Over 500 Violent Attacks Against Trump Supporters Since 2016

Video: ‘I Run This Country, You Guys Are Dead,’ Violent Trump Supporter Tells Black Man During Racist Tirade
"Is this the vision of 'Making America Great Again?'" Keoke Silvano, who captured the video, wrote on Instagram.

Words are now an excuse for violence, douchebag??

Whatever happened to Free Speech, you Fascist pig?

Oh, my bad. dimocrap scum don't believe in Free Speech.
So, I followed the link to the Breitbart article that lists the 500 "violent attacks against Trump supporters". Shall we take a look at some of these so-called acts of violence against Trump supporters (I would say most but I have neither the time nor will to list them all):

July 25, 2018: Trump’s Hollywood Walk of Fame star destroyed … again. Is this a violent attack against his supporters? It was act an vandalism but not a violent attack on Trump supporters.
July 15, 2018: Anti-Trump Paraglider Who Buzzed Trump Visit Arrested in Britain..looks like a political protest to me
July 15, 2018: Former Clinton WH Staffer: It’s ‘Tempting’ to Beat up Rand Paul...not even Trump byt far from a call to violence, if even true
July 9, 2018: Far-left blog Talking Points Memo mocks Stephen Miller over report of confrontation with bartender...Snowflake?
July 7, 2018: New York Times editorial calls for Dems to “take a page from The Godfather” to “go to the mattresses” to stop Trump’s Supreme Court nominee....This is just plain stupid.

and on and on it goes.

All the links on these so-called acts of violence are from Breitbart articles BTW. Breitbart as we know is a sensationalist right-wing rag.

Take it for what it is worth, which is not a whole lot.
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So, I followed the link to the Breitbart article that lists the 500 "violent attacks against Trump supporters". Shall we take a look at some of these (I would say most but I have neither the time to list them all):

July 25, 2018: Trump’s Hollywood Walk of Fame star destroyed … again. Is this a violent attack against his supporters?
July 15, 2018: Anti-Trump Paraglider Who Buzzed Trump Visit Arrested in Britain..looks like a political protest to me
July 15, 2018: Former Clinton WH Staffer: It’s ‘Tempting’ to Beat up Rand Paul...not even Trump byt far from a call to violence, if even true
July 9, 2018: Far-left blog Talking Points Memo mocks Stephen Miller over report of confrontation with bartender...Snowflake?
July 7, 2018: New York Times editorial calls for Dems to “take a page from The Godfather” to “go to the mattresses” to stop Trump’s Supreme Court nominee....This is just plain stupid.

and on and on it goes.

All the links on these so-called acts of violence are from Breitbart articles BTW. Breitbart as we know is a sensationalist right-wing rag.

Take it for what it is worth, which is not a whole lot.
Let them have their fantasies. This is the last gasp of their movement.
So, I followed the link to the Breitbart article that lists the 500 "violent attacks against Trump supporters". Shall we take a look at some of these (I would say most but I have neither the time to list them all):

July 25, 2018: Trump’s Hollywood Walk of Fame star destroyed … again. Is this a violent attack against his supporters? It was act an vandalism but not a violent attack on Trump supporters.
July 15, 2018: Anti-Trump Paraglider Who Buzzed Trump Visit Arrested in Britain..looks like a political protest to me
July 15, 2018: Former Clinton WH Staffer: It’s ‘Tempting’ to Beat up Rand Paul...not even Trump byt far from a call to violence, if even true
July 9, 2018: Far-left blog Talking Points Memo mocks Stephen Miller over report of confrontation with bartender...Snowflake?
July 7, 2018: New York Times editorial calls for Dems to “take a page from The Godfather” to “go to the mattresses” to stop Trump’s Supreme Court nominee....This is just plain stupid.

and on and on it goes.

All the links on these so-called acts of violence are from Breitbart articles BTW. Breitbart as we know is a sensationalist right-wing rag.

Take it for what it is worth, which is not a whole lot.
So...the OP lied. I'm so shocked.
How quickly liberals forget about the guy who ran over Trump supporters last year in Charlotte.

And Sulzberger is whining about Journalists.

Not to mention, elected dimocraps are actually CALLING for these attacks.

You know what I think of dims, people.

They is what they is

NYT Publisher Complains to Trump About 'Potential' Violence Against Journalists - Ignores Over 500 Violent Attacks on Trump Supporters

Did they "beat the crap out of 'em"? Or did they "knock the hell"?

Because "there used to be consequences" yanno. "They'd be carried out on a stretcher".

"We've become weak". Many people are saying that. They dance on rooftops with blood coming out of their wherevers.
So...the OP lied. I'm so shocked.

Look, fish-breath, I only quoted the article.

Besides, this reminds me of the claim made in the Black Book of communism about the 100 Million dead communism caused when dimocrap scum, like yourself, swear they can only find a documented 65 Million murdered.

You're part of a violent cult.

When we point it out to you, you mock the claims and then, when we nail you down on it (we will) you'll joke about it and run away.

dimocraps are scum. And I'm talking about you
So, I followed the link to the Breitbart article that lists the 500 "violent attacks against Trump supporters". Shall we take a look at some of these (I would say most but I have neither the time to list them all):

July 25, 2018: Trump’s Hollywood Walk of Fame star destroyed … again. Is this a violent attack against his supporters?
July 15, 2018: Anti-Trump Paraglider Who Buzzed Trump Visit Arrested in Britain..looks like a political protest to me
July 15, 2018: Former Clinton WH Staffer: It’s ‘Tempting’ to Beat up Rand Paul...not even Trump byt far from a call to violence, if even true
July 9, 2018: Far-left blog Talking Points Memo mocks Stephen Miller over report of confrontation with bartender...Snowflake?
July 7, 2018: New York Times editorial calls for Dems to “take a page from The Godfather” to “go to the mattresses” to stop Trump’s Supreme Court nominee....This is just plain stupid.

and on and on it goes.

All the links on these so-called acts of violence are from Breitbart articles BTW. Breitbart as we know is a sensationalist right-wing rag.

Take it for what it is worth, which is not a whole lot.
Let them have their fantasies. This is the last gasp of their movement.
how's that "impeach trump" effort going?

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