Over 20% of Crazy Bernie supporters will vote for Trump if Buttigieg or Pocahontas or Kamala win!

Bernie Sanders is the worst possible Democratic candidate. Bernie Sanders is NOT a Democrat and should not be allowed to highjack a party he would not belong to just because they have money and an infrastructure.

Sanders, Biden, and SENATOR ELIZABETH WARREN are all too old. As Trump appears to be more and more senile by the day, and his taking the US economy and attitudes back to the 1950's with trying to revive the steel industry and the coal (both of which have been abject failures), stripping women of access to birth control through their employer based health insurance, and rolling back environmental protections, and climate change denial, what is needed is a younger President with a real grasp of the issues.

Trump has lived in his golden tower, surrounded by wealth, privilege and bodyguards, and has no idea of what life is like for everyday Americans. When Trump shits on his golden toilet in Trump Tower, he has no idea that there are houses in the USA without indoor plumbing. He thought it was no big deal for government workers to shut down the government and that workers were happy to stand by his policies.

These people are getting angry as they see Trump cutting taxes for the wealthy, and cutting their health care. Watching GM and other big employers closing plants in the mid-West, farmers losing the family farm because of Trump's trade war with China. And Trump is lying, cheating, and wanting to go after the Democrats, and focusing on his fucking wall.
Bernie Sanders is the worst possible Democratic candidate. Bernie Sanders is NOT a Democrat and should not be allowed to highjack a party he would not belong to just because they have money and an infrastructure.

Sanders, Biden, and SENATOR ELIZABETH WARREN are all too old. As Trump appears to be more and more senile by the day, and his taking the US economy and attitudes back to the 1950's with trying to revive the steel industry and the coal (both of which have been abject failures), stripping women of access to birth control through their employer based health insurance, and rolling back environmental protections, and climate change denial, what is needed is a younger President with a real grasp of the issues.

Trump has lived in his golden tower, surrounded by wealth, privilege and bodyguards, and has no idea of what life is like for everyday Americans. When Trump shits on his golden toilet in Trump Tower, he has no idea that there are houses in the USA without indoor plumbing. He thought it was no big deal for government workers to shut down the government and that workers were happy to stand by his policies.

These people are getting angry as they see Trump cutting taxes for the wealthy, and cutting their health care. Watching GM and other big employers closing plants in the mid-West, farmers losing the family farm because of Trump's trade war with China. And Trump is lying, cheating, and wanting to go after the Democrats, and focusing on his fucking wall.
Bernie Sanders is the worst possible Democratic candidate. Bernie Sanders is NOT a Democrat and should not be allowed to highjack a party he would not belong to just because they have money and an infrastructure.

Sanders, Biden, and SENATOR ELIZABETH WARREN are all too old. As Trump appears to be more and more senile by the day, and his taking the US economy and attitudes back to the 1950's with trying to revive the steel industry and the coal (both of which have been abject failures), stripping women of access to birth control through their employer based health insurance, and rolling back environmental protections, and climate change denial, what is needed is a younger President with a real grasp of the issues.

Trump has lived in his golden tower, surrounded by wealth, privilege and bodyguards, and has no idea of what life is like for everyday Americans. When Trump shits on his golden toilet in Trump Tower, he has no idea that there are houses in the USA without indoor plumbing. He thought it was no big deal for government workers to shut down the government and that workers were happy to stand by his policies.

These people are getting angry as they see Trump cutting taxes for the wealthy, and cutting their health care. Watching GM and other big employers closing plants in the mid-West, farmers losing the family farm because of Trump's trade war with China. And Trump is lying, cheating, and wanting to go after the Democrats, and focusing on his fucking wall.
Which party dew ewe belong to?
You can expect the crazy democrats to keep screwing themselves. The circus of I want to be president are getting more and more focused on trying to buy votes instead of real issues. They are selling the snake oil of reparations, Medicare for all, collage loan forgiveness, the new green deal and all the other things that they have no idea how to pay for. Any sane person sees it for what it is promise then forget.

The rest of the crazies will be in congress investigating, yelling impeachment knowing it won't happen, screaming about this or that perceived problem with Trump, the economy, everyday life and all without doing anything of note.

Meanwhile the usual American will look at the economy, the fact that no new wars have put its young in harms way, the rise in wages, where taxes are lower, where there is not feces on the street.

Come the election people will vote with and for common sense. This maybe the last time democrats have even a slight majority in any of the houses of congress. People are already tired of the constant get Trump.
Wow.... Buttigieg is like the invisible man when it comes to political ideology. Apart from vaguely supporting general liberal policies, he's done a pretty good job of remaining a blank slate. Google searching on "Buttigieg policies positions" turns up a very little. His website, even less.
Waiting to hear how the politburo wants the dem "superdelegates" to vote.
In 2016 Hillary had a lock on them. Who gets them in 2020?

(the GOP superdelegates go to whoever wins that state, they are not uncommitted like the dems')
Waiting to hear how the politburo wants the dem "superdelegates" to vote.
In 2016 Hillary had a lock on them. Who gets them in 2020?

(the GOP superdelegates go to whoever wins that state, they are not uncommitted like the dems')
Since libtards are bean counters I think the top two contenders are the black female screwer of married men or the little whit gay guy!
congratulations on your 2nd term President Trump!

5 Weird Items In The New Bernie-Buttigieg Poll
That's just awesome!

Kamala's white straw man

Democrats could nominate Kamala Harris for president because of her sex and race. Oddly enough, those who do not vote for her will be portrayed as sexist and racist.

To promote her campaign, Harris created a rather nifty straw man. A white straw man.

Politico reported, "Kamala Harris unloads on pundits who say only a white man can beat Trump"

However, the story did not quote or name a single pundit who said such a thing. That is because Obama proved you don't have to be white to president.

In 2008, he carried all the states white boy John Kerry carried plus Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico, Iowa, Florida, Indiana, Ohio, North Carolina and Virginia.

Which is why Harris has created this white straw man. She wants to remind people of Obama. That is what she will have to do to win in 2020.

Democrats are looking for their next Obama.

Boot-edge-edge is the gay Obama, Beto presents himself as the Hispanic Obama, Biden is the white Obama, and Harris is the female Obama, which is why she could take the nomination.

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