Our two Americas, in 1 map

Wish those red states had more population than they do.

Our two Americas, in 1 map
Who the hell wants to live in the fucking flyover? Oh right, right-wing American Taliban assholes.





I'll go with A.

I had enough of B.
Go for it. We'll wave as we fly over on our way to do something that matters besides playing checkers on the pickle barrel.

Hmm....you haven't been to the South lately have you?? Texas. Florida. Atlanta. Charlotte. Charleston. Nashville. Raleigh. The states and cities down here are booming. We are taking huge numbers of jobs away from blue states. The future is down here.
Shitty jobs for shitty people. You are welcome to them.

Shitty jobs....like Boeing, BMW, Volvo engineering jobs? SC stole those from you liberal twats.

I guess we can't all be graphic cartoon analysts for 420 magazine or "Diversity Consultants" like all libs dream to be.
Wish those red states had more population than they do.

Want to understand the bifurcated nature of our politics? Try this map, released Tuesday by the Federal Election Commission, that documents which party controls a majority of seats in each state's congressional delegation.

The Fix

Our two Americas, in 1 map

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Comments 24

"" style="box-sizing: border-box; border: 0px; vertical-align: bottom;">

By Chris Cillizza November 18 at 9:00 AM

Want to understand the bifurcated nature of our politics? Try this map, released Tuesday by the Federal Election Commission, that documents which party controls a majority of seats in each state's congressional delegation.

Pretty remarkable no? The cliche about Democrats being the coastal party and Republicans being the party of the interior of the country is born out by this map. Outside of a pocket of liberalism in Minnesota (a long time progressive stronghold) and Illinois (a rare state where labor remains tremendously powerful), the middle of the country is entirely dominated by Republicans. The South is now solidly Republican, a transformation that began in the 1994 election. And the mountain west, where Democrats insisted they were growing in the mid-2000s, now largely looks like a lost cause with the exception of New Mexico, a state whose politics are heavily influenced by its large Latino population.

The map also reinforces a point I have made in this space plenty of late: Outside of the presidency, the Republican Party is far healthier than the Democratic Party. Senate control. The largest House majority since World War II. Thirty-two governorships (if they hold Louisiana on Saturday). Total control of 30 of the country's 50 state legislatures.

Our two Americas, in 1 map
Who the hell wants to live in the fucking flyover? Oh right, right-wing American Taliban assholes.





I'll go with A.

I had enough of B.

You use to live on a super highway? What, in a cardboard box?
American Liberals defend against foreign aggression.
Conservatives in America make war on Americans.

Yeah, right which is why only 10% of service members say they will even consider voting for Hitlary.

You defend your Mom's basement to protect your jar of vaseline,and that is about all.
Who the hell wants to live in the fucking flyover? Oh right, right-wing American Taliban assholes.





I'll go with A.

I had enough of B.
Go for it. We'll wave as we fly over on our way to do something that matters besides playing checkers on the pickle barrel.

Hmm....you haven't been to the South lately have you?? Texas. Florida. Atlanta. Charlotte. Charleston. Nashville. Raleigh. The states and cities down here are booming. We are taking huge numbers of jobs away from blue states. The future is down here.
Shitty jobs for shitty people. You are welcome to them.

Shitty jobs....like Boeing, BMW, Volvo engineering jobs? SC stole those from you liberal twats.

I guess we can't all be graphic cartoon analysts for 420 magazine or "Diversity Consultants" like all libs dream to be.
Libs dream about not having to open their metal lunchboxes for the security guard as they leave the plant...
Wish those red states had more population than they do.

Want to understand the bifurcated nature of our politics? Try this map, released Tuesday by the Federal Election Commission, that documents which party controls a majority of seats in each state's congressional delegation.

The Fix

Our two Americas, in 1 map

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Comments 24

"" style="box-sizing: border-box; border: 0px; vertical-align: bottom;">

By Chris Cillizza November 18 at 9:00 AM

Want to understand the bifurcated nature of our politics? Try this map, released Tuesday by the Federal Election Commission, that documents which party controls a majority of seats in each state's congressional delegation.

Pretty remarkable no? The cliche about Democrats being the coastal party and Republicans being the party of the interior of the country is born out by this map. Outside of a pocket of liberalism in Minnesota (a long time progressive stronghold) and Illinois (a rare state where labor remains tremendously powerful), the middle of the country is entirely dominated by Republicans. The South is now solidly Republican, a transformation that began in the 1994 election. And the mountain west, where Democrats insisted they were growing in the mid-2000s, now largely looks like a lost cause with the exception of New Mexico, a state whose politics are heavily influenced by its large Latino population.

The map also reinforces a point I have made in this space plenty of late: Outside of the presidency, the Republican Party is far healthier than the Democratic Party. Senate control. The largest House majority since World War II. Thirty-two governorships (if they hold Louisiana on Saturday). Total control of 30 of the country's 50 state legislatures.

Our two Americas, in 1 map
Who the hell wants to live in the fucking flyover? Oh right, right-wing American Taliban assholes.





I'll go with A.

I had enough of B.

You use to live on a super highway? What, in a cardboard box?

a suburb, with an entrance ramp 2 blocks from the house.

It was NEVER quiet.


I can hear the frogs in the pond next door of an evening, watch the ducks, and see an occasional bear as it wanders down the side of the mountain.

and I live 2 blocks from main street.

They dont' build towns very big in Northern NH.

Noisiest thing in my neighborhood are the kids leaving school.




I'll go with A.

I had enough of B.
Go for it. We'll wave as we fly over on our way to do something that matters besides playing checkers on the pickle barrel.

Hmm....you haven't been to the South lately have you?? Texas. Florida. Atlanta. Charlotte. Charleston. Nashville. Raleigh. The states and cities down here are booming. We are taking huge numbers of jobs away from blue states. The future is down here.
Shitty jobs for shitty people. You are welcome to them.

Shitty jobs....like Boeing, BMW, Volvo engineering jobs? SC stole those from you liberal twats.

I guess we can't all be graphic cartoon analysts for 420 magazine or "Diversity Consultants" like all libs dream to be.
Libs dream about not having to open their metal lunchboxes for the security guard as they leave the plant...

In other words....libs refuse to work real jobs. You morons think immediately upon graduation you deserve a job paying 100k as a "Social Awareness Specialist" for Apple. Flexible hours basically...work when you want to. Dress code shorts and tank top. Is that about right?

Maybe THIS is why millions of you liberal turds are in Occupy movements. You refuse to work real jobs. And THIS IS also why corporate America is looking to move South to boom towns where people are willing to work.




I'll go with A.

I had enough of B.
Go for it. We'll wave as we fly over on our way to do something that matters besides playing checkers on the pickle barrel.

Hmm....you haven't been to the South lately have you?? Texas. Florida. Atlanta. Charlotte. Charleston. Nashville. Raleigh. The states and cities down here are booming. We are taking huge numbers of jobs away from blue states. The future is down here.
Shitty jobs for shitty people. You are welcome to them.

Shitty jobs....like Boeing, BMW, Volvo engineering jobs? SC stole those from you liberal twats.

I guess we can't all be graphic cartoon analysts for 420 magazine or "Diversity Consultants" like all libs dream to be.
Libs dream about not having to open their metal lunchboxes for the security guard as they leave the plant...

Now that their drugs are becoming legal like in Washington, they don't have to.




I'll go with A.

I had enough of B.
Go for it. We'll wave as we fly over on our way to do something that matters besides playing checkers on the pickle barrel.

Hmm....you haven't been to the South lately have you?? Texas. Florida. Atlanta. Charlotte. Charleston. Nashville. Raleigh. The states and cities down here are booming. We are taking huge numbers of jobs away from blue states. The future is down here.
Shitty jobs for shitty people. You are welcome to them.

Shitty jobs....like Boeing, BMW, Volvo engineering jobs? SC stole those from you liberal twats.

I guess we can't all be graphic cartoon analysts for 420 magazine or "Diversity Consultants" like all libs dream to be.
Libs dream about not having to open their metal lunchboxes for the security guard as they leave the plant...

Libs dream about not having to open their metal lunchboxes for the security guard as they leave the plant...

as long as they work for unions, they'll have to put up with it.
God bless gerrymandering! Nobody wins when the two parties craft districts solely to protect their majorities in Congress. You can count on two hands the number of districts that are competitive as result. Is it any wonder that Congress has an approval rating in the low teens but has an in incumbency rate in high 80's/low 90's?
How do you Gerrymander a state? 32 Republican governors v 17 Dems. :)

I never said you could. lol. Clearly, I was talking about Congress.
It was NEVER quiet.


I can hear the frogs in the pond next door of an evening, ...

I built a small pond and these croaker frogs have infested it and raise a rucus every night except in the winter. I used to find it relaxing, but that was prior to realizing they have no off switch. lol
It was NEVER quiet.


I can hear the frogs in the pond next door of an evening, ...

I built a small pond and these croaker frogs have infested it and raise a rucus every night except in the winter. I used to find it relaxing, but that was prior to realizing they have no off switch. lol

Took me a while to get used to the peepers too.
But, it beats the hell out of sirens all night long.
Wish those red states had more population than they do.

Want to understand the bifurcated nature of our politics? Try this map, released Tuesday by the Federal Election Commission, that documents which party controls a majority of seats in each state's congressional delegation.

The Fix

Our two Americas, in 1 map

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Comments 24

"" style="box-sizing: border-box; border: 0px; vertical-align: bottom;">

By Chris Cillizza November 18 at 9:00 AM

Want to understand the bifurcated nature of our politics? Try this map, released Tuesday by the Federal Election Commission, that documents which party controls a majority of seats in each state's congressional delegation.

Pretty remarkable no? The cliche about Democrats being the coastal party and Republicans being the party of the interior of the country is born out by this map. Outside of a pocket of liberalism in Minnesota (a long time progressive stronghold) and Illinois (a rare state where labor remains tremendously powerful), the middle of the country is entirely dominated by Republicans. The South is now solidly Republican, a transformation that began in the 1994 election. And the mountain west, where Democrats insisted they were growing in the mid-2000s, now largely looks like a lost cause with the exception of New Mexico, a state whose politics are heavily influenced by its large Latino population.

The map also reinforces a point I have made in this space plenty of late: Outside of the presidency, the Republican Party is far healthier than the Democratic Party. Senate control. The largest House majority since World War II. Thirty-two governorships (if they hold Louisiana on Saturday). Total control of 30 of the country's 50 state legislatures.

Our two Americas, in 1 map
Who the hell wants to live in the fucking flyover? Oh right, right-wing American Taliban assholes.





I'll go with A.

I had enough of B.

You use to live on a super highway? What, in a cardboard box?

a suburb, with an entrance ramp 2 blocks from the house.

It was NEVER quiet.


I can hear the frogs in the pond next door of an evening, watch the ducks, and see an occasional bear as it wanders down the side of the mountain.

and I live 2 blocks from main street.

They dont' build towns very big in Northern NH.

Noisiest thing in my neighborhood are the kids leaving school.
Go for it. We'll wave as we fly over on our way to do something that matters besides playing checkers on the pickle barrel.

Hmm....you haven't been to the South lately have you?? Texas. Florida. Atlanta. Charlotte. Charleston. Nashville. Raleigh. The states and cities down here are booming. We are taking huge numbers of jobs away from blue states. The future is down here.
Shitty jobs for shitty people. You are welcome to them.

Shitty jobs....like Boeing, BMW, Volvo engineering jobs? SC stole those from you liberal twats.

I guess we can't all be graphic cartoon analysts for 420 magazine or "Diversity Consultants" like all libs dream to be.
Libs dream about not having to open their metal lunchboxes for the security guard as they leave the plant...

Now that their drugs are becoming legal like in Washington, they don't have to.

Just came back from a trip to Seattle for work. We also had to go down to Portland for a day. Been to Portland lately? What a fucking liberal disaster. Homeless drug addicts EVERYWHERE. Good job libs.
It was NEVER quiet.


I can hear the frogs in the pond next door of an evening, ...

I built a small pond and these croaker frogs have infested it and raise a rucus every night except in the winter. I used to find it relaxing, but that was prior to realizing they have no off switch. lol

We used to have that too. Go rescue a few stray cats from the shelter and make them yard cats. They either eat or scare off the frogs. They'll quiet down. Old trick my grandpa used.
Go for it. We'll wave as we fly over on our way to do something that matters besides playing checkers on the pickle barrel.

Hmm....you haven't been to the South lately have you?? Texas. Florida. Atlanta. Charlotte. Charleston. Nashville. Raleigh. The states and cities down here are booming. We are taking huge numbers of jobs away from blue states. The future is down here.
Shitty jobs for shitty people. You are welcome to them.

Shitty jobs....like Boeing, BMW, Volvo engineering jobs? SC stole those from you liberal twats.

I guess we can't all be graphic cartoon analysts for 420 magazine or "Diversity Consultants" like all libs dream to be.
Libs dream about not having to open their metal lunchboxes for the security guard as they leave the plant...

In other words....libs refuse to work real jobs. You morons think immediately upon graduation you deserve a job paying 100k as a "Social Awareness Specialist" for Apple. Flexible hours basically...work when you want to. Dress code shorts and tank top. Is that about right?

Maybe THIS is why millions of you liberal turds are in Occupy movements. You refuse to work real jobs. And THIS IS also why corporate America is looking to move South to boom towns where people are willing to work.

What's a "real job" for you?

I spent 11 years driving trucks and moving furniture. Made shit money.

I spent the last 20 years as a Linux/Network Engineer making good money.

The latter didn't involve sweating my butt off. Well mostly (Did some rack and stack work, as well as moving servers and cabling)
Wish those red states had more population than they do.

Our two Americas, in 1 map
Who the hell wants to live in the fucking flyover? Oh right, right-wing American Taliban assholes.





I'll go with A.

I had enough of B.

You use to live on a super highway? What, in a cardboard box?

a suburb, with an entrance ramp 2 blocks from the house.

It was NEVER quiet.


I can hear the frogs in the pond next door of an evening, watch the ducks, and see an occasional bear as it wanders down the side of the mountain.

and I live 2 blocks from main street.

They dont' build towns very big in Northern NH.

Noisiest thing in my neighborhood are the kids leaving school.
Hmm....you haven't been to the South lately have you?? Texas. Florida. Atlanta. Charlotte. Charleston. Nashville. Raleigh. The states and cities down here are booming. We are taking huge numbers of jobs away from blue states. The future is down here.
Shitty jobs for shitty people. You are welcome to them.

Shitty jobs....like Boeing, BMW, Volvo engineering jobs? SC stole those from you liberal twats.

I guess we can't all be graphic cartoon analysts for 420 magazine or "Diversity Consultants" like all libs dream to be.
Libs dream about not having to open their metal lunchboxes for the security guard as they leave the plant...

Now that their drugs are becoming legal like in Washington, they don't have to.

Just came back from a trip to Seattle for work. We also had to go down to Portland for a day. Been to Portland lately? What a fucking liberal disaster. Homeless drug addicts EVERYWHERE. Good job libs.

Never been to Portland but Seattle is nice enough. Birmingham, Alabama was the worst shithole that I've ever been to in this country.
Who the hell wants to live in the fucking flyover? Oh right, right-wing American Taliban assholes.





I'll go with A.

I had enough of B.

You use to live on a super highway? What, in a cardboard box?

a suburb, with an entrance ramp 2 blocks from the house.

It was NEVER quiet.


I can hear the frogs in the pond next door of an evening, watch the ducks, and see an occasional bear as it wanders down the side of the mountain.

and I live 2 blocks from main street.

They dont' build towns very big in Northern NH.

Noisiest thing in my neighborhood are the kids leaving school.
Shitty jobs for shitty people. You are welcome to them.

Shitty jobs....like Boeing, BMW, Volvo engineering jobs? SC stole those from you liberal twats.

I guess we can't all be graphic cartoon analysts for 420 magazine or "Diversity Consultants" like all libs dream to be.
Libs dream about not having to open their metal lunchboxes for the security guard as they leave the plant...

Now that their drugs are becoming legal like in Washington, they don't have to.

Just came back from a trip to Seattle for work. We also had to go down to Portland for a day. Been to Portland lately? What a fucking liberal disaster. Homeless drug addicts EVERYWHERE. Good job libs.

Never been to Portland but Seattle is nice enough. Birmingham, Alabama was the worst shithole that I've ever been to in this country.

Try Detroit. Or Gary, or hell, try almost any progressive run city these days. Nothing like transients pooping in the street to give you that down home smell!




I'll go with A.

I had enough of B.

You use to live on a super highway? What, in a cardboard box?

a suburb, with an entrance ramp 2 blocks from the house.

It was NEVER quiet.


I can hear the frogs in the pond next door of an evening, watch the ducks, and see an occasional bear as it wanders down the side of the mountain.

and I live 2 blocks from main street.

They dont' build towns very big in Northern NH.

Noisiest thing in my neighborhood are the kids leaving school.
Shitty jobs....like Boeing, BMW, Volvo engineering jobs? SC stole those from you liberal twats.

I guess we can't all be graphic cartoon analysts for 420 magazine or "Diversity Consultants" like all libs dream to be.
Libs dream about not having to open their metal lunchboxes for the security guard as they leave the plant...

Now that their drugs are becoming legal like in Washington, they don't have to.

Just came back from a trip to Seattle for work. We also had to go down to Portland for a day. Been to Portland lately? What a fucking liberal disaster. Homeless drug addicts EVERYWHERE. Good job libs.

Never been to Portland but Seattle is nice enough. Birmingham, Alabama was the worst shithole that I've ever been to in this country.

Try Detroit. Or Gary, or hell, try almost any progressive run city these days. Nothing like transients pooping in the street to give you that down home smell!

I live in New York City. Love it here.
You use to live on a super highway? What, in a cardboard box?

a suburb, with an entrance ramp 2 blocks from the house.

It was NEVER quiet.


I can hear the frogs in the pond next door of an evening, watch the ducks, and see an occasional bear as it wanders down the side of the mountain.

and I live 2 blocks from main street.

They dont' build towns very big in Northern NH.

Noisiest thing in my neighborhood are the kids leaving school.
Libs dream about not having to open their metal lunchboxes for the security guard as they leave the plant...

Now that their drugs are becoming legal like in Washington, they don't have to.

Just came back from a trip to Seattle for work. We also had to go down to Portland for a day. Been to Portland lately? What a fucking liberal disaster. Homeless drug addicts EVERYWHERE. Good job libs.

Never been to Portland but Seattle is nice enough. Birmingham, Alabama was the worst shithole that I've ever been to in this country.

Try Detroit. Or Gary, or hell, try almost any progressive run city these days. Nothing like transients pooping in the street to give you that down home smell!

I live in New York City. Love it here.

I live in New York City

You poor thing.

Hopefully you'll be able to move before your health fails.
You use to live on a super highway? What, in a cardboard box?

a suburb, with an entrance ramp 2 blocks from the house.

It was NEVER quiet.


I can hear the frogs in the pond next door of an evening, watch the ducks, and see an occasional bear as it wanders down the side of the mountain.

and I live 2 blocks from main street.

They dont' build towns very big in Northern NH.

Noisiest thing in my neighborhood are the kids leaving school.
Libs dream about not having to open their metal lunchboxes for the security guard as they leave the plant...

Now that their drugs are becoming legal like in Washington, they don't have to.

Just came back from a trip to Seattle for work. We also had to go down to Portland for a day. Been to Portland lately? What a fucking liberal disaster. Homeless drug addicts EVERYWHERE. Good job libs.

Never been to Portland but Seattle is nice enough. Birmingham, Alabama was the worst shithole that I've ever been to in this country.

Try Detroit. Or Gary, or hell, try almost any progressive run city these days. Nothing like transients pooping in the street to give you that down home smell!

I live in New York City. Love it here.

Yes, there are some nice places in New York. There are also some real shitholes..

a suburb, with an entrance ramp 2 blocks from the house.

It was NEVER quiet.


I can hear the frogs in the pond next door of an evening, watch the ducks, and see an occasional bear as it wanders down the side of the mountain.

and I live 2 blocks from main street.

They dont' build towns very big in Northern NH.

Noisiest thing in my neighborhood are the kids leaving school.
Now that their drugs are becoming legal like in Washington, they don't have to.

Just came back from a trip to Seattle for work. We also had to go down to Portland for a day. Been to Portland lately? What a fucking liberal disaster. Homeless drug addicts EVERYWHERE. Good job libs.

Never been to Portland but Seattle is nice enough. Birmingham, Alabama was the worst shithole that I've ever been to in this country.

Try Detroit. Or Gary, or hell, try almost any progressive run city these days. Nothing like transients pooping in the street to give you that down home smell!

I live in New York City. Love it here.

Yes, there are some nice places in New York. There are also some real shitholes..


Ah, you found a picture of the devastation after Sandy and a faked picture that basically lied about the Occupy movement.

That's nice.

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