Overheard conversation between two professors at the Uof Az.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
"I just got a news alert! The FBI broke into Trump's lawyer's office!!" The other professor replies "YES!!! We are going to get him now!"

Well that sums up the Liberals mindset now doesn't it? To hell with supporting the President in his efforts to make things better for America. Fuck that, we want our people in.

Whatever Russia did or didn't try to do in the election pales in comparison to our own intelligence agencies and the Media working for the Democratic Subversion movement.
every weak they get another tidbit to keep them foaming at the mouth.

almost as good as the hillary hunting.
every weak they get another tidbit to keep them foaming at the mouth.

almost as good as the hillary hunting.

They have thrown everything at him but the man still stands.....when this so called investigation flops the libs will turn on Mueller wait and see
Makes me want to vote for Trump again. This shit has to stop. We need to rid Washington DC of Deep State traitors.​
"I just got a news alert! The FBI broke into Trump's lawyer's office!!" The other professor replies "YES!!! We are going to get him now!"

Well that sums up the Liberals mindset now doesn't it? To hell with supporting the President in his efforts to make things better for America. Fuck that, we want our people in.

Whatever Russia did or didn't try to do in the election pales in comparison to our own intelligence agencies and the Media working for the Democratic Subversion movement.
Well that sums up the Liberals mindset now doesn't it?
I don't think so, no.
To hell with supporting the President in his efforts to make things better for America.
If Trump's tax cut, the sole signature legislative agenda accomplishment of his first year and the only unique-to-his term in office genre of legislation of his whole term in office, only 33 percent of self-identified Trump voters in the poll say that they’ve noticed their take-home pay go up as a result of the tax cut. When that's the "support" rate among self-avowed Trump voters (!), I think one can hardly say Trump's done much to make anything better for America. And then there's the matter of the paltry tax cut combined with the impact of his proposed tariffs/trade war....

his efforts to make things better for America.

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