
The coming of Christ,” means the presence of CHRISTOS in a regenerated world, and not at all the actual coming in body of “Christ” Jesus; this Christ is to be sought neither in the wilderness nor “in the inner chambers,” nor in the sanctuary of any temple or church built by man; for Christ – the true esoteric SAVIOUR – is no man, but the DIVINE PRINCIPLE in every human being. He who strives to resurrect the Spirit crucified in him by his own terrestrial passions, and buried deep in the “sepulchre” of his sinful flesh; he who has the strength to roll back the stone of matter from the door of his own inner sanctuary, he has the risen Christ in him.”

The Esoteric Character of the Gospels
Theosophy as HPB taught it:

From the Prefatory Notes:

This is a brief overview of the origin, practical application, and ultimate destiny of Theosophy from the writings of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831–1891). It has been assembled as an offering to those who, having perceived that living for others is the only life worth living, aspire to apprehend the Truth of truths by studying, assimilating, modelling, and applying the Golden Precepts in everyday life. Madame Blavatsky is the leading exponent of the modern Theosophical Movement, great noetic radiance of our epoch, acclaimed philosopher and mystic, indefatigable servant of humanity.
This compilation of daily gems of wisdom was done by HP Blavatsky in Summer of 1890:

Gems from the East: A Birthday Book - by H. P. Blavatsky

This quote leads the entries for January:

Rise! Awake!
Seek the great Teachers, and attend! The road
Is narrow as a knife-edge! Hard to tread!"
"But whoso once perceiveth HIM that IS; —
Without a name, Unseen, Impalpable,
Bodiless, Undiminished, Unenlarged,
To senses undeclared, without an end,
Without beginning, Timeless, Higher than height,
Deeper than depth! Lo! Such an one is saved!
Death hath not power upon him!"
— Katha Upanishad
Excerpt from letter to Archbishop:

Theosophy is not a religion, but a philosophy at once religious and scientific; and that the chief work, so far, of the Theosophical Society has been to revive in each religion its own animating spirit, by encouraging and helping enquiry into the true significance of its doctrines and observances. Theosophists know that the deeper one penetrates into the meaning of the dogmas and ceremonies of all religions, the greater becomes their apparent underlying similarity, until finally a perception of their fundamental unity is reached. This common ground is no other than Theosophy — the Secret Doctrine of the ages; which, diluted and disguised to suit the capacity of the multitude, and the requirements of the time, has formed the living kernel of all religions.
Commenting on a correspondent’s letter, (CW IV:297-98) H.P. Blavatsky wrote:

"We fear our correspondent is labouring under various misconceptions. We will not touch upon his very original views of Karma — at its incipient stage — since his ideas are his own, and he is as much entitled to them as anyone else. But we will briefly answer his numbered questions at the close of the letter.

1 Spirit got itself entangled with gross matter for the same reason that life gets entangled with the fœtus matter. It followed a law, and therefore could not help the entanglement occurring.

2 We know of no eastern philosophy that teaches that “matter originated out of Spirit.” Matter is as eternal and indestructible as Spirit and one cannot be made cognizant to our senses without the other — even to our, the highest, spiritual sense. Spirit per se is a non-entity and non-existence. It is the negation of every affirmation and of all that is.

3 No one ever held — as far as we know that Spirit could be annihilated under whatever circumstances. Spirit can get divorced of its manifested matter, its personality, in which case, it is the latter that is annihilated. Nor do we believe that “Spirit breathed out Matter”; but that, on the contrary, it is Matter which manifests Spirit. Otherwise, it would be a puzzle indeed.

4 Since we believe in neither “God” nor “Satan” as personalities or entities, hence there is neither “Heaven” nor “Hell” for us, in the vulgar generally accepted sense of the terms. Hence also — it would be a useless waste of time to discuss the question."
Inner Wisdom or Theosophia:

The renaissance of ancient spiritualism.
Theosophy is Archaic Wisdom-Religion, as taught by Masters and Magi, Sages and Hierophants, Prophets and Philosophers, to the Elect — undisguised by symbols. It is Spiritual Knowledge, reasoned out and corroborated by personal experience.
Diogenes Laërtius traces Theosophy to an epoch antedating the dynasty of the Ptolemies. But, in fact, Theosophy is much older: It is the parent stem of Archaic Wisdom.

The Voice of the Silence being

Preface begins:
The following pages are derived from “The Book of the Golden Precepts,” one of the works put into the hands of mystic students in the East. The knowledge of them is obligatory in that school, the teachings of which are accepted by many Theosophists. There- fore, as I know many of these Precepts by heart, the work of translating has been relatively an easy task for me.
Idyll of the White Lotus is a mystery tale set in ancient Egypt with commentary by a theosophist.

Preface by the Publisher
The ensuing pages contain a story which has been told in all ages, and among every people. It is the tragedy of the soul. Attracted by desire, the ruling element in the lower nature of man, it stoops to sin; brought to itself by suffering, it turns for help to the redeeming spirit within; and in the final sacrifice achieves its apotheosis and sheds a blessing on mankind.
Life of and tributes to Katherine Tingley -- many photos also:

Special Issue: Katherine Tingley

A few quotes from her:

"A vow is an action rising like a star high above the level of the common deeds of life. It is a witness that the outer man has at that moment realized its union with the inner, and the purpose of its existence, registering a great resolve to become one with the Father in Heaven.

At that moment the radiant path of light is seen with the eye of pure vision, the disciple is reborn, the old life is left behind, he enters a new way. For a moment he feels the touch of a guiding hand ever stretched out to him from the inner chamber. For a moment his ear catches the harmonies of the soul.

All this and more is the experience of those who make this vow with their whole hearts, and as they constantly renew it, and constantly renew their endeavor, the harmonies come again and again, and the clear path is once more beheld.

They carry the inspiration into outer life, and energize with it their common duties, high and low: gain from it strength for self-sacrifice, and thus bringing the inner into the outer, pouring forth in deeds that wine of divine life of which they have learned to partake, they achieve, little by little, the harmony of perfect life. Each effort carves the path of the next, and in no long time one single moment's silence will bring forth to the disciple's aid the strength of his soul."
"Here is advice given by many Adepts: every day and as often as you can, and on going to sleep and as you wake, think, think, think, on the truth that you are not body, brain, or astral man, but that you are THAT, and “THAT” is the Supreme Soul . . . . By persisting in this, by submitting your daily thoughts each night to the judgement of your Higher Self, you will at last gain light."

W.Q. Judge

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