Over 200,000 have left California since 2020

these folks are no different then the refugees from Castro, or Stalin, or Hitler…i can understand the desire for a better life
so you're saying that those bogus forms of voting are what caused CA to.. only "pick" Ds? just like the pres election 2020?

I believe that is what is going on
The bogus forms of voting were the means by which California became corrupted. It was the method by which Orange County turned democrat in one election. Republicans would be ahead by 20 points, then boxes of harvested ballots would be found in the trunk of someone's car. All cast for democrats, 100%.
Before the election, harvesters were daily visitors with pre printed ballots. Just sign here, even if you already voted. You can change your mind.

I don't think that California will ever have an honest election again.
The bogus forms of voting were the means by which California became corrupted. It was the method by which Orange County turned democrat in one election. Republicans would be ahead by 20 points, then boxes of harvested ballots would be found in the trunk of someone's car. All cast for democrats, 100%.
Before the election, harvesters were daily visitors with pre printed ballots. Just sign here, even if you already voted. You can change your mind.

I don't think that California will ever have an honest election again.
wow... this is kind of eerie for me.. (Are you from CA?)

When I first formulated this theory that CA had .. "done the 2020" in CA a long time b4 it was done nationally.. I thought I was maybe, possibly.. just being what is normally referred to as Paranoid..

Now you are confirming I was right all along...


I knew something was off... Now I don't have to go around feeling "paranoid"..

you gotta hand it to the "leaders" there.. they kept it largely a secret for a LONG time..
From the democrat point of view the benefit is that 200,000 unwanted and unwelcome working people and business owners left. Concurrently, the homeless population grew by approximately 30,000 which is a more desirable community.
wow... this is kind of eerie for me.. (Are you from CA?)

When I first formulated this theory that CA had .. "done the 2020" in CA a long time b4 it was done nationally.. I thought I was maybe, possibly.. just being what is normally referred to as Paranoid..

Now you are confirming I was right all along...


I knew something was off... Now I don't have to go around feeling "paranoid"..

you gotta hand it to the "leaders" there.. they kept it largely a secret for a LONG time..
Yes. I watched it over the years. This is one of the reasons so many in California want to split the state. Districts have found themselves represented by democrats they never voted for. Orange County ended up with Katie Porter.
From the democrat point of view the benefit is that 200,000 unwanted and unwelcome working people and business owners left. Concurrently, the homeless population grew by approximately 30,000 which is a more desirable community.
There’s two lines on the graph.
First is the declining tax revenue.
Second is the rising expenditures.

I escaped California before those two lines cross.
There’s two lines on the graph.
First is the declining tax revenue.
Second is the rising expenditures.

I escaped California before those two lines cross.
My step great granddaughter, her dad and stepmother recently escaped. They had to go to Arizona to rent a UHaul, drive it to California then to Texas.

I'm not familiar with that site but it gave me the figures as to how many have actually moved from CA since the knuckleheads stole the election.

And it will be 300,000 soon because of the stupidity surrounding the electric car/grid problem

Good going, blue state "leaders"

When is the soonest CA can vote for another governor? Actually, I'm not sure it would make a difference bc the state has probably been 2020-ed, if you know what I mean..

In other words, the kind of vote fraud that happened in 2020 nationally probably happened in CA a long time ago.. and "they" kept the system in place so Ds will always win regardless. Reagan won CA but Trump can't? not buying it..

Maybe that is where the dimrats did a test-run for 2020.. (went national w/ the fraud)..

And off they go to turn other states into shitholes like kalifornia. I'm sure they are focusing on Texas.

I'm not familiar with that site but it gave me the figures as to how many have actually moved from CA since the knuckleheads stole the election.

And it will be 300,000 soon because of the stupidity surrounding the electric car/grid problem

Good going, blue state "leaders"

When is the soonest CA can vote for another governor? Actually, I'm not sure it would make a difference bc the state has probably been 2020-ed, if you know what I mean..

In other words, the kind of vote fraud that happened in 2020 nationally probably happened in CA a long time ago.. and "they" kept the system in place so Ds will always win regardless. Reagan won CA but Trump can't? not buying it..

Maybe that is where the dimrats did a test-run for 2020.. (went national w/ the fraud)..

very suspicious since Reagan won there twice, not to mention he was governor b4 pres
California was a conservative state when Reagan won there. He beat Pat Brown, who would have been a conservative by today's standards; served two terms and lost to Jerry Brown (Pat's son) who proceeded to destroy California's infrastructure projects in favor of social spending. Jerry (governor moonbeam) served four full four-year terms and was largely responsible for the change of California from the Golden State to the liberal hellhole it is today. I lived there through the whole process wad watched the state I loved ruined.

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