Over 90% of the coronavirus deaths in my state are located within a 100 mile radius.


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
There have been zero Coronavirus deaths in my county, even after re-opening the economy. Nothing is happening here and we have nothing to be afraid of. It's only in the blue areas of the state where the figures are coming from. Seriously, over 90% of the Coronavirus deaths in the state I live in are within about a 100 mile radius. This is because urban people are close talkers and get into each other's personal space. Seriously, whenever I am in a big city, it's overwhelming and it's also bizarre how people in those cities are so comfortable being in crowds. People in rural areas typically practice social distancing even when there is not a pandemic. I say we completely open the economy. People in big cities are simply going to spread the disease throughout their areas no matter what we do and they are doing it to themselves. They have not and will not spread it to rural areas on a mass scale.
There have been zero Coronavirus deaths in my county, even after re-opening the economy. Nothing is happening here and we have nothing to be afraid of. It's only in the blue areas of the state where the figures are coming from. Seriously, over 90% of the Coronavirus deaths in the state I live in are within about a 100 mile radius. This is because urban people are close talkers and get into each other's personal space. Seriously, whenever I am in a big city, it's overwhelming and it's also bizarre how people in those cities are so comfortable being in crowds. People in rural areas typically practice social distancing even when there is not a pandemic. I say we completely open the economy. People in big cities are simply going to spread the disease throughout their areas no matter what we do and they are doing it to themselves. They have not and will not spread it to rural areas on a mass scale.

Since the lockdowns began we've been going by the following website for updated coronavirus intelligence: ArcGIS Dashboards

We live in a mostly rural/small town county north of a major city. According to the above website COVID-19 has caused around one hundred deaths in our county. Truth be told we've seen no indication of that, nor of the purported over one thousand infections said to have occurred here, nor of the 7000+ cases reported in the city down the road. We believe it's beyond time to open everything back up . . . has been time to do that for weeks.
OP that is why we deliberately self-evicted when the "landlord" had everyone sign a new lease stating that each tenant could have guests stay overnight, two nights a week, whereas before, no guest were allowed overnight. Not only were strangers showing up at all hours in the narrow hallway, the communist shared kitchen and bath became potentially very dangerous. Who were these people? Did any of them just arrive from the COVID-19 hotspots of Milwaukee?

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