As Global Conflicts Rage, Blinken Lays Down the Law on Gender Pronouns for State Department Employees

This regime is loaded with morons. Some dude tells me I have to address him as them/they I would laugh in his face.
One of the programs we use to help write Special Education paperword, has us referring to a student as "they." I delete that and write "he" or "him."

An Individual Education Plan (IEP), is only for one person and they is plural.
Politeness costs no one anything.

Why do you tRumplings have to whine about it all the time?
You have no right to politeness

You'll respond to whatever the fuck I feel like calling you.

And if you don't, fuck you go away.

Damn you screaming leftards are a bunch of little pansy ass whiners when it comes right down to it.
You have no right to politeness

You'll respond to whatever the fuck I feel like calling you.

And if you don't, fuck you go away.

Damn you screaming leftards are a bunch of little pansy ass whiners when it comes right down to it.
Nobody said you did. I said it didn't cost anyone anything.

Cool straw man though.

And as far as the rest of that crap, I hereby dub thee "shitlips" and you shall be known as nothing else for duration of your stay here.

Now say your name.
You are correct, Seymour, in theory. What if the student has a split personality: rare, I know, yet it happens.
If I ever had a student with a split personality, calling that student, they would only be feeding into that delusion.

Same with calling a male student she or her
This PC nonsense will be our downfall. Our enemies LOVE every minute of our nation’s insanity, the Democrats in particular. It is all the result of a very spoiled populous with nothing else to worry about.
Rome all over again....
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I did not say that. I said I know "spec ed professionals who disagree with you" and the pronoun assignment for individuals, including spec ed students.

Your lie is refuted. I do think you have a point about pronouns for a student with a split personality.

And before you double down on lying, read this in full and think about it.

"The prevalence of split personality disorder, also known as dissociative identity disorder (DID), among elementary special education students is quite low. DID is a complex mental health condition characterized by the presence of two or more distinct identities or personality states within an individual.

Here are some relevant facts based on data from the National Center for Education Statistics:

  1. In the 2021–22 academic year, approximately 7.3 million students between the ages of 3 and 21 received special education and/or related services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). This accounts for approximately 15 percent of all public school students1.
  2. Among students receiving special education services, the most common category of disability was specific learning disabilities, which affected 32 percent of these students1.
  3. Other health impairments, including conditions that limit strength, vitality, or alertness due to chronic or acute health problems, accounted for 15 percent of students with disabilities2.
However, it’s important to note that DID is not typically diagnosed in elementary school settings. It is a rare and complex disorder that often emerges later in life. Elementary special education programs primarily focus on addressing learning disabilities, speech impairments, and other health-related challenges."

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