Outing The State Department


Sep 23, 2010
Outing the media goes hand and glove with outing State:

Four members makes the "single biggest simultaneous departure" that anyone can remember from the State Department and it will be "incredibly difficult to replicate"? Does Mr. Wade exaggerate un peu? His claim looks mighty silly when shown against this organizational chart.​


More importantly, though not surprisingly, his biased assessment also ignores Kennedy's recent history, as does the WaPo's Josh Rogin, who broke the story as if a tragedy had just occurred and American interests were about to unravel across the globe, undermining the very fabric of Western civilization. Mr. Rogin may have his tragedies mixed up. From the International Business Times of only last October:​

President Trump is taking on the media. Rex Tillison’s task is more difficult. He has to get in the trenches and engage in hand to hand combat against the enemy:

Alert the the Kennedy School and the Brookings Institution! Resurrect the corpse of John Foster Dulles! American diplomacy is in its death throes!


No, of all the swamps in D.C. that need draining perhaps the most fetid is the Department of State. It's been that way for a long time, but has grown even more insular and less transparent, if that were possible, under the leadership of Hillary Clinton and John "Jhen-jhis Khan" Kerry. Listening to their spokespeople is like putting your brain into a cryogenic freezer without hope of ever seeing it again. The White House has a lot more of this housecleaning to do. In the words of the immortal Michael Ledeen, "Faster, please."​

Don't Stop Draining the State Department Swamp!
By Roger L Simon
January 26, 2017

Don't Stop Draining the State Department Swamp!

To begin: Not a one of the most recent secretaries of state belongs on the same page with Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, John Quincy Adams, and a long list of less famous secretaries who served before the Department of State was poisoned by Peace Without Victory foreign policy.

Presidents are continually compared to one or more of their predecessors. Speaking as an average American the above article prompted me to look at two secretaries of state. Loyalty to the United States was my criterion:

1. Comparing Hillary Clinton to William Henry Seward stands alone. Seward made the United States immensely wealthier when he purchased Alaska from Tsar Nicholas, while Hillary’s sale made her richer when she sold uranium to Putin.

2. It was not difficult comparing a traitor, John Kerry, to this former secretary:

John Foster Dulles (February 25, 1888 – May 24, 1959) served as U.S. Secretary of State under Republican President Dwight D. Eisenhower from 1953 to 1959. He was a significant figure in the early Cold War era, advocating an aggressive stance against Communism throughout the world. He negotiated numerous treaties and alliances that reflected this point of view. He advocated support of the French in their war against the Viet Minh in Indochina but rejected the Geneva Accords that France and the Communists agreed to, and instead supported South Vietnam after the Geneva Conference in 1954.

John Foster Dulles - Wikipedia

NOTE: Surrendering this county’s sovereignty to the United Nations/International Community (UNIC) is a relatively new foreign policy. That makes it impossible to compare every secretary that came after World War Two to those secretaries who served before WWII. It is easier to separate Republican and Democrat New World Order secretaries from the few who used the State Department to hold the United Nations at bey. As a general rule every Democrat secretary of state served the UNIC, but there were a few UNIC Republicans as well.

Here is list of secretaries. If you are like me you probably never heard most of their names before today. The important thing to consider is that this country grew in world power and influence under their stewardship up to WWI. This country began going downhill since then in spite of winning two world wars.

Thomas Jefferson (1790-1793)
Edmund Jennings Randolph (1794-1795)
Timothy Pickering (1795-1800)
John Marshall (1800-1801)
James Madison (1801-1809)
Robert Smith (1809-1811)
James Monroe (1811-1817)
John Quincy Adams (1817-1825)
Henry Clay (1825-1829)
Martin Van Buren (1829-1831)
Edward Livingston (1831-1833)
Louis McLane (1833-1834)
John Forsyth (1834-1841)
Daniel Webster (1841-1843)
Abel Parker Upshur (1843-1844)
John Caldwell Calhoun (1844-1845)
James Buchanan (1845-1849)
John Middleton Clayton (1849-1850)
Daniel Webster (1850-1852)
Edward Everett (1852-1853)
William Learned Marcy (1853-1857)
Lewis Cass (1857-1860)
Jeremiah Sullivan Black (1860-1861)
William Henry Seward (1861-1869)
Elihu Benjamin Washburne (1869-1869)
Hamilton Fish (1869-1877)
William Maxwell Evarts (1877-1881)
James Gillespie Blaine (1881-1881)
Frederick Theodore Frelinghuysen (1881-1885)
Thomas Francis Bayard (1885-1889)
James Gillespie Blaine (1889-1892)
John Watson Foster (1892-1893)
Walter Quintin Gresham (1893-1895)
Richard Olney (1895-1897)
John Sherman (1897-1898)
William Rufus Day (1898-1898)
John Milton Hay (1898-1905)
Elihu Root (1905-1909)
Robert Bacon (1909-1909)
Philander Chase Knox (1909-1913)
William Jennings Bryan (1913-1915)
Robert Lansing (1915-1920)
Bainbridge Colby (1920-1921)
Charles Evans Hughes (1921-1925)
Frank Billings Kellogg (1925-1929)
Henry Lewis Stimson (1929-1933)
Cordell Hull (1933-1944)
Edward Reilly Stettinius (1944-1945)
James Francis Byrnes (1945-1947)
George Catlett Marshall (1947-1949)
Dean Gooderham Acheson (1949-1953)
John Foster Dulles (1953-1959)
Christian Archibald Herter (1959-1961)
David Dean Rusk (1961-1969)
William Pierce Rogers (1969-1973)
Henry A. (Heinz Alfred) Kissinger (1973-1977)
Cyrus Roberts Vance (1977-1980)
Edmund Sixtus Muskie (1980-1981)
Alexander Meigs Haig (1981-1982)
George Pratt Shultz (1982-1989)
James Addison Baker (1989-1992)
Lawrence Sidney Eagleburger (1992-1993)
Warren Minor Christopher (1993-1997)
Madeleine Korbel Albright (1997-2001)
Colin Luther Powell (2001-2005)
Condoleezza Rice (2005-2009)
Hillary Rodham Clinton (2009-2013)
John Kerry (2013-2017)​


U.S. State Department Headquarters

If it was up to me I would tear down the building and start from scratch:

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is cleaning house at the State Department, according to a report.

Staffers in the offices of deputy secretary of state for management and resources as well as counselor were shown the door Thursday, according to CBS News.

Many of those let go were on the building’s seventh floor — top-floor bigs — a symbolically important sign to the rest of the diplomatic corps that their new boss has different priorities than the last one.​

Report: Rex Tillerson Presiding Over a ‘Bloodbath’ at the State Department
Posted at 11:45 am on February 17, 2017 by Jim Jamitis

Report: Rex Tillerson Presiding Over a 'Bloodbath' at the State Department | RedState

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