Over two billion will die in ww111 and prophecy say it starts in the mid-east soon!

I'm deeply concerned. Am I going to die in the upcoming WWIII? It doesn't seem fair, since I just hang out in southern AZ, riding my motorcycle and playing water volleyball with my club. just why is god pissed at me?

Vandal, God is pissed off at everybody!
Romans 3:23for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,

The only difference God sees between anyone is either they are soaked in sin, or soaked in the Blood. The Blood covers it all.
I'm deeply concerned. Am I going to die in the upcoming WWIII? It doesn't seem fair, since I just hang out in southern AZ, riding my motorcycle and playing water volleyball with my club. just why is god pissed at me?

Vandal, God is pissed off at everybody!
Romans 3:23for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,

The only difference God sees between anyone is either they are soaked in sin, or soaked in the Blood. The Blood covers it all.

Sounds like a lose/lose proposition. I think that I will just go on playing water volleyball, and assume that Jesus would do the same, if he were here. I can't help but wonder, however, if he would buy a Harley or a Gold Wing....
I'm deeply concerned. Am I going to die in the upcoming WWIII? It doesn't seem fair, since I just hang out in southern AZ, riding my motorcycle and playing water volleyball with my club. just why is god pissed at me?

Vandal, God is pissed off at everybody!
Romans 3:23for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,

The only difference God sees between anyone is either they are soaked in sin, or soaked in the Blood. The Blood covers it all.

Sounds like a lose/lose proposition. I think that I will just go on playing water volleyball, and assume that Jesus would do the same, if he were here. I can't help but wonder, however, if he would buy a Harley or a Gold Wing....

Here is one of my favorite songs, by one of my favorite entertainers, to listen to while you contemplate that question.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76ohvqwsNkk]Would Jesus Wear a Rolex? - YouTube[/ame]
"Would Jesus Wear a Rolex?" IMHO He might IF A ROLEX is the best but not to impress man.
The bottom line is the scriptures tell us not to judge another man's servant. Touch not mine anointed and do my prophets no harm.

As for myself? I do not wear a watch at all. I do not wear jewelry other than one ring with Hebrew writing on it. It suits me to be plain but if others want to wear a watch? Wear a watch! If you want to eat meat? Eat meat unto the LORD! Whatever you do? Do it unto the LORD. As for me and my household? We will serve the LORD. If it offended any man for me to wear an expensive watch I would not wear one. If it offended any man for me to do something that has nothing to do with my salvation - of course I would do whatever was needed. The Apostle Paul had one coat. One coat is enough. If you have one coat? You are blessed. Some people do not even have clothing much less one coat!

We worry so much about what others are doing!

Question for Archer and anyone else who wants to mock the preachers of the Gospel:

How is your own life lining up with the Living Word of God?
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You said soon. You can not know that. God stated man can not know God's mind or time. Claiming the second coming is soon or that world war III is soon is hubris on your part. You are claiming to know God's mind and his time.

GOD gave believers bible prophecy and the signs to look for so we would know when JESUS is at the door readyto return,jesus "commands" us to know the time!!!

Gismys, I love you as a Christian brother, but I must tell you on this statement listed right here, it's wrong.

Jesus does not command us to know the time, in 2 separate verses of the Gospels, He clearly points out that even He does not know the time.

Matthew 24:36 "But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone.

Mark 13:32 "But of that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone.

If Jesus does not know the time, there is no way we can know it. I believe we are very close to it. For in prior verses, Jesus says that the generation that re-forms Israel shall not pass away before these things take place. But, remember, Israel has been destroyed and rebuilt so many times before, this could very well be another false alarm. We don't know, we just know we should be ready, for He comes like a thief in the night, without warning.

I believe I know who the "anti-Christ" is, but 99.9 percent sure, is still not certainty. And, no, it's not an American President, past, present or future.

It is you who are mistaken, Ulysses. Not Gismy.

It is written:

But you, brothers and sisters, are not in darkness so that this day should surprise you like a thief.

1 Thessalonians 5:4

No man knows the day nor the hour. We who belong to Jesus Christ most certainly know the nearness of His coming because we do not live in darknness as the world does. We are commanded to walk in the light of God's Word, not in darkness. Go and learn what that means.
God is pissed because all he can get is assholes like gysm to defend him!

Anyways, two billion people less? It'll help slow or stop global warming, and probably kill a lot of Arabs. So it's all good.
This is about the third tine gismo has posted about WWIII.

How many times before mods/admin tell him to stop spamming?

Don't let him get under your skin. Trying to tell gism to stop spamming is about as productive as beating a fool.

The way I look at it, by so generously revealing the irrational contents of his confused and deluded mind, one gism can potentially undo the work of a legion of blood sucking preachers.

How many people who have not yet completely lost their minds would want to continue to subject themselves and their children to church if they realized that by doing so and opening their minds to its false claims, irrational beliefs, and degrading practices they all are slowly being turned into a gism, a completely false person?

How long are the admin and moderators going to permit these false accusations against those who preach Gods word of being "spammers" to continue?

How long will it be before you people are brought to account for lying against the servants of God because you are trying to prevent the Word of God from being preached?

Indeed how long before God avenges me of mine enemies?

That is the prayer of my heart to God who is seated on "HIS" Throne in Heaven for this thread/ this entire message board today!

Avenge me of mine enemies O God!

Avenge me and avenge my Christian Brethren of those who oppose your truth and your Word!

Act swiftly, O God!

Do not delay but move today on our behalf and hear us when we pray! Amen!

I seal this prayer with the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth and believe God by days end it shall be answered! Thank You, Jesus, for making intercession on my behalf. I give you all the praise, glory and honor due your Holy Name!

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Who dares to bring a charge against Gods elect for bringing forth the Written Word of God?

It is not Gismy you despise but the Word of God!

Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.

Piercing even to the dividing asunder soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow; the like property Philo the Jew ascribes to the "Logos", or Word; he calls him "a cutter", and says he cuts and divides all things, even all sensible things, yea, atoms, and things indivisible (o); the apostle seems here to have respect to the several names with which the soul of man is called by the Jews, , "soul, spirit, and breath" (p); the latter of these, they say, dwells between the other two. Some by the soul understand the natural and unregenerate part in man, and by the spirit the renewed and regenerate part, which though sometimes are not so easily distinguished by men, yet they are by Christ; others think the soul designs the inferior faculties, the affections; and the spirit the superior ones, the mind and understanding; but the apostle's meaning seems to be this, that whereas the soul and spirit are invisible, and the joints and marrow are covered and hid; so sharp and quick sighted, and so penetrating is the divine Word, that it reaches the most secret and hidden things of men: and this sense is confirmed by what follows,

and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart; Christ knows what is in man; he is the searcher of the hearts, and the trier of the reins of the children of men; and this will be more apparent at the last day, when he will make manifest the counsels of the heart, and will critically inquire, and accurately judge of them.


The Word of God exposes the hearts of men and makes manifest what is inside. No wonder those who love the darkness hate the light of Gods Word! It exposes their sin!
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The bottom line is the scriptures tell us not to judge another man's servant. Touch not mine anointed and do my prophets no harm.

As for myself? I do not wear a watch at all. I do not wear jewelry other than one ring with Hebrew writing on it. It suits me to be plain but if others want to wear a watch? Wear a watch! If you want to eat meat? Eat meat unto the LORD! Whatever you do? Do it unto the LORD. As for me and my household? We will serve the LORD. If it offended any man for me to wear an expensive watch I would not wear one. If it offended any man for me to do something that has nothing to do with my salvation - of course I would do whatever was needed. The Apostle Paul had one coat. One coat is enough. If you have one coat? You are blessed. Some people do not even have clothing much less one coat!

We worry so much about what others are doing!

Question for Archer and anyone else who wants to mock the preachers of the Gospel:

How is your own life lining up with the Living Word of God?

If a preacher of the Gospel is riding around in a gold plated Cadillac, living in a house in Palm Springs half of the year and a town house in NYC the other half of the year, while begging for money on his television show, you are damn right I am going to out them. Because they are not preaching the Word of God or living up to what Jesus taught us to do.

Just because someone proclaims to be a Christian, does not make them one. It's not what comes out of the mouth that counts. It's the actions that we do. If we don't walk the walk, we have no place with Jesus. And those just talking the talk are some of the false prophets talked about. These are the ones that will lead many astray. And sitting back and doing nothing is not what we were told to do. We are to be pro-active and not stationary.

As for my life, I screw up everyday, if someone says they don't, then they lie. For only One was perfect, and we can try to walk the way He taught us, but We will screw it up time and again. Don't believe me? Ask Peter, he denied Jesus 3 times before the cock crowed twice.

Any more questions?
^^^^^^^^ ya! god's reading posts at this boards. :lmao:

You had better believe it. It's the truth! God is omnipresent and omniscient. God is a Spirit and those who worship God worship Him in Spirit and Truth.

The Spirit of God does not reside in temples made with brick and mortar. Think again. Where does the Spirit of God reside today?

Where does Jesus Christ abide?
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GOD gave believers bible prophecy and the signs to look for so we would know when JESUS is at the door readyto return,jesus "commands" us to know the time!!!

Gismys, I love you as a Christian brother, but I must tell you on this statement listed right here, it's wrong.

Jesus does not command us to know the time, in 2 separate verses of the Gospels, He clearly points out that even He does not know the time.

Matthew 24:36 "But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone.

Mark 13:32 "But of that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone.

If Jesus does not know the time, there is no way we can know it. I believe we are very close to it. For in prior verses, Jesus says that the generation that re-forms Israel shall not pass away before these things take place. But, remember, Israel has been destroyed and rebuilt so many times before, this could very well be another false alarm. We don't know, we just know we should be ready, for He comes like a thief in the night, without warning.

I believe I know who the "anti-Christ" is, but 99.9 percent sure, is still not certainty. And, no, it's not an American President, past, present or future.

It is you who are mistaken, Ulysses. Not Gismy.

It is written:

But you, brothers and sisters, are not in darkness so that this day should surprise you like a thief.

1 Thessalonians 5:4

No man knows the day nor the hour. We who belong to Jesus Christ most certainly know the nearness of His coming because we do not live in darknness as the world does. We are commanded to walk in the light of God's Word, not in darkness. Go and learn what that means.

If we are in the generation that shall not pass away before these things transpire, then we have aprox. up to 30 years or so. For that will mark the 100 year anniversary of the restoration of Israel.

What Gimsys said was Jesus commanded us to know the time, yet we cannot know the time, we just know when it is close. But our time and God's time are 2 very different things.

I believe the time is near, and I imagine Jesus is chomping at the bit, ready to go. Yet even He does not know when the Father will let him.
In response to the OP I am praying for the souls of all men, arabs, persians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, all men and women - all flesh - I pray for.

To help Taz to understand where the Comforter abides today I offer this song. Consider it an open Book test. The book? The Holy Bible.

[ame=http://youtu.be/xvs20pNMte4]He Abides (hymn) with lyrics (I'm rejoicing night and day) - YouTube[/ame]

It is written:
If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you.

John 15:7

What does this mean? It means that if you are one who is Abiding in the the Living Word of God and His Words of life are abiding in you? You shall ask what you will and it shall be done unto you. Know this! I have asked God for specific things today through the Name of Jesus Christ! And I know I already have been granted my request. That is how swiftly the LORD acts on behalf of His Servants. Glory to God in the Highest. He Abides!
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There will still be 5 billion of us left. What's the big deal? :dunno:



◄ Romans 6:23 ►
For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Brother Gismy, I love how you stand on the Word of God! You are a mighty warrior for the LORD, Brother! I am proud to call you my Brother in Christ! This is for you, Brother! May the Lord bless you, may He bless your coming in and going out and everything you put your hand to. May the Lord be your defense in the day of Battle! The gates of hell shall not prevail against you, Brother. You are in my prayers always! With Christ's Love for you,

[ame=http://youtu.be/v5yZ5OiS7go]Phil Driscoll - Warriors - YouTube[/ame]
^^^^^^^^ ya! god's reading posts at this boards. :lmao:

You had better believe it. It's the truth! God is omnipresent and omniscient. God is a Spirit and those who worship God worship Him in Spirit and Truth.

The Spirit of God does not reside in temples made with brick and mortar. Think again. Where does the Spirit of God reside today?

Where does Jesus Christ abide?

Bro, what are you smoking this early in the day? You have no proof of your god. Anyone can write a book.
The bottom line is the scriptures tell us not to judge another man's servant. Touch not mine anointed and do my prophets no harm.

As for myself? I do not wear a watch at all. I do not wear jewelry other than one ring with Hebrew writing on it. It suits me to be plain but if others want to wear a watch? Wear a watch! If you want to eat meat? Eat meat unto the LORD! Whatever you do? Do it unto the LORD. As for me and my household? We will serve the LORD. If it offended any man for me to wear an expensive watch I would not wear one. If it offended any man for me to do something that has nothing to do with my salvation - of course I would do whatever was needed. The Apostle Paul had one coat. One coat is enough. If you have one coat? You are blessed. Some people do not even have clothing much less one coat!

We worry so much about what others are doing!

Question for Archer and anyone else who wants to mock the preachers of the Gospel:

How is your own life lining up with the Living Word of God?

If a preacher of the Gospel is riding around in a gold plated Cadillac, living in a house in Palm Springs half of the year and a town house in NYC the other half of the year, while begging for money on his television show, you are damn right I am going to out them. Because they are not preaching the Word of God or living up to what Jesus taught us to do.

Just because someone proclaims to be a Christian, does not make them one. It's not what comes out of the mouth that counts. It's the actions that we do. If we don't walk the walk, we have no place with Jesus. And those just talking the talk are some of the false prophets talked about. These are the ones that will lead many astray. And sitting back and doing nothing is not what we were told to do. We are to be pro-active and not stationary.

As for my life, I screw up everyday, if someone says they don't, then they lie. For only One was perfect, and we can try to walk the way He taught us, but We will screw it up time and again. Don't believe me? Ask Peter, he denied Jesus 3 times before the cock crowed twice.

Any more questions?

Abraham was a wealthy man and so were his sons. So was Job. Yet God said he was a righteous man. Do not judge another mans servant. Got it?

Anymore questions? Give them to GISMY. He's got this thread because God has got him.

Good day.

The bottom line is the scriptures tell us not to judge another man's servant. Touch not mine anointed and do my prophets no harm.

As for myself? I do not wear a watch at all. I do not wear jewelry other than one ring with Hebrew writing on it. It suits me to be plain but if others want to wear a watch? Wear a watch! If you want to eat meat? Eat meat unto the LORD! Whatever you do? Do it unto the LORD. As for me and my household? We will serve the LORD. If it offended any man for me to wear an expensive watch I would not wear one. If it offended any man for me to do something that has nothing to do with my salvation - of course I would do whatever was needed. The Apostle Paul had one coat. One coat is enough. If you have one coat? You are blessed. Some people do not even have clothing much less one coat!

We worry so much about what others are doing!

Question for Archer and anyone else who wants to mock the preachers of the Gospel:

How is your own life lining up with the Living Word of God?

If a preacher of the Gospel is riding around in a gold plated Cadillac, living in a house in Palm Springs half of the year and a town house in NYC the other half of the year, while begging for money on his television show, you are damn right I am going to out them. Because they are not preaching the Word of God or living up to what Jesus taught us to do.

Just because someone proclaims to be a Christian, does not make them one. It's not what comes out of the mouth that counts. It's the actions that we do. If we don't walk the walk, we have no place with Jesus. And those just talking the talk are some of the false prophets talked about. These are the ones that will lead many astray. And sitting back and doing nothing is not what we were told to do. We are to be pro-active and not stationary.

As for my life, I screw up everyday, if someone says they don't, then they lie. For only One was perfect, and we can try to walk the way He taught us, but We will screw it up time and again. Don't believe me? Ask Peter, he denied Jesus 3 times before the cock crowed twice.

Any more questions?

Abraham was a wealthy man and so were his sons. So was Job. Yet God said he was a righteous man. Do not judge another mans servant. Got it?

Anymore questions? Give them to GISMY. He's got this thread because God has got him.

Good day.


Ezekiel 13:3 'Thus says the Lord GOD, "Woe to the foolish prophets who are following their own spirit and have seen nothing.

These are the ones I try to ferret out. I never said being wealthy was a sin. One can be very wealthy and still be righteous. Those who take money from the faithful and use it for their own pleasures with no intent of giving what the Lord has gave them back to the use that the Lord has set for them. Those are the false prophets. And if we sit back and let them deceive many, then we have failed in our job that Jesus assigned us.

Matthew 7:15 "Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves. 16"You will know them by their fruits. Grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes nor figs from thistles, are they?…

2 Chronicles 19:6 He said to the judges, "Consider what you are doing, for you do not judge for man but for the LORD who is with you when you render judgment.

The Bible clearly states that we should not judge those in the church.

Romans 14:13 Therefore let us not judge one another anymore, but rather determine this-- not to put an obstacle or a stumbling block in a brother's way.

And I have not judged anyone in this thread or on these boards, with the exception of a woman I believe to be crazy, and that was more or less me begging her to get some help.

I pointed out that Jesus does not command us to know the time, for He cannot know the time. That is not passing judgement, that is setting the facts strait.

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