Outlander Fans?


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
I know this a "Chick" series, but I'm compelled to watch, and it has its tolerable moments.

Last week's episode featured a couple of the lamest plot manipulations I've ever seen. And it turns out, they are main drivers in the future of the program - which will be dragged out as long as possible. I truly feel abused.

Imagine this: the main character is in huge trouble with his beloved sister for previously putting his nephew in danger - which he promises never to do again.

A priceless Treasure Chest sits hidden on an island a quarter mile off shore. A quarter fucking mile. It's cold.

The main character & his wife induce the nephew to SWIM out to the island to get the chest, notwithstanding the fact that NO ONE could ever get it back without a boat. Whilst he is on the island, a FUCKING PIRATE SHIP lands nearby, the pirates see the nephew with an interesting-looking box. They size him, kidnap him, and take him to Jamaica. Next season, they will follow him to Jamaica to res up him.

Apparently, ROWBOATS HAD NOT BEEN INTRODUCED TO SCOTLAND by 1780. No wait, that's what the pirates were riding in.

There is no fucking way people in that situation would send the kid out without a boat.

Is this what they call, "Jumping the shark"?
If there was a boat all 3 could have gone.

Have you seen Inhumans? Did you recognize Ramsay Bolton?
Harlequin love and lust meets the big screen. The most insipid, boring, fake, unbelievable, superficial piece of garbage. And I am relegated to the corner and usmb when it comes on by my wife. Did I mention I can’t stand Claire. And mister tousel haired, gym rat, heavy accent, take my clothes off to show the whip scars Jamie neither one of which aged after twenty years. Thank god there is football.
The reason to watch is the background. The 18th center Scottish and English background. And the occasional nude scene, of course.

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