Over 20 Injured As Settlers Riot Near Nablus


VIP Member
Jun 11, 2012
NABLUS (Ma’an) —" Dozens of settlers attacked Palestinians and their property in the Nablus and Tulkarem area on Tuesday, as tensions rose following the fatal stabbing of a settler earlier in the day.PA official Ghassan Daghlas told Ma’an that settlers stopped two school buses near Yizhar settlement and showered them with stones, injuring a number of students and causing widespread panic.Masked settlers burned tires at road junctions in Nablus and hurled stones at Palestinian cars, Daghlas added.Settlers also set fire to dozens of olive trees in the Nablus villages of Asira al-Qibliya and Urif, and attacked vehicles east of Tulkarem.The PA official urged Palestinians to exercise extreme caution while driving near settlements, adding that he expects more attacks to take place during the day.Tensions are high in the northern West Bank following a stabbing attack which killed a settler earlier in the day near Zatara checkpoint in Nablus." Over 20 injured as settlers riot near Nablus | Occupied Palestine | ??????
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Tomorrow's gonna be a looong day.

I wonder if sherri could ask someone she knows ----what would happen
to the remaining jews of Teheran if one of them decided that it would
be a good idea to knife a few muslims to death

"Tomorrow's gonna be a looong day."

I wonder if sherri could ask someone she knows ----what would happen
to the remaining jews of Teheran if one of them decided that it would
be a good idea to knife a few muslims to death

I don't understand ? (your reaction(s)) ????

Is this story - true or false ?

"NABLUS (Ma’an) — Dozens of settlers attacked Palestinians and their property in the Nablus and Tulkarem area on Tuesday, as tensions rose following the fatal stabbing of a settler earlier in the day. PA official Ghassan Daghlas told Ma’an that settlers stopped two school buses near Yizhar settlement and showered them with stones, injuring a number of students and causing widespread panic. Masked settlers burned tires at road junctions in Nablus and hurled stones at Palestinian cars, Daghlas added. Settlers also set fire to dozens of olive trees in the Nablus villages of Asira al-Qibliya and Urif, and attacked vehicles east of Tulkarem. The PA official urged Palestinians to exercise extreme caution while driving near settlements, adding that he expects more attacks to take place during the day. Tensions are high in the northern West Bank following a stabbing attack which killed a settler earlier in the day near Zatara checkpoint in Nablus. Israeli border police sped to the area and fired towards the attacker, who grabbed his victim’s weapon and returned fire but was eventually disarmed and taken into custody, an Israeli police spokeswoman said."

you have:

- settlers showering people/cars/school buses w/stones
- burning down dozens of olive gardens
- masked settlers burning tires

Lip....what's going on here ? is this story true or false ? because if it's true, the actions of these israeli's....(and your blasie' reaction to it) it's...very surprising, disappointing & too radical.

'tensions are high because of a settler who was killed earlier in the day..."

sorry to hear that, but "You Settlers" need to let the POLICE handle things. I'm sorry to say, it's just lawlessness on your part.

you want to be looked upon as .... the only civilized place out there in the M.E.....not this it's gonna happen.

NOW, is this story true or false ?

Nobody 'jewish' has said anything here......and i know lots of people don't understand me, BUT...what IROSE ? ?

what about this story - didn't want to acknowledge it ???

if it's false...........i'd like to know...

"Tomorrow's gonna be a looong day."

I wonder if sherri could ask someone she knows ----what would happen
to the remaining jews of Teheran if one of them decided that it would
be a good idea to knife a few muslims to death

I don't understand ? (your reaction(s)) ????

Is this story - true or false ?

"NABLUS (Ma’an) — Dozens of settlers attacked Palestinians and their property in the Nablus and Tulkarem area on Tuesday, as tensions rose following the fatal stabbing of a settler earlier in the day. PA official Ghassan Daghlas told Ma’an that settlers stopped two school buses near Yizhar settlement and showered them
with stones
, injuring a number of students and causing widespread panic. Masked settlers burned tires at road junctions in Nablus and hurled stones at Palestinian cars, Daghlas added. Settlers also set fire to dozens of olive trees in the Nablus villages of Asira al-Qibliya and Urif, and
attacked vehicles east of Tulkarem. The PA official urged Palestinians to exercise extreme caution while driving near settlements, adding that he expects more attacks to take place during the day. Tensions are high in the northern West Bank following a stabbing attack which killed a settler earlier in the day near Zatara checkpoint in Nablus. Israeli border police sped to the area and fired towards the attacker, who grabbed his victim’s weapon and returned fire but was eventually disarmed and taken into

custody, an Israeli police spokeswoman said."

you have:

- settlers showering people/cars/school buses w/stones
- burning down dozens of olive gardens
- masked settlers burning tires

Lip....what's going on here ? is this story true or false ? because if it's true, the actions of these israeli's....(and your blasie' reaction to it) it's...very surprising, disappointing & too radical.

'tensions are high because of a settler who was killed earlier in the

sorry to hear that, but "You Settlers" need to let the POLICE handle things. I'm sorry to say, it's just lawlessness on your part.

you want to be looked upon as .... the only civilized place out there in the M.E.....not this it's gonna happen.

NOW, is this story true or false ?

Nobody 'jewish' has said anything here......and i know lots of people don't understand me,
BUT...what IROSE ? ?

what about this story - didn't want to acknowledge it ???

if it's false...........i'd like to know...

I don't know if the stories are true or false-----I can only say that over
many years I have learned that ----some people are EXTREMELY
histrionic --- and lie lots-------and it seems to be CULTURAL -----
the culture invovled LIES LOTS. with extreme histrionics.
I have actually witnessed it here in the USA . The accusations
they make are someting like a SOUK interaction------they
BARGAIN with reality to make a point.

I do have the advantage of knowing lots of people who really
do know what goes on. and I will admit----when I asked
about specific incidents ----that seemed over the top to me
for A JEW TO DO-----some of my informants ----with
background as escapees from arab countries did admit----

the "us" meant jews from places like morocco or algeria --
etc-------don't quote me. I have a sense that some of the
jews from places out east----like AZERBAIJAN or GEORGIA
might be a bit aggressive, too Don't quote me

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