Overview of Legal Situation in PA, WI, MI, GA, NV, and AZ


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This is a broader overview of the situations in these states and I am asking for what everyone hear that is not a Dimocrap to say what they think of the chances of Trumps success.

1) Georgia I think Trump has a probable chance of getting a Republican slate of Delegates or at least disqualifying the certification and not certifying a second one.
GA illegal votes
02,506 felons
66,248 underage
02,423 unregistered
01,043 mail box addresses
04,926 expired registration
10,315 dead voter
00,395 voted in another state
15,700 change of address to another state
40,279 failed to re-register after moving
Total: 143.5k illegal votes

GA legislature and governor are very upset at Democrats.
Watched Kemp on the Ingraham show and he looked like a smoldering volcano.
He described the GA legislature as feeling lied to and hoodwinked by Democrats and angry after the Giuliani presented his witnesses.

2) Nevada, now in court, has a pile of affidavits and a count of illegal votes that can change the outcome of the election. The case is so strong Trumps team might win at the district court level, but will likely go to SCOTTUS as well from Dimbocrap appeals.
I think this represents a probable outcome in Trumps favor.
Nevada illegal votes
8,000 fake addresses
20,000 non-residents
1,500 dead people voted
42,000 double votes.
total 51,000 votes

3) Pennsylvania is being appealed to SCOTUS where Alito is the primary justice to hear appeals, and the Pennsylvania change in law was obviously contrary to that states Consitutional requirements on mail-in ballots.

4) https://www.democracydocket.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/45/2020/12/2020AP1971-OA.pdf
"ITIS ORDERED that the petition for leave to commence an original action is denied. One or more appeals from the determination(s) of one or more boards of canvassers or from the determination of the chairperson of the Wisconsin Elections Commission may be filed by an aggrieved candidate in circuit court. Wis. Stat. §9.01(6); andIT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the motion to interveneis denied as moot.
BRIAN HAGEDORN, J. (concurring)
"After all, that is what the statute says. This section provides that these actions should be filed in the circuit court, and spells out detailed procedures for ensuring their orderly and swift disposition. See§9.01(6)–(8). Following this law is not disregarding our duty, as some of my colleagues suggest."
"However, I dissent because I would grant the petition for original action, refer for necessary factual findings to the circuit court, who would then report its factual findings to us, and we would decide the important legal questions presented. I also write separately to emphasize that by denying this petition, and requiring both the factual questions and legal questions be resolved first by a circuit court, four justices of this court are ignoring that there are significant time constraints that may preclude our deciding significant legal issues that cry out for resolution by the Wisconsin Supreme Court."
""The Wisconsin Constitution IS the law—and it reigns supreme over any statute."Wisconsin Legislature v. Palm, 391 Wis. 2d 497, ¶67n.3(Rebecca Grassl Bradley, J., concurring). "The Constitution's supremacy over legislation bears repeating: 'the Constitution is to be considered in court as a paramount law' and 'a law repugnant to the Constitution is void, and . . . courts, as well as other departments, are bound by that instrument.'
BRIAN HAGEDORN, J.(concurring). I understand the impulse to immediately address the legal questions presented by this petition to ensure the recently completed election was conducted in accordance with the law. But challenges to election results are also governed by law. All parties seem to agree that Wis. Stat. §9.01 (2017–18)1constitutes the “exclusive judicial remedy” applicable to this claim. §9.01(11). After all, that is what the statute says. This section provides that these actions should be filed in the circuit court, and spells out detailed procedures for ensuring their orderly and swift disposition. See§9.01(6)–(8). Following this law is not disregarding our duty, as some of my colleagues suggest. It is following the law. Even if this court has constitutional authority to hear the case straightaway, notwithstanding the statutory text, the briefing reveals important factual disputes that are best managed by a circuit court.2The parties clearly disagree on some basic factual issues, supported at times by competing affidavits. I do not know how we could address all the legal issues raised in the petition without sorting through these matters, a task we are neither well-positioned nor institutionally designed to do. The statutory process assigns this responsibility to the circuit court."

Seems this will be refiled in circuit court and the matter then rejected at the Wisconsin SC and then appealed to SCOTUS with Amy Barrett over-seeinig that case.

This latest legal action never alleges that fraud occurred in Wisconsin -- only that the risk of fraud was elevated by measures that state officials took to account for the global pandemic, such as the expanded use of drop boxes and mail-in ballots. The suit alleges that the election was marred by "the purposeful disregard of thoughtful legislative safeguards meant to prevent absentee ballot fraud."
The lawsuit also brings a new proposed remedy: throwing the outcome of the state's contest to the Republican-controlled state legislature. The suit asks the court to "immediately remand this matter to the Wisconsin Legislature to review … and determine the appropriate remedy for the constitutional violation(s) established, including any impact upon the allocation of Presidential electors for the State of Wisconsin."
The suit argues that voters were afforded access to absentee ballots beyond what the law allowed, saying that the global coronavirus pandemic was not a sufficient reason.
"There could be no reasonable or lawful contention that the COVID-19 pandemic provided an excuse to avoid Wisconsin's election laws," it states.
The suit says these "outright usurpations" allowed "thousands of ballots to be accepted based on the improper and inaccurate claim that the COVID-19 pandemic continued to justify a wide scale failure to apply Wisconsin voting laws."

This case is made for the SCOTUS, where I think it will likely be successful, but how likely? Depends on if SCOTUS agrees to see it. But the law was clearly violated, the only question is if temporary emergency order can be over-ruled by an executive branch in a declared emergency. I dont think that that is the case.
A likely Trump win, but dicey.

5) Arizona's legislature is angry at Democrat cheating, but it remains to be seen if they will actually do anything, though a proposal to rescind certification is being drawn up, but who knows if it will pass. Unlikely to remedy the fraud.

6) Michigan has also proposed rescinding the governors certification of the election and reclaiming the right to name delegates. Unlikely to remedy the fraud.

With this, I think there is enough for Trump supporters to be reasonably optimistic that Trump will pull this chestnut out of the fire.
This is a broader overview of the situations in these states and I am asking for what everyone hear that is not a Dimocrap to say what they think of the chances of Trumps success.

1) Georgia I think Trump has a probable chance of getting a Republican slate of Delegates or at least disqualifying the certification and not certifying a second one.
GA illegal votes
02,506 felons
66,248 underage
02,423 unregistered
01,043 mail box addresses
04,926 expired registration
10,315 dead voter
00,395 voted in another state
15,700 change of address to another state
40,279 failed to re-register after moving
Total: 143.5k illegal votes

GA legislature and governor are very upset at Democrats.
Watched Kemp on the Ingraham show and he looked like a smoldering volcano.
He described the GA legislature as feeling lied to and hoodwinked by Democrats and angry after the Giuliani presented his witnesses.

2) Nevada, now in court, has a pile of affidavits and a count of illegal votes that can change the outcome of the election. The case is so strong Trumps team might win at the district court level, but will likely go to SCOTTUS as well from Dimbocrap appeals.
I think this represents a probable outcome in Trumps favor.
Nevada illegal votes
8,000 fake addresses
20,000 non-residents
1,500 dead people voted
42,000 double votes.
total 51,000 votes

3) Pennsylvania is being appealed to SCOTUS where Alito is the primary justice to hear appeals, and the Pennsylvania change in law was obviously contrary to that states Consitutional requirements on mail-in ballots.

4) https://www.democracydocket.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/45/2020/12/2020AP1971-OA.pdf
"ITIS ORDERED that the petition for leave to commence an original action is denied. One or more appeals from the determination(s) of one or more boards of canvassers or from the determination of the chairperson of the Wisconsin Elections Commission may be filed by an aggrieved candidate in circuit court. Wis. Stat. §9.01(6); andIT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the motion to interveneis denied as moot.
BRIAN HAGEDORN, J. (concurring)
"After all, that is what the statute says. This section provides that these actions should be filed in the circuit court, and spells out detailed procedures for ensuring their orderly and swift disposition. See§9.01(6)–(8). Following this law is not disregarding our duty, as some of my colleagues suggest."
"However, I dissent because I would grant the petition for original action, refer for necessary factual findings to the circuit court, who would then report its factual findings to us, and we would decide the important legal questions presented. I also write separately to emphasize that by denying this petition, and requiring both the factual questions and legal questions be resolved first by a circuit court, four justices of this court are ignoring that there are significant time constraints that may preclude our deciding significant legal issues that cry out for resolution by the Wisconsin Supreme Court."
""The Wisconsin Constitution IS the law—and it reigns supreme over any statute."Wisconsin Legislature v. Palm, 391 Wis. 2d 497, ¶67n.3(Rebecca Grassl Bradley, J., concurring). "The Constitution's supremacy over legislation bears repeating: 'the Constitution is to be considered in court as a paramount law' and 'a law repugnant to the Constitution is void, and . . . courts, as well as other departments, are bound by that instrument.'
BRIAN HAGEDORN, J.(concurring). I understand the impulse to immediately address the legal questions presented by this petition to ensure the recently completed election was conducted in accordance with the law. But challenges to election results are also governed by law. All parties seem to agree that Wis. Stat. §9.01 (2017–18)1constitutes the “exclusive judicial remedy” applicable to this claim. §9.01(11). After all, that is what the statute says. This section provides that these actions should be filed in the circuit court, and spells out detailed procedures for ensuring their orderly and swift disposition. See§9.01(6)–(8). Following this law is not disregarding our duty, as some of my colleagues suggest. It is following the law. Even if this court has constitutional authority to hear the case straightaway, notwithstanding the statutory text, the briefing reveals important factual disputes that are best managed by a circuit court.2The parties clearly disagree on some basic factual issues, supported at times by competing affidavits. I do not know how we could address all the legal issues raised in the petition without sorting through these matters, a task we are neither well-positioned nor institutionally designed to do. The statutory process assigns this responsibility to the circuit court."

Seems this will be refiled in circuit court and the matter then rejected at the Wisconsin SC and then appealed to SCOTUS with Amy Barrett over-seeinig that case.

This latest legal action never alleges that fraud occurred in Wisconsin -- only that the risk of fraud was elevated by measures that state officials took to account for the global pandemic, such as the expanded use of drop boxes and mail-in ballots. The suit alleges that the election was marred by "the purposeful disregard of thoughtful legislative safeguards meant to prevent absentee ballot fraud."
The lawsuit also brings a new proposed remedy: throwing the outcome of the state's contest to the Republican-controlled state legislature. The suit asks the court to "immediately remand this matter to the Wisconsin Legislature to review … and determine the appropriate remedy for the constitutional violation(s) established, including any impact upon the allocation of Presidential electors for the State of Wisconsin."
The suit argues that voters were afforded access to absentee ballots beyond what the law allowed, saying that the global coronavirus pandemic was not a sufficient reason.
"There could be no reasonable or lawful contention that the COVID-19 pandemic provided an excuse to avoid Wisconsin's election laws," it states.
The suit says these "outright usurpations" allowed "thousands of ballots to be accepted based on the improper and inaccurate claim that the COVID-19 pandemic continued to justify a wide scale failure to apply Wisconsin voting laws."

This case is made for the SCOTUS, where I think it will likely be successful, but how likely? Depends on if SCOTUS agrees to see it. But the law was clearly violated, the only question is if temporary emergency order can be over-ruled by an executive branch in a declared emergency. I dont think that that is the case.
A likely Trump win, but dicey.

5) Arizona's legislature is angry at Democrat cheating, but it remains to be seen if they will actually do anything, though a proposal to rescind certification is being drawn up, but who knows if it will pass. Unlikely to remedy the fraud.

6) Michigan has also proposed rescinding the governors certification of the election and reclaiming the right to name delegates. Unlikely to remedy the fraud.

With this, I think there is enough for Trump supporters to be reasonably optimistic that Trump will pull this chestnut out of the fire.

So on a scale of 1-10; with 1 being no chance Trump holds on to his presidency, what number would you assign to Trump's chances of being President on 1/21/2021? What would the new electoral vote count be?
Has anyone done a survey or investigation of how the treatment of ballots in the contested states has been different than the treatment of ballots in the states that have certified a win for trump?
You left out the video of crooked vote counters in Fulton County kicking out everyone, then four of them wheel in suitcases of ballots to scan.
I think that that video has been key to making the GA legislature reconsider how valid their election count is, and now even governor Kemp is calling for a signature audit.

BTW, isnt it hilarious how libtards think that a smiley face is a rebutal? roflmao
Has anyone done a survey or investigation of how the treatment of ballots in the contested states has been different than the treatment of ballots in the states that have certified a win for trump?
Dems are free to do so. Difference is we aren’t afraid.
1-41 court.jpg
Has anyone done a survey or investigation of how the treatment of ballots in the contested states has been different than the treatment of ballots in the states that have certified a win for trump?
Dems are free to do so. Difference is we aren’t afraid.
Who is "afraid" and of exactly what? The trump/giuliani people are lying through their teeth. If not, they would show all of their shit in public and in the courts, including what instances in which the two parties and their representatives were treated differently in the electoral process. The Democrats have, as patriotic citizens, accepted the certified results of the elections in the states that went for trump.

You forget that the voters who, in the majority, voted for Clinton in the 2016 election, accepted the electoral college's election of trump. with none of the drama that we are seeing now. Biden won. trump lost. Deal with it.

Please note that neither Biden nor Clinton held rallies in which their followers chant "lock him up." Who among supporters of Biden or Clinton ever sent death threats to any official, including members of the Democratic Party? Republican officials are now receiving threats from republicans just because they have done their jobs.
Biden won. trump lost. Deal with it.
Biden didn’t win. Dems cheated in MI, WI, PA, GA, NV, and AZ. Even in deep blue states they cheated to win more house seats.

You all know it, we know it. Your Fraudulent-Elect is a loser who needed massive cheating by Dems shredding Trump votes, and using fraudulent ballots for Biden.

All of your MSM polls were outright lies. They claimed Biden was going to win FL and possibly Texas. President Trump destroyed Biden in those states and most others. President Trump out performed his 2016 election in blue areas like Miami. He got a huge increase in the Hispanic vote and black vote, yet somehow in just four cities Biden got more black votes than even Obama did. It was FRAUD.
Biden won. trump lost. Deal with it.
Biden didn’t win. Dems cheated in MI, WI, PA, GA, NV, and AZ. Even in deep blue states they cheated to win more house seats.

You all know it, we know it. Your Fraudulent-Elect is a loser who needed massive cheating by Dems shredding Trump votes, and using fraudulent ballots for Biden.

All of your MSM polls were outright lies. They claimed Biden was going to win FL and possibly Texas. President Trump destroyed Biden in those states and most others. President Trump out performed his 2016 election in blue areas like Miami. He got a huge increase in the Hispanic vote and black vote, yet somehow in just four cities Biden got more black votes than even Obama did. It was FRAUD.

Who knows exactly what. Go to court with evidence. Stop drinking.

Your whore didn't even win the majority vote in 2016. Almost four years have elapsed in which we Americans have experienced the rule of your whore. Think about it.
Biden won. trump lost. Deal with it.
Biden didn’t win. Dems cheated in MI, WI, PA, GA, NV, and AZ. Even in deep blue states they cheated to win more house seats.

You all know it, we know it. Your Fraudulent-Elect is a loser who needed massive cheating by Dems shredding Trump votes, and using fraudulent ballots for Biden.

All of your MSM polls were outright lies. They claimed Biden was going to win FL and possibly Texas. President Trump destroyed Biden in those states and most others. President Trump out performed his 2016 election in blue areas like Miami. He got a huge increase in the Hispanic vote and black vote, yet somehow in just four cities Biden got more black votes than even Obama did. It was FRAUD.

Who knows exactly what. Go to court with evidence. Stop drinking.

Your whore didn't even win the majority vote in 2016. Almost four years have elapsed in which we Americans have experienced the rule of your whore. Think about it.
He did win the majority outside of CA, which uses millions of illegals to vote. Your side had to cheat to “win”. Anyone that defends this shit is a communist, you hate actual democracy and our Republic. All you assholes care about is ruling over everyone. Fuck you and your fascist politicians you worship.
The evidence is pouring out like a volcano !!
The USSC can fix this disaster or the nation is over
But SCOTUS is composed of people with fears, prejudices and all other human failings.

I am not even sure that SCOTUS will hear the cases. But I think it is more likely than not. I wouldnt bet the house.
He did win the majority outside of CA, which uses millions of illegals to vote. Your side had to cheat to “win”. Anyone that defends this shit is a communist, you hate actual democracy and our Republic. All you assholes care about is ruling over everyone. Fuck you and your fascist politicians you worship.

Your assertion that California "uses millions of illegals to vote" is an out-and-out lie. There is no evidence that anyone cheated. Who is a "communist" who hates democracy and our nation? Stop being a fucking asshole. You mental midgets are the ones who support scumbags like trump, pence, and cult fascists who try to rule over us and take away our liberty. You filthy little fascist crotch sniffers even want to shove garbage "religion" down our throats and up our genitals. Unlike you, some of us had parents who knew each other for more than 15 minutes and weren't raised in a barroom.
He did win the majority outside of CA, which uses millions of illegals to vote. Your side had to cheat to “win”. Anyone that defends this shit is a communist, you hate actual democracy and our Republic. All you assholes care about is ruling over everyone. Fuck you and your fascist politicians you worship.

Your assertion that California "uses millions of illegals to vote" is an out-and-out lie. There is no evidence that anyone cheated. Who is a "communist" who hates democracy and our nation? Stop being a fucking asshole. You mental midgets are the ones who support scumbags like trump, pence, and cult fascists who try to rule over us and take away our liberty. You filthy little fascist crotch sniffers even want to shove garbage "religion" down our throats and up our genitals. Unlike you, some of us had parents who knew each other for more than 15 minutes and weren't raised in a barroom.
What garbage religion? Is someone forcing you to go to church? I think not.

What liberties has President Trump taken away? Can you name one?

There is a mountain of evidence of election fraud. A video of Dems kicking out poll watchers then they but open cases of Biden votes to scan for hours illegally. Several other precincts which GOP observers were not present, all those votes should be null and void. But, you don’t care. The MSM parrots that there is “no evidence”, so you do. When evidence is shown to the public, you idiots immediately claim its “debunked”, like that dumb broad in GA who said the video was debunked. When told it was the first time anyone had seen it, she freaked out. She got caught lying her ass off because all she knew to do was to repeat the same garbage talking points you lefties keep repeating.

So, keep up the lies, LIEsystrata, it’s what your best at.
What garbage religion? Is someone forcing you to go to church? I think not.

What liberties has President Trump taken away? Can you name one?

There is a mountain of evidence of election fraud. A video of Dems kicking out poll watchers then they but open cases of Biden votes to scan for hours illegally. Several other precincts which GOP observers were not present, all those votes should be null and void. But, you don’t care. The MSM parrots that there is “no evidence”, so you do. When evidence is shown to the public, you idiots immediately claim its “debunked”, like that dumb broad in GA who said the video was debunked. When told it was the first time anyone had seen it, she freaked out. She got caught lying her ass off because all she knew to do was to repeat the same garbage talking points you lefties keep repeating.

So, keep up the lies, LIEsystrata, it’s what your best at.

trump and pence have been pushing shit like frankie graham's garbage all over the place, and event put cult trash in charge of issues of importance to women, and deliberately promulgated or amended rules to attack LGBTs directly. pence has taken every opportunity to push his crap on all Americans, even though we are supposed to have the freedom to choose our own religion. trump has assisted these assaults in every way he can.

There is no evidence of election fraud. If there were, trump's little lapdog giuliani would have put it before a court. Court is the only place to introduce evidence, the place where it is submitted under oath and subject to examination and questioning. Despite all of the opportunities to do so, this was not done. Explain why not. trump's attorneys couldn't even survive a motion to dismiss. Republicans, led by trump, have a history of lying and have no credibility, so there is no reason to just accept these stories at face value. Each state allows poll watchers who are properly credentialed under state law, and there is no evidence that representatives of the two political parties were treated differently. I know of no precinct in which there were no GOP observers, or no Democratic observers, for that matter.

Moreover, I doubt what you say about this video supposedly of "Dems kicking out poll watchers" to scan cases of Biden votes. There is no evidence that the "Dems" kicked out poll watchers or even whether they would be permitted to do so. The only people who are identified by party in a polling place or counting center are certified poll watchers. Otherwise, no one knows any employee's party affiliation, if any. I haven't seen any video of these places in which any worker was wearing a badge that read "I'm a Republican" or "I'm a Democrat." How can anyone tell whether a person is a Democrat, a Republican, an Independent, or somebody who just doesn't give a damn by looking at them? Also, a picture of an election worker handling a ballot does not indicate which candidate was voted for on that ballot.

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