Our President is tweeting about Obama's H1N1 Swine Flu disaster!

So let me get this straight

Trump is claiming it is the PRESIDENT who is responsible for what happens during an epidemic.
Petulantly blaming Obama for a poor Ebola response in no way excuses Trump's failures with respect to the c-virus.

Did Obama Declare Swine Flu an Emergency Only After 'Millions' Were Infected?

What failures? Did you want him to quarantine the nation after China announced (a month late it seems), well actually DIDN'T announce, that came from a now deceased hero doctor, that there was a serious virus going around?

If he quarantined everyone and companies well belly up, the nation went under Martial Law, would you applaud his efforts?

These things aren't always easy to deal with, he's made some bold decisions and is confronting it, with once again, little support from MSM.

Canada did NOTHING. To this day, still nothing, except give a 2 week extension for March Break for schools. We were caught so flat footed that only now are some in government considering some planning and decision making. This goes for local, provincial and the Feds.

Worse, again, nobody raises the genesis of this virus...

Trump has been trying to downplay the Coronavirus for weeks. He’s taking actions now that could have been done months ago which would have made us far better prepared to test, treat and isolate cases.

We are playing catch-up and all Trump is doing is whining about how he’s being portrayed in the media.

This is going exactly like we said it would during the campaign in 2016.
Who would have thought that downplaying a virus to prevent panic would be a bad thing.
How's that working out?

All the idiot Moon Bats that voted for that asshole dumbshit Negro Obama should be ashamed of themselves and they owe America an apology for electing that disaster. That disaster that screwed up everything and grossly mismanaged the H1N1 problem. He was too busy figuring out the college basketball payoff brackets to worry about public health.

Of course all of those turds are now afflicted with TDS so you will never get anything coherent out of them.
All the idiot Moon Bats that voted for that asshole dumbshit Negro Obama should be ashamed of themselves and they owe America an apology for electing that disaster. That disaster that screwed up everything and grossly mismanaged the H1N1 problem. He was too busy figuring out the college basketball payoff brackets to worry about public health.

Of course all of those turds are now afflicted with TDS so you will never get anything coherent out of them.

You poor thing, Obama still haunts your head and you still can't collect rent.
Can you imagine how fucked up this Pandemic would be if the idiot Democrats were running the White House? LOL!

First of all the economy would be in be in piss poor condition so we wouldn't be in a good position to fight it.

Second of all there would millions of Blacks and Brown Illegals flooding into this country bringing diseases with them and burdening down our healthcare system.

Third of all instead of the stock market would be declining from a much lower starting level. Instead of declining at Trump's 30K it would have start declining at maybe a 15K.

Forth of all the asshole Democrats never would have closed the flights from China and other Asian countries because they wouldn't want to be accused of racim or whatever. Just think of the greater number of infected people we would have. Probably millions more.

Fifth the filthy ass Democrats would be using this crisis as an excuse to raid the treasury for their welfare queens. Just look at that asshole Pelosi getting an abortion funding bill in Trump's emergency bill as an example of the shit we would be getting from turd Democrats.

If Crooked Hillary was President (god forbid) she would be using the crisis as a way to shake down corporations and foreign countries to shovel money into her foundation money laundering scam, just like she did as Secretary of State.

Thank god Trump is President. He is doing a great job. Democrats would have fucked everything up, just like they always do.
more truth bombs, thank you Mr President for working to make us safe!

Donald J. Trump

For decades the @CDCgov
looked at, and studied, its testing system, but did nothing about it. It would always be inadequate and slow for a large scale pandemic, but a pandemic would never happen, they hoped. President Obama made changes that only complicated things further.....

Donald J. Trump

.... Their response to H1N1 Swine Flu was a full scale disaster, with thousands dying, and nothing meaningful done to fix the testing problem, until now. The changes have been made and testing will soon happen on a very large scale basis. All Red Tape has been cut, ready to go!

What a sad and pathetic human being our president is.

He is truly obsessed with Obama, all he cares about is being better than Obama. The problem with that is, being better than Obama is a very low bar. It is like a QB that gets drafted and stands on the podium and says "My goal is to be better than Ryan Leaf".

He just gave the democrats a reminder of what their guy did in a similar situation.

Of course, Gator expects the president to behave more like the average whimpering Gamma, take it in the ass and never strike back. Just let others run the show while making snarky remarks. Thankfully we have a true alpha leader.
I agree with gator on this one. I too am tired of the constant self promoting that comes from our president. I prefer he just let his actions speak for him.

He is a bit narcissistic though, so he feels he has to prove himself. I do not like that trait about him. However, the left does tend to bring it out of him, I mean, they have been attacking him, and comparing him to obama since day one, so, yeah, I see why he does it. I just wish he wouldnt.

So back to being pussy and letting people over-run you and your country?

That does not sound like a man is speaking...
No....actually, him constantly having to boast about himself actually sounds like he has insecurity issues. A confident man doesnt need to keep telling everyone how great he is.

I'm not saying he needs to back down from anyone. I'm saying he needs to stop this constant "look at me, look what I did" persona....its not a good look for a president.
Donald J. Trump

.... Their response to H1N1 Swine Flu was a full scale disaster, with thousands dying, and nothing meaningful done to fix the testing problem, until now. The changes have been made and testing will soon happen on a very large scale basis. All Red Tape has been cut, ready to go!

Funny how Trump should tweet about 12,000 to 13,000 Americans dying from h1n1 under Obama.

What's Trumps pandemic body count?
Donald J. Trump

.... Their response to H1N1 Swine Flu was a full scale disaster, with thousands dying, and nothing meaningful done to fix the testing problem, until now. The changes have been made and testing will soon happen on a very large scale basis. All Red Tape has been cut, ready to go!

Funny how Trump should tweet about 12,000 to 13,000 Americans dying from h1n1 under Obama.

What's Trumps pandemic body count?
I thin
k it is:
Donald J. Trump

.... Their response to H1N1 Swine Flu was a full scale disaster, with thousands dying, and nothing meaningful done to fix the testing problem, until now. The changes have been made and testing will soon happen on a very large scale basis. All Red Tape has been cut, ready to go!

Funny how Trump should tweet about 12,000 to 13,000 Americans dying from h1n1 under Obama.

What's Trumps pandemic body count?
Joe Biden said it's 120 million.
Funny how Trump should tweet about 12,000 to 13,000 Americans dying from h1n1 under Obama.

What's Trumps pandemic body count?

Yet back in March they said that 13,000 deaths in America represented a complete failure by the president.

How times have changed.

Today they say success is keeping American deaths under 6 figures.
I remember when we were going to keep it under a 100,000 and that would be a success also. I hate it that some people are being inconvenienced to death by it, as we keep moving the goal posts.
All the idiot Moon Bats that voted for that asshole dumbshit Negro Obama should be ashamed of themselves and they owe America an apology for electing that disaster. That disaster that screwed up everything and grossly mismanaged the H1N1 problem. He was too busy figuring out the college basketball payoff brackets to worry about public health.

Of course all of those turds are now afflicted with TDS so you will never get anything coherent out of them.

How many died of h1n1 compared to the coronavirus?

Obama's death toll worldwide (and he isn't in charge of the world) will end up being far less than Trumps death toll in the US alone.
I remember when we were going to keep it under a 100,000 and that would be a success also. I hate it that some people are being inconvenienced to death by it, as we keep moving the goal posts.
I remember when Trump said there were 15 cases, soon to go down to almost zero, and it would disappear by itself in April when the weather got warmer.

The goalposts certainly have moved. They complained about 13,000 deaths under Obama, and today you could call those the good old days.
more truth bombs, thank you Mr President for working to make us safe!

Donald J. Trump

For decades the @CDCgov
looked at, and studied, its testing system, but did nothing about it. It would always be inadequate and slow for a large scale pandemic, but a pandemic would never happen, they hoped. President Obama made changes that only complicated things further.....

Donald J. Trump

.... Their response to H1N1 Swine Flu was a full scale disaster, with thousands dying, and nothing meaningful done to fix the testing problem, until now. The changes have been made and testing will soon happen on a very large scale basis. All Red Tape has been cut, ready to go!

What a sad and pathetic human being our president is.

He is truly obsessed with Obama, all he cares about is being better than Obama. The problem with that is, being better than Obama is a very low bar. It is like a QB that gets drafted and stands on the podium and says "My goal is to be better than Ryan Leaf".

He just gave the democrats a reminder of what their guy did in a similar situation.

Of course, Gator expects the president to behave more like the average whimpering Gamma, take it in the ass and never strike back. Just let others run the show while making snarky remarks. Thankfully we have a true alpha leader.
I agree with gator on this one. I too am tired of the constant self promoting that comes from our president. I prefer he just let his actions speak for him.

He is a bit narcissistic though, so he feels he has to prove himself. I do not like that trait about him. However, the left does tend to bring it out of him, I mean, they have been attacking him, and comparing him to obama since day one, so, yeah, I see why he does it. I just wish he wouldnt.

So back to being pussy and letting people over-run you and your country?

That does not sound like a man is speaking...
No....actually, him constantly having to boast about himself actually sounds like he has insecurity issues. A confident man doesnt need to keep telling everyone how great he is.

I'm not saying he needs to back down from anyone. I'm saying he needs to stop this constant "look at me, look what I did" persona....its not a good look for a president.
When the MSM (MSNBC, CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, et.al) deliberately ignore our president's accomplishments it becomes necessary for him to remind us himself of them.

Also: Why didn't President Obama replenish the PPE he used during H1N1?
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I remember when we were going to keep it under a 100,000 and that would be a success also. I hate it that some people are being inconvenienced to death by it, as we keep moving the goal posts.
I remember when Trump said there were 15 cases, soon to go down to almost zero, and it was disappear by itself in April when the weather got warmer.

The goalposts certainly have moved. They complained about 13,000 deaths under Obama, and today you could call those the good old days.
Well, you should vote for Joe Biden then.
Donald J. Trump

.... Their response to H1N1 Swine Flu was a full scale disaster, with thousands dying, and nothing meaningful done to fix the testing problem, until now. The changes have been made and testing will soon happen on a very large scale basis. All Red Tape has been cut, ready to go!

Funny how Trump should tweet about 12,000 to 13,000 Americans dying from h1n1 under Obama.

What's Trumps pandemic body count?
The tRump virus has claimed 187,000 so far.
I remember when we were going to keep it under a 100,000 and that would be a success also. I hate it that some people are being inconvenienced to death by it, as we keep moving the goal posts.
I remember when Trump said there were 15 cases, soon to go down to almost zero, and it was disappear by itself in April when the weather got warmer.

The goalposts certainly have moved. They complained about 13,000 deaths under Obama, and today you could call those the good old days.
Well, you should vote for Joe Biden then.
If COVID-19 had struck when H1N1 did, we really would have been a pickle!
When the MSM (MSNBC, CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, et.al) deliberately ignore our president's accomplishments it becomes necessary for him to remind us himself of them.
What's Trumps latest accomplishment? Cutting down the number of coronavirus tests, because the more you test, the more cases you find?
Yes! More asymptomatic cases are found with increased testing.

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