"Our" War is Really Israel's

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Say, "there was no massacre at Jenin," and the controlled press claps for you.
Not just the press but the "controlled" press. It's sad that you believe that despite all the evidence to the contrary.
I agree with you! The Americans have been bought and sold for Israeli interests and we blindly allow our bought-and-paid-for jew puppet politicians to lead us to slaughter: All for the good of back-stabbing Israel!
Doesn't anyone remember the USS LIBERTY?? Or who sent out the anthrax(Lt. Col. Phillip M. Zack-a jew!) or who stole our nuclear secrets and sold it to the Commie Chinese(the jews) or who killed Rachael Corrie (the jews) or danced and cheered as the planes crashed into our WTC(it was the JEWS!).
The jews are just laughing their collective butts off as we Americans are too stupid and brainwashed by their media lies and hollywood schvits that we just allow ourselves to follow like lemmings. OUR blood, OUR best genetic whites are being killed so jews can eleiminate their enemies!

Do you believe Adolph Hitler to have been great leader and outstanding historical figure? Yes or no will suffice sir, thank you in advance.
I respond to absurdity with a simple question and do not get an answer. Any REASONABLE person when asked that question would protest loudly NO! Yet you have not responded nor has this guy which leads me to believe because of your obvious hatred for Jews that there is some sort of yes answer that you would rather not share with us. Maybe you are ashamed deep down, who knows.
Yes, OCA, on an anonymous chat board, I'm reluctant to share my opinions on blacks, Hispanics and Jews. Clearly, as anyone who's read my posts can see, I do a lot of hedging on those subjects, taking great care not to offend anyone.

"Any REASONABLE person when asked that question would protest loudly NO!"

That's like saying, "Answer my question the way I want you to, or you're stupid!" Great technique. Hey! The guy cut from the debate team called. He wants his notecards back.

Here's a yes or no question for you:

Does the white race have the right to determine its own destiny? A simple yes or no will do.
You sidestepped the question, here let me show you how its done.

If it means exercising our rights while trampling on other peoples rights the answer to your question is an emphatic NO.

Would you like if you were a white who had lived in Japan all your life then one day they say "Japan for Japanese only" and kick your ass out? Nah didn't think so. But that is what you endorse anyway like there is a snowballs chance in hell of anything you endorse seeing the light of day. By the way we are all visitors here, well except the Indians.

Of course we are going to be subject to the whining about Jews blah blah blah blacks blah blah blah Mexicans blah blah blah. Stand on your own two feet for once and stop blaming others for your shortcomings.

The really funny thing is if it weren't for idiots who had the same mindset as you back in the day there would be no Blacks in America, they were BROUGHT here. Sort of ironic isn't it?
Hitler's been dead for 60+ years. What's HE got to do with the way the jews are ruining and back-stabbing America? Perhaps it's that you know that they are using the WWII SS Urban Warfare manuals to kill civilians in Palistine, perhaps? Hmmm......
Do you know Morris Dees slept with his daughter? A simple yes or no will suffice.
OCA wrote:
>The really funny thing is if it weren't for idiots who had the same mindset as you back in the day there would be no Blacks in America, they were BROUGHT here. Sort of ironic isn't it?

And WHO brought over 90% of the black slaves to America? The Jews! Read "Who Brought the Slaves To America" By Walter white and also read " Jews and Judaism in the United States a Documentary history" by a jew named Marc Raphael. They are all rather proud of that fact as they will show by their own words.
OCA wrote: By the way we are all visitors here, well except the Indians.

Actually, it has been proven that whites were here before that as the Kinniwick Man has proven.
OCA wrote: Strait

That's 'straight'.....properly spelled.

>>out of the Dr. William Pierce handbook. Willie don't you get it? Your kind is not wanted here, you can leave this "third world country" anytime you like.

Funny. Coming from a minority-lover like yourself, you sure seem to want to censor and avoid any and all points of view that do not agree with your love of making America a mud race of illiterate and criminal turd-worlders.

>>"A big part of my people's culture" as if there is any such thing as an ethnic white American.

You're writing to one. MY family came here in 1768 from what is now Germany. I am STILL 100% European and I have the DNA tests and family heritage to prove it! No native American, no negroid, no oriental. Pure white European.

>>Willie we all came from somewhere else for your info. Would like to know if in your anti immigration stance if it includes Northern Europeans?

As long as they were/are white/anglo-sure. At least they are literate and have some sort of value to contribute, unlike the flood of illegal latrinos who sponge our welfare system dry while we pay for it and they refuse to learn our language or assimilate into our culture and would rather stay apart from it, contributing nothing except elevated crime rates, disease and more bastard children.
Originally posted by FritzDeKatt
Hitler's been dead for 60+ years. What's HE got to do with the way the jews are ruining and back-stabbing America? Perhaps it's that you know that they are using the WWII SS Urban Warfare manuals to kill civilians in Palistine, perhaps? Hmmm......
Do you know Morris Dees slept with his daughter? A simple yes or no will suffice.

Provide a link and one with no neo-nazi ties.
No such thing as an ethnic white american hate to tell you. Kenniwick Man, you've gotta be shitting me, thats your proof? Sounds to me like you are ethnic German and filled to the brim with racist propoganda. WOW you are really whacked out man, the cold winter in Hayden Lakes must have kicked your ass. Hint, a little hair on your head will help keep the heat in.

Please provide links for all the radical and absurd claims you have made today and make them from disinterested 3rd parties not National Alliance or Church Of The Creator or AMREN or any of the other farces you subscribe to.

Funny how nobody wants to answer the Hitler question.
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