Over 170 people with Jeffrey Epstein links likely to be named in court docs set to be unsealed in coming weeks

"various litigants, including The Gateway Pundit and other press have fought hard to unseal documents related to the Does. -- so they are not doing this." - They're in the back of the pack.

"The documents are widely anticipated to shed some light on individuals spending time with Jeffery Epstein and perhaps traveling to his infamous island." - Spent time with the guy? Traveled to his island? :auiqs.jpg:

means nothing. Not everyone with him -- oh wait, he spent lots of time with Donald Trump.

never mind
These cult fucks do not care WHATSOEVER about human sex trafficking occurring at Ep Island.

You people are fucked in the head.

From all accounts, every trip there was not what lives in your sicko mind. And most everyone hung around with him. Especially The Donald.

and you will be surprised at who is and is not on any list. That's if it even goes public. :auiqs.jpg:
Donald Trump is a high profile associate of Jeffrey Epstein

But you do not care about the sex slaves Hunter fucked? What about Tara Reade who was finger raped by Joe Biden.

Bill Clinton went to EP island like 30 times.

You only care about the right not being above the law?

Congrats...you are a brainless cult fuck.
We have juries punishing Mr. Trump for sex abuse.
Donald Trump is a high profile associate of Jeffrey Epstein
Spent time with him!

Trump called Epstein a ‘terrific guy’ who enjoyed ‘younger’ women before denying relationship with him​

“I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,” Trump told New York Magazine that year for a story headlined “Jeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery.” “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”

Now, Epstein is in jail, charged with sex trafficking by federal prosecutors who allege he abused dozens of female minors in New York and Palm Beach, Fla. He is no longer a friend anyone would want to claim.

And now, Trump doesn’t.
Cult fucks, if you find yourself DEFENDING pedophiles because of politics, you need to reassess your lives.


Hit your head against the hall until it bleeds.
I seriously doubt it happens.
Strongly suspected folks over the years...

Repeated visits - Bill Clinton, obviously would be no surprise.
Bill Gates
Prince Andrew
Kevin Spacey
Chris Tucker
Saudi Prince Muhammed bin Salman
LinkedIn founder Reid Hoffman

And a long line of 100 millionaires and billionaires
If I as someone who didn’t do business with Epstein have heard the rumors of his bad behavior for years, I have a hard time believing anyone doing business with him didn’t also hear the same rumors. The difference is I wasn’t benefiting from this so had no reason to turn a blind eye. Those who did business with the scum bag helped him afford the lifestyle of trafficking in under age girls. They are partly, although indirectly, responsible for helping him. Shame on them all.

Same goes for Weinstein. Leftist celebrities knew the guy was a pervert and a serial deranged rapist but remained silence while his victims paid the price.
Doubt it. But you will surprised upon finding out exactly who is on the list, and who is not.

that makes this a keeper thread
Interesting. The Dainty implicitly admits that he won’t be surprised when the list is published and it is revealed which Democraps took trips on Epstein’s Lolita Express to Child Abuse Island.
I'll believe it when I see it. Ultimately, if there is anyone on that list the "powers that be" really don't want released they probably won't be on there, so I'm not expecting anything Earth shattering. Also, just because someone was a client of Epstein, that doesn't mean they are guilty of anything.

Nothing earth shattering could possibly come from this. The man had a lot of connections in his business life.
Cult fucks, if you find yourself DEFENDING pedophiles because of politics, you need to reassess your lives.


Hit your head against the hall until it bleeds.
You are anxious to expose anyone who associated with Epstein while you give Trump a free pass for being a close friend
Donald Trump is a high profile associate of Jeffrey Epstein

View attachment 875447


So , because President Trump was seen at the same party as Epstein, they're good buddies.

I had my picture taken at an appearance of Queen Elizabeth II, and she's actually in the same photo., so Lizzie and I are tight.

Lame ass try.

But keep it going.

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:


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