Over 5,000 Americans will be Taliban hostages after their August 31st deadline

marvin martian

Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2020
Texas Hill Country
This is what happens when the person making the decisions has dementia.

Over the past 24 hours, over 350 Americans departed Afghanistan, according to the official. The White House said early Tuesday that approximately 21,600 people were evacuated from Kabul from August 23 at 3:00 am to August 24 at 3:00 am.

If roughly 350 Americans continue to depart daily over the next week, the U.S. still will not successfully evacuate all American citizens. With eight calendar days remaining from Tuesday through Biden’s Aug. 31 deadline, and assuming the U.S. is able to continue roughly 350 American evacuations per day, some 5,200 U.S. citizens could be left stranded in the country.
They won’t keep up that pace because it will take most all the time left to get soldiers and equipment out. The number of civilians coming out will continue to drop.
Thousands of Americans are dead meat, DOOMED, unless they may be rescued by British troops, who have been rescuing Americans in addition to their own British folks.

With Biden's military doing nothing (while lying about it), be prepared for the worst. If we go into September, and those Americans are still there, the internet will be inundated with horrific scenes of Americans being tortured, mutilated, beheaded, burned alive in cages, and mass hangings.

Biden is completely detatched from what is going on. He is lying and talking about world opinion as leverage in talks with the Taliban. Looks like he doesn't know that the Taliban are uncivilized, barbaric savages, who couldn't care less about world opinion.

Our government needs to get Biden out of there in a hurry, and putting Kamala Chuckles Harris won't be any help either.

Right now, I'm thinking the only way those thousands of Americans can be saved is if the US Supreme Court were to declare the 2020 election invalid and re-install Donald Trump as president. Either that or declare the American Revolution and Declaration of Independence as invalid, and return the USA back to England, whose leader has the balls to fight for his people.
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This is what happens when the person making the decisions has dementia
NO. This is what happens when idiotic Americans decide to relocate themselves and their families to a GOD DAMN WAR ZONE!!!!!!

These people do t deserve to be saved. NO extraordinary measures should be taken to save them. They should have had their own Emergency Escape Plan.
Who the hell are these "Americans"? Do you know? They have had ample time to wrap up whatever they are doing so why are they dragging their feet?
Aw, let the Trumpsters have their fun. They're in great spirits and hoping for the worst.

At least it takes their minds off the Arizona COVID audit for a bit.
Aw, let the Trumpsters have their fun. They're in great spirits and hoping for the worst.

At least it takes their minds off the Arizona COVID audit for a bit.
This is a question no one seems interested in answering. If it's a bunch of business types and their private security goons I don't care that much.
Who the hell are these "Americans"? Do you know? They have had ample time to wrap up whatever they are doing so why are they dragging their feet?
Here's why they're "dragging their feet". Any more questions ?

NO. This is what happens when idiotic Americans decide to relocate themselves and their families to a GOD DAMN WAR ZONE!!!!!!

These people do t deserve to be saved. NO extraordinary measures should be taken to save them. They should have had their own Emergency Escape Plan.
I think Biden should be trying to save those Americans, and he is a hopeless waste, but there also is truth to what you say.
This is a question no one seems interested in answering. If it's a bunch of business types and their private security goons I don't care that much.

How about school children from California? You don't care, right?

You don't care regardless of who it is, because you're a Nazi.
I don't care because enough people have died for the sake of someone else's profit. Since I can't think of any other reason for an American to be there at this late date I have to wonder why anyone thinks we should be worrying about them to the point of maybe putting more soldiers in harm's way for their sake.
I don't care because enough people have died for the sake of someone else's profit. Since I can't think of any other reason for an American to be there at this late date I have to wonder why anyone thinks we should be worrying about them to the point of maybe putting more soldiers in harm's way for their sake.

How about the school kids? You think they should be murdered by the Taliban?

How about the school kids? You think they should be murdered by the Taliban?

Ok well there's some information at least. Somehow I do not think the "thousands" of Americans are school kids on a field trip.
Ok well there's some information at least. Somehow I do not think the "thousands" of Americans are school kids on a field trip.

You didn't answer the question. Do you think they should be murdered by the Taliban? You said "I have to wonder why anyone thinks we should be worrying about them".
You didn't answer the question. Do you think they should be murdered by the Taliban? You said "I have to wonder why anyone thinks we should be worrying about them".
I started out asking who all these Americans are and why we should be worried about them. You accounted for 30 or so who need help. You have a long way to go.

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