Outlandish, Insane Kava Accusations Keep Coming.Want To Make Some Predictions For This Week?

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Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
:cul2: :smoke: :flirtysmile4: Anyone watching Fox? It seems as if every two hours we have a "Breaking Story" of a new sexual related accusation for Judge Kavanaugh. The last one was a sexual assault on a boat in Rhode Island.
Is this going to continue the rest of the week?
What will it be on Thursday? Kava felt up one of Santa's elves or reindeer at some mall display some time in the 90's?
Yes, I would like to make a prediction.

Anita Hill will make a rare appearance on one of the Late Night Shows; as she weighs in on this Kavanaugh debacle. But she will play the victim. Just like she did when Clarence Thomas was "accused" of sexual harassment.
(Most likely on Friday's shows)
Lying under oath on matters regarding Supreme Court Justices SHOULD BE a capital offense.

That would put a stop to most of this BS

If the Dems succeed in stopping Kavanaugh.....this will be the normal on EVERY nomination from now on.

A victory here will enable the Left to increase this miscarriage of Justice and take it to higher levels....all while the right continues to try and follow the law and established procedure.

Kind of reminds me of the way battles in war were fought in the 17 & 18th centuries.
Men waited until they were face to face to begin firing. Then the Left got the idea that hiding and shooting from behind trees was more effective and the Right was decimated. (figuratively speaking, of course)
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Ford's Attorney :
"No Testimony Unless Oath Is Waived"

Because we know she is lying.
and the loons want Kava to step down? i think all the loons accusing Kava of being a rapist should shut up, then step down

Ends: Trump not to seat any more Judges on SCOTUS.

Means: Any way possible.
how many time have u heard the phrase "We Need A Full Investigation" all this/last week?
i am surprised that Miss Piggy hasnt spoke out about what Kava did to her at some party in 1986
The outcome of this treachery by the Left could reshape the face of American politics and Justice, forever.
Ford's Attorney :
"No Testimony Unless Oath Is Waived"

Because we know she is lying.
and the loons want Kava to step down? i think all the loons accusing Kava of being a rapist should shut up, then step down

Ends: Trump not to seat any more Judges on SCOTUS.

Means: Any way possible.
how many time have u heard the phrase "We Need A Full Investigation" all this/last week?

Ford isn’t going to testify tomorrow because she has nothing to testify about. This is a con game and a stall job.

Vote should go forward Friday and the senators who pulled this bullshit should be voted out of office. This shit is pathetic.

I wouldn’t be surprised if the Dems try to delay the election.
and why do all of these loony liberal men senators talk like a 60 year old woman
Ford's Attorney :
"No Testimony Unless Oath Is Waived"

Because we know she is lying.
and the loons want Kava to step down? i think all the loons accusing Kava of being a rapist should shut up, then step down

Ends: Trump not to seat any more Judges on SCOTUS.

Means: Any way possible.
how many time have u heard the phrase "We Need A Full Investigation" all this/last week?

Hmmm...what are we exactly "investigating" again? Lol

Set aside my humor, I think its just another stupid tactic on the Democrats to "weaponize" on their agenda to get rid of both Trump and now Kavanaugh.

Now, the joke: I think there is Russian Collusion among Dr Christine Ford and the other 2 women. Maybe, they're really Russian Double agents also trying to collude Kavanaugh. SCOTUS nomination. Lol
Just spitballing here... but look for some kind of medical emergency or something to postpone the 'hearing and string it out...
...barring that the left will need a legal ruling for some sort of continuance or a legal maneuver that would legal require the process to be moved to a later date and/or...
... a bombshell no one has thought of that will require Kavanaugh to step aside regardless of guilt or innocence in this matter...
So outside of kavanaughs consideration for the court being removed, whatever happens tomorrow will more than likely mean thursdays hearing is not the last of this, the left would be dead in the water if it is.
EDIT: can't believe I left this out, but there is also the possibility of GOP defections if it comes to a vote and the gop would be forced to string it out.
Grassley is giving the dems just enough rope to hang themselves....this is gonna be good.....canceled my Golf game for tomorrow.....:eusa_dance:
Last time I'm gonna tell you this. This is not Twitter. Put your daily opinions, comments, predictions in the latest DAILY MERGE thread for Kavanaugh/Ford..
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