's these signs of heroism that makes Donald Trump to be an inspiration. Long live Donald Trump and God bless America!


Why does the picture of Trump show him to be simulating he's jerking off?
Best part of this story?

It happened in 1991. Trump was on a date with Marla Maples. Trump was still married to Ivana.

So the only thing that article shows is that Trump was cheating on his wife.


Good catch.

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