"Our" War is Really Israel's

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"you can leave this "third world country" anytime you like."

I was thinking I'd stay and boot YOUR commie ass out. To Haiti. Heard of it? Tell me, OCA. Why is Haiti having such a problem right now? Whitey, right? Tell me how whitey is causing the problem in Haiti.
Hey Willie you are contradicting yourself now. I thought you wanted America for whites not Haiti or dou you want that too? In other words why do you, Willie, care about Haiti?
Actually I think its backwards. Our war isnt really Israel's war. Israels war is really ours.

Israel is attacked because its a free nation in the midsts of tyrannies. Representative government is a threat to the Fundamentalist Islamic terrorists. See if people get to choose how their government is run, it takes the power out of the hands of the people like Osama and Arafat who send the children of others to die for their power.

The United States is the supreme symbol of representative government in the world. We have become the worlds only superpower because of our Freedom. Israel is seen as our surrogate in the middle east. Because of this, they are attacked. It has nothing to do with the Palestinians, they are just pawns in this whole mess. If the other Muslim countries cared about them they wouldnt demand that the UN not give them aid and help them build up the area.

Israel is being attacked for us. Not the other way around.
Originally posted by Avatar4321
Actually I think its backwards. Our war isnt really Israel's war. Israels war is really ours.

Israel is attacked because its a free nation in the midsts of tyrannies. Representative government is a threat to the Fundamentalist Islamic terrorists. See if people get to choose how their government is run, it takes the power out of the hands of the people like Osama and Arafat who send the children of others to die for their power.

The United States is the supreme symbol of representative government in the world. We have become the worlds only superpower because of our Freedom. Israel is seen as our surrogate in the middle east. Because of this, they are attacked. It has nothing to do with the Palestinians, they are just pawns in this whole mess. If the other Muslim countries cared about them they wouldnt demand that the UN not give them aid and help them build up the area.

Israel is being attacked for us. Not the other way around.

I agree more with spirit of your comments than the particulars, but I see where you're coming from.

The fortunes of the US and Israel are very much tied together as it pertains to the War on Terror. As long as the US has a presence on the ground in the region, Israel is at a greater risk from her historic enemies. Also, the longer the Arafat regime is allowed to continue its reign of terror against the free people of Israel (both Jew and Arab), the more dangerous it is for the US wherever our interests bring us into contact with the Muslim world.

The unbroken chain of antisemitism that spans six millenia only adds grease to the wheels of a vast terrorist machine that has been mobilized against our two great nations. Like it or not, we have a responsiblity to help Israel find a way to peacefully coexist with the Arabs, and if peace fails, to help defend her soveriegnty.
"Israel is attacked because its a free nation in the midsts of tyrannies. Representative government is a threat to the Fundamentalist Islamic terrorists. See if people get to choose how their government is run, it takes the power out of the hands of the people like Osama and Arafat who send the children of others to die for their power.

The United States is the supreme symbol of representative government in the world. We have become the worlds only superpower because of our Freedom. Israel is seen as our surrogate in the middle east. Because of this, they are attacked. It has nothing to do with the Palestinians, they are just pawns in this whole mess. If the other Muslim countries cared about them they wouldnt demand that the UN not give them aid and help them build up the area.

Israel is being attacked for us. Not the other way around."

I'm trying to conceive of how this much stupidity was packed into so few words. Pretty much everything you said is a communist lie. A "free nation"? It's explicitly racial and exclusive of Arabs. It's for Jews only. Arabs are excluded by LAW. What is "free" about that for Arabs? Have you ever even BEEN to Israel, or do you just watch Fox News? And how is the U.S. representative, again? Who represents whites? Bush represents Jews and Mexicans. What's he EVER done for my people?
Israel is a free elective government. Simply because it is a Jewish state does not mean that the Arabs who do live within Israel do not get a vote. Those in the disputed territory on the other hand are another story. Since Israel is not allowed to annex the region, which it should have when they took control of it, the palestinians havent been assimilated into Israel. Hence the tension and the appearance of inequality.
That's rich. Put the world "white" in place of "Jew," and the world "black" in place of "Arab," and how would the world react?
what have you done for my people? Nothing, you futher the notion of racism and segregation in a melting pot society. My family came over too america over 150 years ago from ireland. We were imagrants. I am not a "native american" only the indina tribes have the right to claim that. So who are you to say that this land is your(white sepratist)land. With out the immagration of millions of foreigners we would not have america. we would have england on the other side of the pond.
read the constitution
"All men are created equal"
Great words to live by. Because with a homgenous society we would seace to be the great land of many that we are, and become a land of biegets, anti-semites, and raceists. That's not the america i grew up in, and that's not the america that the millions of immagrants came to.
Willie, I still want to know if your anti immigration policy would include Northern Europeans or is it just for "darkies", Asians and others? How about Jews that live in Northern Europe?

Oh love the commie comments too Archie Bunker, is this still the 1970's? Wait maybe to you it is since you are still back in 1932 Munich.
It has nothing to do with the Palestinians, they are just pawns in this whole mess. If the other Muslim countries cared about them they wouldnt demand that the UN not give them aid and help them build up the area.
People need to realize this when they are blaming Israel for everything. Why don't the Arabd nations work with them? If they won't acknowledge their right to exist and are backing the terror, then nothing will ever get better.

From that article Kathianne posted
Look at the so-called 'massacre' of Jenin, which has become an accepted fact even though there was no massacre: 23 Israeli soldiers and 52 mostly armed Palestinians died in that incident.
Some people still refer to this, and that's a problem. I don't know how stories like that take on a life of their own, but they do. For some reason, people think that it's true and they don't question it.
Some people still refer to this, and that's a problem. I don't know how stories like that take on a life of their own, but they do. For some reason, people think that it's true and they don't question it.
So, Tim, what are your reasons for believing there wasn't a massacre?
Uh, I don't know. Perhaps the various news sources that have reported this. You know, the ones that are not the pro-Palestinian anti-Israel propaganda sources.
You are aware, then, that Jenin was shut down for a week after the "battle", and that even the UN report was forced to base itself on interviews of Israeli soldiers because they were never allowed to inspect the sight?
And we all know how Isreali soldiers are patent liars, because most of them are Jews. What is the U.N. policy on having it's cheeks in warzones?
WorldNetDeli --- quoting Conrad Black's Jerusalem Post --- as source for no massacre in Jenin? Forgive me if I doubt. Of course, if you said "there was no Holocaust," everyone would scream. Say, "there was no massacre at Jenin," and the controlled press claps for you.
Problem is, the Holocaust was documented. The non-event at Jenin was too. That is the problem for the Palestinians. Kind of like their desecration of the Shrine of the Nativity. duh
right, okay, so where's the documentation? The JCPA? (Jerusalem Center is an independent, non-profit institute for policy research and education serving Israel and the Jewish people since 1976.) You cite the guardian and the bbc, then send us to world net daily?
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