Over 54,000 unaccompanied minors have crossed Mex border so far in 2016

Americans work very hard.
Americans work very hard.

The Americans don't work as hard as the Mexicans. In America, most employees get up to 10 days is vacation plus 5 days of sick leave per year, all paid. In Mexico, the total maximum anyone gets is 6 days per year. Lazy American freeloader pigs. Plus Americans expect their employers to pay them for not working every Sunday too. What say you in your defense, lazy Americans?
Americans Work More Than Anyone

The U.S. is the Most Overworked Nation in the World

"There is not a federal law requiring paid sick days in the United States.
Americans work longest, most productive in world

I've always wanted to understand why Americans choose to overwork themselves. Don't they know that there are a great many other countries, even in the 3rd world like east Europe, where people get higher living standards with a lot less work. Austria would be a good example. Maybe even Slovakia. But here in France, we are famous to work as little as possible, but for a national income that provides a living standard at par or better than the United States.
Americans Work More Than Anyone

The U.S. is the Most Overworked Nation in the World

"There is not a federal law requiring paid sick days in the United States.
Americans work longest, most productive in world

I've always wanted to understand why Americans choose to overwork themselves. Don't they know that there are a great many other countries, even in the 3rd world like east Europe, where people get higher living standards with a lot less work. Austria would be a good example. Maybe even Slovakia. But here in France, we are famous to work as little as possible, but for a national income that provides a living standard at par or better than the United States.

Being a lazy POS is nothing to be proud of.
...and the R party does nothing about it. Trump wants to stop illegal immigration but many R pols are siding with Cankles.

Yet another example of how the two parties are very much alike.

Which is why I desire a multi-party/parliamentary system so badly - the scumbags would actually have to take actions that the electorate wants, rather than retain a rigid "the other side is worse, so you HAVE to vote for me" structure which has utterly failed everyone but the leadership of the two shit major parties.
Americans Work More Than Anyone

The U.S. is the Most Overworked Nation in the World

"There is not a federal law requiring paid sick days in the United States.
Americans work longest, most productive in world

I've always wanted to understand why Americans choose to overwork themselves. Don't they know that there are a great many other countries, even in the 3rd world like east Europe, where people get higher living standards with a lot less work. Austria would be a good example. Maybe even Slovakia. But here in France, we are famous to work as little as possible, but for a national income that provides a living standard at par or better than the United States.

Being a lazy POS is nothing to be proud of.

Aha, so this is it! Americans work themselves for no gain because of pride! Hehehe. I guess the Bible is right, no rest for the wicked. Now where does American pride come from?
...and the R party does nothing about it. Trump wants to stop illegal immigration but many R pols are siding with Cankles.

Yet another example of how the two parties are very much alike.

Which is why I desire a multi-party/parliamentary system so badly - the scumbags would actually have to take actions that the electorate wants,........

No they wouldn't. The end result would be just the opposite.
[....... Americans work themselves for no gain .......

What the hell are you talking about?

Labor statistics internationally say, that Americans do as much work by November as Europeans do all year around. There is no option for an American employee to dial it down, to trade money for time. Europeans take this option as a natural right, in every and any employment. So, what do Americans get for that two month extra work? A bigger car and a bigger house? And it's worse, because the lack of options for Americans also means that if they don't put in that extra work, they end up with nothing at all, that is no car and no house. Iin America it is an all or nothing deal, you have no control over yourself. In Europe, such control does exist.
[....... Americans work themselves for no gain .......

What the hell are you talking about?

Labor statistics internationally say, that Americans do as much work by November as Europeans do all year around. ......

Americans are hard-working. If YOU consider being a lazy piece of shit who sees work as a burden rather than a defining aspect of your life, that says plenty about YOU.

No. Every nation is a statistical multitude. In every nation, there are people who live to work, and people who work to live. If either extreme takes it all, you get American crony capitalism or soviet communism. So, hard working means nothing. Especially when the meaning of hard working is pre defined for you and outside your control.
.... In every nation, there are people who live to work, and people who work to live. ......

And America has more hard-working real people, while Europe has more lazy shits like....

You are a media hack, looks like. Let me teach you. You are always lazy, as soon as your replacement is found. And your replacement is found real fast in China and India and Bangladesh.
.... In every nation, there are people who live to work, and people who work to live. ......

And America has more hard-working real people, while Europe has more lazy shits like....

....Let me teach you. ....

You're not qualified. Take a vacation.

I know. Only your shareholders are qualified to teach you. Or is it your CEO? Hehe.

What do you mean, lazy?
This is the biggest immigration problem that no one talks about. It is a human calamity and is a direct result of Obama's Dream Act. Coyotes convince ignorant Mexican and Central American parents that Obama's Dream Act means he will take care of their kids. So they do the unthinkable, turn over their kids to some scum bag Coyote and maybe they make it, maybe they don't.
The ones that make it become an enormous burden on America.

This is why you need to connect the dots from policy to affect. The Dream Act is one of the many reasons Obama has been a disaster of a President.
.... In every nation, there are people who live to work, and people who work to live. ......

And America has more hard-working real people, while Europe has more lazy shits like....

....Let me teach you. ....

You're not qualified. Take a vacation.

I know. Only your shareholders are qualified to teach you. Or is it your CEO? Hehe.

What do you mean, lazy?

It looks like lazy in American terms is like lazy as per Puritanism, very widely used label in America, and means that you are lazy if you don't have as much money as I because you don't spend enough hours working. The phony nature of this highly powerful and popular American label can be seen, when we compare the number of hours that minimum wage earners put in in contrast to higher level management, in any industry. And it is not only what you punch on the clock but also the time you spend on traveling to and from your jobs. But probably the best example is that this label is mostly generated by those who already have enough money to work only at their own pace, such as all retirees and investors. The purpose is to mentally enslave as many other people as possible. America, the land of the free. Hehehe.

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