Scores injured, 1 dead as Palestinians hold 'Day of Rage' over Jerusalem

Oh boy, another 'Day of Rage.' Sounds so Snowflake gay. Democrats must have organized it. Seriously, why is this 'big news' to anyone? 'Rage' in the Middle East? Really? How surprising. It's truly shocking i tell ya. :rofl:
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Scores injured, 1 dead as Palestinians hold "Day of Rage" over Jerusalem

"Palestinians demonstrated, scores were hurt and at least one killed in clashes with Israeli troops on a "day of rage" on Friday against U.S. President Donald Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital.
Across the Arab and Muslim worlds, thousands more demonstrators took to the streets on Friday, the Muslim holy day, expressing solidarity with the Palestinians and outrage at Trump's reversal of decades of U.S. policy.
Israeli soldiers shot dead a Palestinian man near the Gaza border, the first confirmed death in two days of unrest.
The Israeli army said hundreds of Palestinians were rolling burning tires and throwing rocks at soldiers across the border.
"During the riots IDF soldiers fired selectively towards two main instigators and hits were confirmed," it said.
More than 80 Palestinians were wounded in the occupied West Bank and Gaza by Israeli live fire and rubber bullets, according to the Palestinian Red Crescent ambulance service. Dozens more suffered from tear gas inhalation. Thirty-one were wounded on Thursday.
As Friday prayers ended at the Al Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem, worshippers made their way toward the walled Old City gates, chanting "Jerusalem is ours, Jerusalem is our capital," and "We don't need empty words, we need stones and Kalashnikovs." Some scuffles broke out between protesters and police."

I guess that the two state solution is dead now..thank-you Mr. President--The man just does not care..that hundreds may a result of his meaningless gesture.

day of rage


who would know the difference

they are always filled with hate

isreal talks about wanting a two state solution

the pals say death to all jews

fck em
Palis are always in a rage about something

Palis are Israeli Democrats
Are you drunk? What you just said..means nothing? Dang...i can't even stretch something to fit that statement.

Start another sock account, I'll explain it to that one
Still not sure about the sock thing...I have no need for more than one account here..I do understand that there are those who are so insecure...that they have more than one account..and use them to bolster their "support'. Not really my thing..I will point out..that when false accusations are is usually someone who is guilty..who is making them. But are a well know joke here--thus...who cares?
Trump's directive is consistent with the words of the ETERNAL,
INERRANT, "NOBLE" KORAN. ----just read the book

The only president in history to have referred to that book of hate as the "Holy Q'uran" was none other than:

Barack Hussein Obama.
Why do WE need to declare the capital of Israel? It's fucking Israel let them do it. That's like North Korea coming along and declaring our capital. WTF is it our business?
There can’t be that much rage. One dead isn’t a protest. It’s not a real uprising until they cross the dozens dead threshold.
No..wait for the good part...a headline like, "scores of Israelis injured, 4 Intifada spills into Israel"....will that cheer you up?

Or maybe...Arab League declare hostilities against Israel....masses troops on three sides...or.."citing security concerns..Israel detonated a nuclear bomb over Cairo"

Of course...all good for you eh?

You are absolutely hilarious in your ignorance!

Which three sides and which countries are you referring to? Most of them are still recovering from the ass-kicking they got in 1973. Most of the are too chickenshit to even think about challenging Israel militarily!

Syria, Iraq, and Iran are kind of busy with ISIS and Syrian rebels. So is Saudi Arabia in Yemen. Jordan is one our best allies in the area beside Israel. Egypt would rather the Palis were gone from Gaza, so they would not lift a finger. Turkey wants nothing to do with the Palis as they are having to deal with the Kurds.

Who is left? T

Bluster and fake promises are all they have to deal with.
Actually, I'm getting a laugh from your hey..nice day to amuse each other. I presented a did you. Trump's decision plays to the Islamic hard line base...and we shall see..what if anything will happen..until then..I would point out..that hatred of Israel is the one unifying factor.

Everyone would rather the Palestinians go away. That much we agree on.

My ignorance? Have you ever been to Israel? Ever been a guest in a Druse village near the Lebanese border? How about Egypt? Ever conducted exercises with both the Egyptian Navy and IDF?

Didn't think so!

Most of your info looks like it comes from a comic book.

You are a fool sir.
Your assumption can only make me fervently hope that I never served under my naval career. Yes..I have participated in joint naval exercises with the mentioned parties. My view of that is of course that of an I was an RM2 at the time. No to the Druze village. Yes, as to my visiting Israel...probably more than you have..but I'd not claim that..since only a fool would make statements about someone who he knows nothing about. I also have visited Egypt over a dozen my step-father is Egyptian..he was a Colonel in 1973 and commanded armored units in the Sinai--so his view is reflected in my comments, as well.

Most of your info appears to be --well you don't really address the context of any of it. Yassar was a long time ago. The strings that came attached to the deal..along with the intransigence of the Arab parties..sunk that, your position is that once offered and should never be offered again? No the point is moot.

I am reminded of the ignorance of the military establishment..of world affairs. Do remember, if you can, just who it was that brought you that TS Fleet broadcast every watch.
You wear no stars here--the only thing you wear on your sleeve your ignorance.


A lowly RM2 thinks he knows the topic? Hilarious! As to those reports, you were not even supposed to read them! You just admitted violating the UCMJ!

Ever take a class called 20th Century Diplomacy in college? I did. Maybe you should look into it. We spent about two weeks on just the Arab-Israeli conflict. You apparently prefer the comic book versions.
2 whole weeks, eh? Impressive.
***chuckles*** RM2 days..are far behind for reading the are, not error. How do you think one catches typos..and garbled communications? This was before Satcom--and a lot of comms were still manually decoded.The reason I had the clearances I did..was that it was assumed that I'd be reading. And I did..and yes...I learned early to compare the Fleet Broadcast with the news. I learned..about all the lies--at a young age. I confess, It might have made me just a bit cynical.

I think it was after I took the Mayaguez distress call--and then watched as we, invaded the wrong island..with the deaths of 10 marines..and some aircrews...and listened as a jet was given the order to strafe an open boat..which was later found to be holding the very hostages we were supposedly looking for..that my innocence was lost for good in these matters. Not the mistake..mistakes happen..but the shameful cover-up..formed my opinion.

Here is the fun part..Ford's approval rating went up 11 points. Yee-haw.

My life after the Navy did nothing to dispel that cynicism..especially when it came to the military covering its own ass.

Much later, after college, and yes, many classes, I learned that cover-ups were the norm in the military--and most Flag officers were complicit. My subsequent life experiences did little to change my opinions on the matter.

Neither of us knows the other..and I feel no reason to change that, but I reached pretty high in my chosen field of endeavor..high enough..that one retired Admiral of the time..unless his name was Zumwalt or Holloway..cuts very little ice indeed.

Assuming you ever even served at all..this is the internet, after all.
Everyone would rather the Palestinians go away. That much we agree on.

We don't agree on that. I'm more than willing to accept a PEACEFUL Palestinian state within agreed borders between Jordan and Israel. Something which most Israelis would also be more than willing to accept.

A peaceful neighbour is always a good thing.
Really! You would accept giving back all the illegal West Bank settlements and allowing Palestine full sovereignty?? Total control of their borders? Allow them to make treaties with ather nations? Seek alliances? Control their own trade and military? You would allow them a military? Somehow..I doubt it.
Trump's directive is consistent with the words of the ETERNAL,
INERRANT, "NOBLE" KORAN. ----just read the book

The only president in history to have referred to that book of hate as the "Holy Q'uran" was none other than:

Barack Hussein Obama.

Whatever you call it------it does designate the land which some arabs have LATELY decided to call "Palestine" ---as
a land actually GIVEN TO JEWS by some guy named "allah" -------that land includes the city of Jerusalem although that fact is not mentioned in the holey Koran. It even INSISTS---ie the holey koran insists---that JOOOOOOS SHOULD TO THERE AND STAY THERE (out of mo's hair was my impression when I read it-------mo wanted his empire to manage SANS JOOOOS
Trump's directive is consistent with the words of the ETERNAL,
INERRANT, "NOBLE" KORAN. ----just read the book

The only president in history to have referred to that book of hate as the "Holy Q'uran" was none other than:

Barack Hussein Obama.

Whatever you call it------it does designate the land which some arabs have LATELY decided to call "Palestine" ---as
a land actually GIVEN TO JEWS by some guy named "allah" -------that land includes the city of Jerusalem although that fact is not mentioned in the holey Koran. It even INSISTS---ie the holey koran insists---that JOOOOOOS SHOULD TO THERE AND STAY THERE (out of mo's hair was my impression when I read it-------mo wanted his empire to manage SANS JOOOOS
But with a beard....
Trump's directive is consistent with the words of the ETERNAL,
INERRANT, "NOBLE" KORAN. ----just read the book

The only president in history to have referred to that book of hate as the "Holy Q'uran" was none other than:

Barack Hussein Obama.

Whatever you call it------it does designate the land which some arabs have LATELY decided to call "Palestine" ---as
a land actually GIVEN TO JEWS by some guy named "allah" -------that land includes the city of Jerusalem although that fact is not mentioned in the holey Koran. It even INSISTS---ie the holey koran insists---that JOOOOOOS SHOULD TO THERE AND STAY THERE (out of mo's hair was my impression when I read it-------mo wanted his empire to manage SANS JOOOOS
But with a beard....

mo got what he and "allah" wanted-----a fully HALAL desert shit hole in the area of the world called "ARABIA" The shit hole is STILL maintained as "halal" (read that "JUDENREIN"). At no time in the holey koran is there any hint that Israel/Judea and specifically JERUSALEM should be
"judenfrei" -------I have known many muslims who have told me EVERYTHING (on allah's planet and universe) is in
the holey koran-------it if ain't there it AIN'T SO (ameeen).
Everyone would rather the Palestinians go away. That much we agree on.

We don't agree on that. I'm more than willing to accept a PEACEFUL Palestinian state within agreed borders between Jordan and Israel. Something which most Israelis would also be more than willing to accept.

A peaceful neighbour is always a good thing.
Really! You would accept giving back all the illegal West Bank settlements and allowing Palestine full sovereignty?? Total control of their borders? Allow them to make treaties with ather nations? Seek alliances? Control their own trade and military? You would allow them a military? Somehow..I doubt it.

total control over what "BORDERS" ? da muzzies recognize no borders of Israel or any "borders" of any "palestina" other than the whole "PALESTINE/SYRIA MANDATE post world war I -----you expect them to have
"unilateral borders"? In fact the glorious followers of the rapist of mecca have refused to recognize any "JOOOISH"
country at all---------a "JOOISH COUNTRY" is an AFFRONT TO allah and his consort--mo
Everyone would rather the Palestinians go away. That much we agree on.

We don't agree on that. I'm more than willing to accept a PEACEFUL Palestinian state within agreed borders between Jordan and Israel. Something which most Israelis would also be more than willing to accept.

A peaceful neighbour is always a good thing.
Really! You would accept giving back all the illegal West Bank settlements and allowing Palestine full sovereignty?? Total control of their borders? Allow them to make treaties with ather nations? Seek alliances? Control their own trade and military? You would allow them a military? Somehow..I doubt it.

If peace is agreed within agreed upon borders, why not?

Israel has made a similar deal with Jordan and Egypt.
Everyone would rather the Palestinians go away. That much we agree on.

We don't agree on that. I'm more than willing to accept a PEACEFUL Palestinian state within agreed borders between Jordan and Israel. Something which most Israelis would also be more than willing to accept.

A peaceful neighbour is always a good thing.
Really! You would accept giving back all the illegal West Bank settlements and allowing Palestine full sovereignty?? Total control of their borders? Allow them to make treaties with ather nations? Seek alliances? Control their own trade and military? You would allow them a military? Somehow..I doubt it.

If peace is agreed within agreed upon borders, why not?

Israel has made a similar deal with Jordan and Egypt.

there was no issue of "BORDERS" of Jordan and
Egypt------those muzzie shit holes ALREADY HAD
BORDERS. Jordan did not consider the "west bank"
aka "Smaria/Judea" a part of the country JORDAN. They
used and it and exploited it as a giant refugee (aka internment) camp. Egypt took the same view of "gaza".
Both Egypt and Jordan were DELIGHTED TO GET RID of those to infections. However, the people who lately call themselves "Palestinians" do not actually have ANY BORDERS-----other than the borders of their minds
Everyone would rather the Palestinians go away. That much we agree on.

We don't agree on that. I'm more than willing to accept a PEACEFUL Palestinian state within agreed borders between Jordan and Israel. Something which most Israelis would also be more than willing to accept.

A peaceful neighbour is always a good thing.
Really! You would accept giving back all the illegal West Bank settlements and allowing Palestine full sovereignty?? Total control of their borders? Allow them to make treaties with ather nations? Seek alliances? Control their own trade and military? You would allow them a military? Somehow..I doubt it.

If peace is agreed within agreed upon borders, why not?

Israel has made a similar deal with Jordan and Egypt. and I agree..just got to sell it to Israel, eh?
Everyone would rather the Palestinians go away. That much we agree on.

We don't agree on that. I'm more than willing to accept a PEACEFUL Palestinian state within agreed borders between Jordan and Israel. Something which most Israelis would also be more than willing to accept.

A peaceful neighbour is always a good thing.
Really! You would accept giving back all the illegal West Bank settlements and allowing Palestine full sovereignty?? Total control of their borders? Allow them to make treaties with ather nations? Seek alliances? Control their own trade and military? You would allow them a military? Somehow..I doubt it.

If peace is agreed within agreed upon borders, why not?

Israel has made a similar deal with Jordan and Egypt.

there was no issue of "BORDERS" of Jordan and
Egypt------those muzzie shit holes ALREADY HAD
BORDERS. Jordan did not consider the "west bank"
aka "Smaria/Judea" a part of the country JORDAN. They
used and it and exploited it as a giant refugee (aka internment) camp. Egypt took the same view of "gaza".
Both Egypt and Jordan were DELIGHTED TO GET RID of those to infections. However, the people who lately call themselves "Palestinians" do not actually have ANY BORDERS-----other than the borders of their minds

In fact, Israel gave up the Sinai as part of a peace agreement with Egypt.

If a final border with a future Palestinian Starr in the West Bank was ever negotiated, the Palestinian would have to forego claim to strategic areas of the West Bank in return for some of the area currently claimed as settlements.

I think however, that by the time they ever do come legitimately to the bargaining table, they will have no leverage to make demands for anything.
Everyone would rather the Palestinians go away. That much we agree on.

We don't agree on that. I'm more than willing to accept a PEACEFUL Palestinian state within agreed borders between Jordan and Israel. Something which most Israelis would also be more than willing to accept.

A peaceful neighbour is always a good thing.
Really! You would accept giving back all the illegal West Bank settlements and allowing Palestine full sovereignty?? Total control of their borders? Allow them to make treaties with ather nations? Seek alliances? Control their own trade and military? You would allow them a military? Somehow..I doubt it.

If peace is agreed within agreed upon borders, why not?

Israel has made a similar deal with Jordan and Egypt. and I agree..just got to sell it to Israel, eh?

No... this has been the position of Israel for 60 years.

It has to be sold to the Palestinian Authorities.
Everyone would rather the Palestinians go away. That much we agree on.

We don't agree on that. I'm more than willing to accept a PEACEFUL Palestinian state within agreed borders between Jordan and Israel. Something which most Israelis would also be more than willing to accept.

A peaceful neighbour is always a good thing.
Really! You would accept giving back all the illegal West Bank settlements and allowing Palestine full sovereignty?? Total control of their borders? Allow them to make treaties with ather nations? Seek alliances? Control their own trade and military? You would allow them a military? Somehow..I doubt it.

If peace is agreed within agreed upon borders, why not?

Israel has made a similar deal with Jordan and Egypt. and I agree..just got to sell it to Israel, eh?

No... this has been the position of Israel for 60 years.

It has to be sold to the Palestinian Authorities.

cannot be sold------the SELL must include the entire UMMAH which NOW BELIEVES ---as per the weekly Khutbah jumaat feces fling------that "ISRAEL DOES NOT EXIST" A muzzie cannot negotiate with that which does not exist
Only one dead, someone is slacking.
Everyone knew Jerusalem is the capital of the Israelites.
Only one dead, someone is slacking.
Everyone knew Jerusalem is the capital of the Israelites.

the body count is not yet IN-----the muzzies are RIOTING over many parts of the planet.-------one can only make a vague stab
at how many dead bodies hit the gutters of both muzzie shit holes and ----civilized lands which they now infect.
As to "everyone knows....." The Pope does not-------he has no idea why Jesus and friends traveled to Jerusalem for Passover--------since Jerusalem an arab city. (oh---I forgot---
Jesus was a muslim according to il papa and Passover is a
muslim holiday)

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