Our teachers need a serious beat down.

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You guys really do need to look into trumps statement of "Buying Greenland."
Then is plenty of land, and you wackos could all live on an Island and leave the rest of the sane people to themselves.

Please move your movement to Greenland.
Make America Great Again.
Our children are not your personal social petri dish
You guys really do need to look into trumps statement of "Buying Greenland."
Then is plenty of land, and you wackos could all live on an Island and leave the rest of the sane people to themselves.

Please move your movement to Greenland.
Make America Great Again.
I think the day may come when your commitment may come into question when you are looking down the business end of a rifle.

Tell my child to lie to me?

Not only do politicians need a battery of tests to prove their worth to run, school administrators and teachers need to be better screened and tested before hired. Seriously...who does this stuff and thinks it's no big deal to tell 9 and 10 year old kids to not tell their parents? That phrase should never even register in a teacher's mind. I'd like to know the principal's involvement of this 3rd party survey company having permission to conduct their survey. I'm assuming since it is a public school system, that permission not only from parents had to be given prior to the day of the survey, but didn't the teacher have to run it by the principal? Asking kids to answer questions that they might not fully understand, but to go ahead and answer any way? What? So, if a kid thinks z means z while it really means x and answers z, how "valid" are these results? So, where do these spruced up results go then? Yeah, the agenda is off with that company when accurate results don't matter. Is this 3rd party "equity survey" company doing this to make more kids "come out" or be given the notion that gender identify is a choice one weighs, like it's a toss up going 50% one way and 50% option to choose another. I have no problem with an adult changing genders. That's their choice, not mine. Fourth graders and gender surveys where the results don't really matter if they're accurate? Huh? Uh, no.
Honestly, after this last year of utter failure, every single person in the education system needs to be fired and the system rebuilt. Essentially, my kids have received zero education from their school for an entire year. I have never been so dissatisfied with the public school system.

The utter failure over the last year has chased a lot of parents out of public education entirely though. Unfortunately I do not think that is going to wake them up to the mistakes they have made and it certainly will not effect their funding. It is clear that the schools do not actually value education and that is insane for a system supposedly aimed at that goal.

Tell my child to lie to me?

Nope. There is no way I would EVER give my students a survey, quiz, anything in which I was instructed to tell them "don't tell your parents". No way.
Essentially, my kids have received zero education from their school for an entire year.
Describe what happened, on a daily basis.
Tell us what happened, or in your apparent case, what didn't happen.

I know the kids at my school certainly got educated.
That's what child molesters do. They don't want the child's parents to know about their nefarious behavior.

Still got a thing about communists running the schools? Take you kids out and stop bludging on the taxpayer.
Grampa Murked U
Many schools are just leftist indoctrination centers
What is most scary if that these little kids will grow up to be real Eichmanns and Pol Pots

That's a compete lie and you know it. You perceive all teachers to be communist and the curriculum designed
to turn them against their own country.
You are a raving lunatic. You know nothing but hate. In fact, a blight on the country and human life.

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