OUTRAGEOUS: 15 New York Agents DRAGGED Triple Amputee War Hero Brian Kolfage From His Wheelchair Into Backseat of Their Arrest Vehicle in Florida


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2017
No other outrage of the biden regime defines it bettern than this one......this is what America has become?

Unbelievable....who would have ever thought the biden regime would sink so low?

No other outrage of the biden regime defines it bettern than this one......this is what America has become?

Unbelievable....who would have ever thought the biden regime would sink so low?

As we reported last year, fifteen (15) members from the New York United States Postal Inspection Service (USPIS) showed up on Brian Kolfage’s doorstep to arrest him on August 20, 2020. It took 15 USPIS officers to arrest a triple amputee war hero in a wheelchair at home with his wife and two children!

You want to explain how a guy who is not president is responsible for this guy getting arrested? Derpa Yugely!
No other outrage of the biden regime defines it bettern than this one......this is what America has become?

Unbelievable....who would have ever thought the biden regime would sink so low?

Thoughts and prayers.
He got great results :

Contained borders
New trade deals
Zero wars and ended Isis
Best economy ever until virus
Self sufficient gas and oil
Stood up to China
Better vet care !!
Israel peace with 4 nations
Prison reform
Fast track on new meds to folks in need
Trump was a buffoon who's mouth wrote checks his ass could not cash. He certainly had no problem lying his way in and out of office.
Now look at the buffoon writing the checks today and you have your biden bumper sticker on your truck to remind you...
He's on the same par as the Don. Why in the hell we get stuck with Dumb and Dumber is the fault of the capitalist.
The Dems are becoming the new 4th Reich
. They’re identical in hate and morality and thank god for the second amendment
2A is only effective if Americans are willing to risk their freedom and even their lives to demand freedom. It remains to be seen how many will stand. I expect to see this administration begin using the internet App to begin rounding people up who speak about resistance at all. This is now tyranny in the open. The first who stand up to resist will be made an example of with prison sentences or even with violence.

Look for Red Flag laws to be passed at the Federal level and for those laws to be used to suppress free speech. I believe the best defense against these criminal scum will be mass, organized civil disobedience, and the widespread passage of sanctuary statutes in like-minded statehouses. These thugs may be willing to crush vulnerable citizens who try to stand up for their rights but they don't have enough manpower to intimidate citizens in multiple states who basically are willing to give them a snappy one-finger salute. The lines are being drawn and unless our military is willing to kill citizens for simply disobeying, the Tan Messiah's politburo is going to be shown for the toothless traitors they ARE...

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