Our President Says Stupid Stuff Some More

I suggest you turn off the news....but I think at this point you're like a rubberneck looking at a car accident.
That's the stupidest suggestion I've ever gotten here. Stop being informed? Is that what Trump will suggest next?
Nope. Stop listening to the fake news coming from the Democrats propagandists. Shut off NBC, CNN and the like. Instead, get your information at alternative sources. If you took the time to go back a few years you'd discover that much of what Democrats are saying right now is total BS. On just about every issue looking at stories from the past, even from their own propaganda sources, it shows their hypocrisy. If you'd just learn to question what they're saying today it would open your eyes.
I appreciate your trying to help, but I did not listen to a propaganda outlet to get a chill down my spine this a.m. when I saw the clip from Spicer's briefing yesterday. A ban is a ban, Mudwhistle. If others are bitching about it, that's a good thing, I guess, but this is just my reaction to what I see as a growing pattern of Orwellian antics by our administration, and I don't like it.
Just some friendly advice. I hate your party and all you stand for, you are enemies of God, but for everyone's sake, please CALM THE FUCK DOWN.

I would love to calm down. I would love a nice, quiet week where all I need to focus on is policy, not Orwellian Newspeak. Spicer struck again yesterday with absolutely frightening bullshit, telling the American public that the refugee ban is NOT a ban. He said that's the media's term, even though he and Trump have been referring to it, properly, as a ban since it took effect.

The Trump administration realized the ban was not popular with a large number of citizens and Western countries. He could have held a briefing where he explained exactly what the administration is doing to investigate and improve the vetting, how it is enhancing our safety, how he is working with Saudi Arabia to establish Safe Zones where refugees can wait out the war. This might have helped.

Instead, the administration said, well if they don't like a ban, let's tell them it's NOT a ban. We'll call it "extreme vetting." That may fly on Breitbart, my President, but it ain't gonna fool the majority of the people on the planet. We have dictionaries.

A Thing is a Thing whether the President calls it a Thing or not. The people are not so stupid, yet, that calling a ban something else is going to work. It just scares the shit out of me that this is how the current administration chooses to roll.

Another butthurt Leftard thread
But the Orange shit gibbon does love the uneducated
A ban can be permanent such as the ban of smoking in some areas, or such as prohibition for a matter of years.

  1. 1.
    temporarily prevent from continuing or being in force or effect.

    You know that by the press/left using the word ban, rather than suspension when voicing their displeasure it was done to cause others to think it was such as the examples I gave, rather than being seen as a temporary, short measure. Nor did they raise one stink when Obama did the same for Iraq, but at double the time (6 months) that Trump did.

    It has been political theater from the time of his being elected to try to illegitimize his presidency. And the left will probably pay the price again when the next elections come around, if they keep it up. You might want to start a thread telling the left to stop or the consequences might be plenty when it really counts.

"Pres. Obama never authorized a 90 ban."

No it was a SIX MONTH ban instead.

FLASHBACK: Obama Suspended Iraq Refugee Program for Six Months Over Terrorism Fears in 2011 - Breitbart

President Trump is using the same law that Barack Obama used six times to bar people from certain nations and all six nations that Obama barred people from were Muslim nations, yet there was no Leftist Maniac Bedwetting about that of course.

Obama mocks Trump, but has barred immigrants, many Muslim, 6 times

Also where was the Leftist Maniac Bedwetting when Barack Obama in the last days of his Administration banned Cuban immigrants by ending the Wet Foot, Dry Foot Policy?

Obama announces end to 'wet foot, dry foot' policy for Cuban refugees

Cubans are now looking to President Trump to reverse that vindictive Obama action, Cubans who want to still escape the Communist Dictatorship craphole that's Cuba.

Let's not turn the thread, Lucy. This is a discussion of propaganda. It's about a Ban is a Ban. That's all I'm up to this a.m.

I was responding to reconmark's comment post # 43, learn to read and follow a thread.

I am not turning the thread, but you are, go away.

This is Zone 3 and my post # 44 is On Topic.
It's my fucking thread, and I don't intend on leaving it. Read the OP if you are having difficulty deducing the topic.

Read the rules we are in Zone 3 Current Events, we are not in a Zone 2 section of the forum.

Also this is how it went, reconmark post # 43

"Pres. Obama never authorized a 90 ban."

To which I responded with my post # 44.

Our President Says Stupid Stuff Some More

Now stop being such a stick up the buttocks passive-aggressive so and so.
There are plenty of threads discussing the ban itself and who else has had bans. My beef is with Spicer, Trump's mouthpiece, saying it is not a ban. A ban is a ban, regardless of who did it or when, and it deserves to be called as such.
A ban can be permanent such as the ban of smoking in some areas, or such as prohibition for a matter of years.

  1. 1.
    temporarily prevent from continuing or being in force or effect.

    You know that by the press/left using the word ban, rather than suspension when voicing their displeasure it was done to cause others to think it was such as the examples I gave, rather than being seen as a temporary, short measure. Nor did they raise one stink when Obama did the same for Iraq, but at double the time (6 months) that Trump did.

    It has been political theater from the time of his being elected to try to illegitimize his presidency. And the left will probably pay the price again when the next elections come around, if they keep it up. You might want to start a thread telling the left to stop or the consequences might be plenty when it really counts.
The press didn't start the "Ban" language. Trump and Spicer did.

Donald J. Trump


If the ban were announced with a one week notice, the "bad" would rush into our country during that week. A lot of bad "dudes" out there!

8:31 AM - 30 Jan 2017
You're drinking the koolaid.
You are obviously listening only to the left when you make such remarks.
The order is not at all as you have heard. Read it for yourself, then you will see you are being fed to the wolves, yourself.

From the order-
...Presidential proclamation that would prohibit the entry of foreign nationals (excluding those foreign nationals traveling on diplomatic visas, North Atlantic Treaty Organization visas, C-2 visas for travel to the United Nations, and G-1, G-2, G-3, and G-4 visas) from countries that do not provide the information requested pursuant to subsection (d) of this section until compliance occurs...

... (g) Notwithstanding a suspension pursuant to subsection (c) of this section or pursuant to a Presidential proclamation described in subsection (e) of this section, the Secretaries of State and Homeland Security may, on a case-by-case basis, and when in the national interest, issue visas or other immigration benefits to nationals of countries for which visas and benefits are otherwise blocked.

Did they call Obama's 6 month suspension a ban and have fits over it? if not then the left is stirring the waters any way they can for Trumps 3 month suspension, just as they have anything he is doing. Crying wolf incessantly as the little boy that cried wolf did, well, we all know how that story ended.

I'm not crying Wolf. I'm crying Foul. Maybe Trump should have called it a "suspension" from the start if that word causes less ripples. That would be accurate, at least. What Sean Spicer said, though, is that It is not a ban. It is extreme vetting. That is not what it is. Extreme vetting will be applied to those refugees' applications at some point, once they figure out how they plan to do that, but that is not the word for stopping refugees and visa holders from entering the United States. That is a ban.
I will say I wish he would use his twitter more carefully and he can be his own worst enemy at times. But, please note the date of that tweet, 3 days after he issued the order. The press started with the word ban.
Here is his Facebook statement on it from the 29th-
Statement Regarding Recent Executive Order Concerning Extreme Vetting

“America is a proud nation of immigrants and we will continue to show compassion to those fleeing oppression, but we will do so while protecting our own citizens and border. America has always been the land of the free and home of the brave.

We will keep it free and keep it safe, as the media knows, but refuses to say. My policy is similar to what President Obama did in 2011 when he banned visas for refugees from Iraq for six months. The seven countries named in the Executive Order are the same countries previously identified by the Obama administration as sources of terror. To be clear, this is not a Muslim ban, as the media is falsely reporting.

This is not about religion - this is about terror and keeping our country safe. There are over 40 different countries worldwide that are majority Muslim that are not affected by this order. We will again be issuing visas to all countries once we are sure we have reviewed and implemented the most secure policies over the next 90 days.

I have tremendous feeling for the people involved in this horrific humanitarian crisis in Syria. My first priority will always be to protect and serve our country, but as President I will find ways to help all those who are suffering.”
Donald J. Trump | Facebook

A ban can be permanent such as the ban of smoking in some areas, or such as prohibition for a matter of years.

  1. 1.
    temporarily prevent from continuing or being in force or effect.

    You know that by the press/left using the word ban, rather than suspension when voicing their displeasure it was done to cause others to think it was such as the examples I gave, rather than being seen as a temporary, short measure. Nor did they raise one stink when Obama did the same for Iraq, but at double the time (6 months) that Trump did.

    It has been political theater from the time of his being elected to try to illegitimize his presidency. And the left will probably pay the price again when the next elections come around, if they keep it up. You might want to start a thread telling the left to stop or the consequences might be plenty when it really counts.
The press didn't start the "Ban" language. Trump and Spicer did.

Donald J. Trump


If the ban were announced with a one week notice, the "bad" would rush into our country during that week. A lot of bad "dudes" out there!

8:31 AM - 30 Jan 2017
You're drinking the koolaid.
I understand WHY Trump instituted this temporary suspension of refugees and visa holders from certain countries. (Do you like that better?) It still boils down to a ban, and is a hell of a lot quicker to say than the above if you are referring to it. It is not, however, extreme vetting, and Sean Spicer had no business saying it was not a ban. That's all I'm bitching about, not the reasoning for the ban or the implementation of the ban. I get it.
Actually if you read the rest of the order you will see that is their intention, to develop better ways of vetting.
I understand WHY Trump instituted this temporary suspension of refugees and visa holders from certain countries. (Do you like that better?) It still boils down to a ban, and is a hell of a lot quicker to say than the above if you are referring to it. It is not, however, extreme vetting, and Sean Spicer had no business saying it was not a ban. That's all I'm bitching about, not the reasoning for the ban or the implementation of the ban. I get it.
Actually if you read the rest of the order you will see that is their intention, to develop better ways of vetting.
I understand that. I hope they are able to develop constructive procedures that make our vetting process even better. You're really stretching things, though, to try making "extreme vetting" refer to the ban itself. Two completely different verbs. IMO, Spicer messed up. Again.
Just some friendly advice. I hate your party and all you stand for, you are enemies of God, but for everyone's sake, please CALM THE FUCK DOWN.

I would love to calm down. I would love a nice, quiet week where all I need to focus on is policy, not Orwellian Newspeak. Spicer struck again yesterday with absolutely frightening bullshit, telling the American public that the refugee ban is NOT a ban. He said that's the media's term, even though he and Trump have been referring to it, properly, as a ban since it took effect.
And you are a typical liberal. Uninformed, full of emotion and highly opinionated. Trump ran on this policy, it came as no surprise to anyone that doesn't get their news through leftist media outlets. It's a 90 day halt on immigration from those trouble regions, as outlined by Obama as well, until a better vetting process is in place.

I don't care what word they use to describe it, although the word ban has permanent connotations. The word freeze would be better imo because it has a temporary assumption.

It's just like a lib to get their bowels in an uproar over the words and not give a shit about the harm that could come to us. As proven in Europe. I don't hate liberalism, I despise it for the brainwashing propagandizing corrupt institution that it is.
Too bad you called another poster "uninformed" while making an utter dumbass of yourself...
Case in point:
It's a 90 day halt on immigration from those trouble regions, as outlined by Obama as well
Hey stupid ass Conservative, reading is fundamental, apparently in your case comprehension is not.
Pres. Obama NEVER placed or advocated for a total ban of all Muslims anywhere in the world...stop pulling fox news out your ass...

In December 2015, President Obama signed into law a measure placing limited restrictions on certain travelers who had visited Iran, Iraq, Sudan, or Syria on or after March 1, 2011Under the law, dual citizens of visa-waiver countries and Iran, Iraq, Sudan, or Syria could no longer travel to the U.S. without a visa. Dual citizens of Libya, Somalia, and Yemen could, however, still use the visa-waiver program if they hadn't traveled to any of the seven countries after March 2011.
I said troubled regions as outlined by obama. Pop your head out of your ass, clean the shit out of your eyes and try reading again.
Maybe the hair from trump's ball are blinding you, get up off your knees for a minute and observe your own quote without your usual failed attempts at parsing it after you've been made the fool...

It's a 90 day halt on immigration from those trouble regions, as outlined by Obama as well

Pres. Obama never authorized a 90 ban.

"Pres. Obama never authorized a 90 ban."

No it was a SIX MONTH ban instead.

FLASHBACK: Obama Suspended Iraq Refugee Program for Six Months Over Terrorism Fears in 2011 - Breitbart

President Trump is using the same law that Barack Obama used six times to bar people from certain nations and all six nations that Obama barred people from were Muslim nations, yet there was no Leftist Maniac Bedwetting about that of course.

Obama mocks Trump, but has barred immigrants, many Muslim, 6 times

Also where was the Leftist Maniac Bedwetting when Barack Obama in the last days of his Administration banned Cuban immigrants by ending the Wet Foot, Dry Foot Policy?

Obama announces end to 'wet foot, dry foot' policy for Cuban refugees

Cubans are now looking to President Trump to reverse that vindictive Obama action, Cubans who want to still escape the Communist Dictatorship craphole that's Cuba.

Understood that you want to move the goalposts because this 90 day ban from trump was ill thought, ill conceived, ill executed and unconstitutional, but you should have used some of your limited brain cells before trying to compare two totally different scenarios...guess all you people are really stupid..

The halt was the result of the discovery of two al-Qaida members admitted as refugees from Iraq who were living in Bowling Green, Kentucky and who had admitted to targeting U.S. troops in Iraq.

The network also cited FBI agents conceding that “several dozen suspected terrorist bombmakers, including some believed to have targeted American troops, may have mistakenly been allowed to move to the United States as war refugees.”

So now pray tell, where are the admitted terrorist in the United States that have admitted to being terrorist and are from those countries on trump's ban...
Never mind, they're aren't any....
I'm not sure how serious I should take a thread entitled "Our President Says Stupid Stuff Some More". LOL
I haven't. They aren't related.
Actually if you read the rest of the order you will see that is their intention, to develop better ways of vetting.
I understand that. I hope they are able to develop constructive procedures that make our vetting process even better. You're really stretching things, though, to try making "extreme vetting" refer to the ban itself. Two completely different verbs. IMO, Spicer messed up. Again.
Tilly, don't be a lazy skunk. You've given me five "funnies" in this thread but have yet to tell me what is so wrong that you need to mock it. As my grandmother always said, Don't find fault if you can't do better.
Tilly, don't be a lazy skunk. You've given me five "funnies" in this thread but have yet to tell me what is so wrong that you need to mock it. As my grandmother always said, Don't find fault if you can't do better.
If you need to be told what's wrong with your title, you're more stupid than I thought. You've been going overboard with your stupid posts and your meltdowns this week. It's been such fun, keep it up :beer:
Tilly, don't be a lazy skunk. You've given me five "funnies" in this thread but have yet to tell me what is so wrong that you need to mock it. As my grandmother always said, Don't find fault if you can't do better.
selective outrage is always humorous
Tilly, don't be a lazy skunk. You've given me five "funnies" in this thread but have yet to tell me what is so wrong that you need to mock it. As my grandmother always said, Don't find fault if you can't do better.
If you need to be told what's wrong with your title, you're more stupid than I thought. You've been going overboard with your stupid posts and your meltdowns this week. It's been such fun, keep it up :beer:
Stupid posts? How so? You haven't told me anything, yet.

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