Own Your Failure, Biden Voters

LOL, one of the dumbest comments thus far in page one.

But, but Trump lol.

It was Trumpyberra's surrender plan that reduce the number of US troop to just 25 hundred days before President Biden took office. The same surrender agreement Trumpy negotiated also saw the release of 5 thousand captured Taliban fighters. Trumps' surrender plan also included removing all the support personnel responsible for maintaining the Afghan Army's equipment. But since their Army and Government were not included at the Surrender Talks, maybe that betrayal set the stage for their quick demise during our planned withdrawal.

But we shouldn't talk about how trump passed the buck down the road......
Over 70% wanted totally out of Afghan. For 20plus years, since W clearly said we were going there to nation build, I've expected failure. I can't have been alone. 70% have to know we don't succeed in nation building.

Blame Trump for freeing 5K Taliban, including the Jefe and freezing out the Afghan "puppet" govt from "peace" negotiations, or blame Biden for not realizing the Afghan army would fold faster than France in 1940. But really it was up to us to set the terms of our "leaving," and both Trump and Biden should have been more up front in saying after the "peace deal" or election "all Americans out in thirty days or prepare to be on your own." And maybe we should have exited from Bagram Air base instead of Hamid Karzai Airport, but I haven't seen anyone say how Americans could get to Bagram Airbase any better than Bagram, but in the end Biden wanted the fewest troops possible on the ground.

In the end, we're out. And with "only" another 13 dead and 15 maimed. Flying an army out after 20+ years was gonna be a clusterfk in any event. Americans wanted out, but apparently we weren't prepared for the ignominy of an occupying army giving up an occupation.
I’m not sure your judgement seems any better simply because you don’t think Trump won but you support a man who does believe in extremely far fetched delusional theories about a stolen election.

Well, that is where we disagree. It isn't far-fetched if you apply just a little common sense.
Gas prices fluctuate…

People were crapping on the streets before Biden…

Flags on Coffins have been going on since I was born…

Has Biden failed?

Yes, and I will not excuse his failures.

Biden bought 120,000 people out of afghanistan in 2 weeks. That's not failure.

How about people start talking about agreements made that sset the conditions for what happened.
It was Trumpyberra's surrender plan that reduce the number of US troop to just 25 hundred days before President Biden took office. The same surrender agreement Trumpy negotiated also saw the release of 5 thousand captured Taliban fighters. Trumps' surrender plan also included removing all the support personnel responsible for maintaining the Afghan Army's equipment. But since their Army and Government were not included at the Surrender Talks, maybe that betrayal set the stage for their quick demise during our planned withdrawal.

But we shouldn't talk about how trump passed the buck down the road......
I wrote my post before I read yours. Yes. The only way to hold Bagram Air Base was to bring back additional troops to what Trump negotiated. It was probably more defensible than the Karzai airport, and we ended up having to bring in more troops anyway. But it the end, it may not have been better, and might have been worse, despite that the Trump apologists now try to say was a Trump plan.
Well, that is where we disagree. It isn't far-fetched if you apply just a little common sense.
I don’t think you’re thinking specifically about the crazy shit Trump was saying after the election. He was saying extremely far fetched things about states flipping and Pence stopping the constitutionally mandated election certification.

Instead, I think you’re probably just substitute still far fetched but relatively more rational conspiracies about things like mail in voter fraud, which nearly a year later are completely unsubstantiated.

You’re probably a reasonably intelligent person but you let your mind trick you into bending reality in order to preserve your sense of reality. I think Trump largely suffers from the same but much more publicly and to a greater degree.
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It was Trumpyberra's surrender plan that reduce the number of US troop to just 25 hundred days before President Biden took office. The same surrender agreement Trumpy negotiated also saw the release of 5 thousand captured Taliban fighters. Trumps' surrender plan also included removing all the support personnel responsible for maintaining the Afghan Army's equipment. But since their Army and Government were not included at the Surrender Talks, maybe that betrayal set the stage for their quick demise during our planned withdrawal.

But we shouldn't talk about how trump passed the buck down the road......
Last I remember, Biden has been president for 7 months. Threw Trump's plan out the window and screwed the pooch in that order. I think I remember hearing after the election the grown-ups are in charge again. That's some funny stuff there.
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Own it.

"Look around, at the $5 gas and the hobos pooping in our parks, at the constantly shifting vaccine/mask goalposts and the cat ladies/public school teachers determined to inject Ibram X. Kendian race hustling into your kids’ cerebellums. Look at the flag-draped caskets coming off the planes at Dover.

You did that, non-dead Biden voters.


This is your failure.

Own it.

Electing Joe Biden was an essentially unserious act by essentially unserious people applying essentially unserious criteria. And these entirely predictable consequences flowed from that failure on the part of people who refused to demand a real candidate instead of this exceptionally dumb ventriloquist dummy. None of the Democrats were prizes, but this guy can’t find his left slipper on his own, much less lead our country..."

Own Your Failure Biden Voters

You own this.

Trump conspired with OPEC+ to increase oil prices when OPEC was on the verge of breaking up. Frackers are apparently quite content to let prices stay high. Coronavirus cases are back again thanks to unvaccinated Trump supporters. The Republicans have become outright racists and they are not even covering it up.

You Trump supporters are responsible for this.

Trump was the unserious candidate and he was pushing right wing fascism. The fact is that our democracy is in as much danger of falling than ever before. We see a corrupt judicial system that is seizing co9ntrol of our country. Trump is the exceptionally dumb and dangerous candidate.

Trump voters are the ones who are attacking this country.
Over 70% wanted totally out of Afghan. For 20plus years, since W clearly said we were going there to nation build, I've expected failure. I can't have been alone. 70% have to know we don't succeed in nation building.

Blame Trump for freeing 5K Taliban, including the Jefe and freezing out the Afghan "puppet" govt from "peace" negotiations, or blame Biden for not realizing the Afghan army would fold faster than France in 1940. But really it was up to us to set the terms of our "leaving," and both Trump and Biden should have been more up front in saying after the "peace deal" or election "all Americans out in thirty days or prepare to be on your own." And maybe we should have exited from Bagram Air base instead of Hamid Karzai Airport, but I haven't seen anyone say how Americans could get to Bagram Airbase any better than Bagram, but in the end Biden wanted the fewest troops possible on the ground.

In the end, we're out. And with "only" another 13 dead and 15 maimed. Flying an army out after 20+ years was gonna be a clusterfk in any event. Americans wanted out, but apparently we weren't prepared for the ignominy of an occupying army giving up an occupation.

There is no way you can spin it to make it better. Biden royally screwed up the withdrawal, not Trump. There were plenty of things that could have been done ahead of time and Trump very well may have done those things. It is very doubtful he would have executed the withdrawal as poorly as Biden. As cocky as Trump was, he decided to reverse course and not pull completely out of Syria for fear of Al Qaeda taking hold. At the least, Trump would have shown some backbone. Biden has made the US and the world more dangerous. Why would anyone want to join our military knowing that they will leave you hanging if it is politically expeditious? This administration doesn't even have to make any bones about their incompetency because they don't have to answer to the media or the uninformed people that vote for them.
You own this.

Trump conspired with OPEC+ to increase oil prices when OPEC was on the verge of breaking up. Frackers are apparently quite content to let prices stay high. Coronavirus cases are back again thanks to unvaccinated Trump supporters. The Republicans have become outright racists and they are not even covering it up.

You Trump supporters are responsible for this.

Trump was the unserious candidate and he was pushing right wing fascism. The fact is that our democracy is in as much danger of falling than ever before. We see a corrupt judicial system that is seizing co9ntrol of our country. Trump is the exceptionally dumb and dangerous candidate.

Trump voters are the ones who are attacking this country.

I am beginning to think that people like this are plants from our enemies to further cloud the minds of the gullible populace in the US. I just can't believe that we actually have a couple of generations of Americans with this mentality and lack of historical context. They must be plants.
You own this.

Trump conspired with OPEC+ to increase oil prices when OPEC was on the verge of breaking up. Frackers are apparently quite content to let prices stay high. Coronavirus cases are back again thanks to unvaccinated Trump supporters. The Republicans have become outright racists and they are not even covering it up.

You Trump supporters are responsible for this.

Trump was the unserious candidate and he was pushing right wing fascism. The fact is that our democracy is in as much danger of falling than ever before. We see a corrupt judicial system that is seizing co9ntrol of our country. Trump is the exceptionally dumb and dangerous candidate.

Trump voters are the ones who are attacking this country.

That's quite an overactive imagination you have there, girlie.

Did Trump give you your ADHD too?
Well, that is where we disagree. It isn't far-fetched if you apply just a little common sense.
Of course it's far fetched. 10 months since the election and there's still no proof he won.
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You own this.

Trump conspired with OPEC+ to increase oil prices when OPEC was on the verge of breaking up. Frackers are apparently quite content to let prices stay high. Coronavirus cases are back again thanks to unvaccinated Trump supporters. The Republicans have become outright racists and they are not even covering it up.

You Trump supporters are responsible for this.

Trump was the unserious candidate and he was pushing right wing fascism. The fact is that our democracy is in as much danger of falling than ever before. We see a corrupt judicial system that is seizing co9ntrol of our country. Trump is the exceptionally dumb and dangerous candidate.

Trump voters are the ones who are attacking this country.
Gas prices were under $2 a gallon till Biden got in.
Trump had the covid cases going down without the vaccine. Then Biden got in let over a million illegals in. Shipping them all across America. Even if they have covid. Now we have a pandemic again.
Corrupt judicial system? That has been going on for years.
Last I checked it was blm and antifa causing billions of dollars worth of damage. Those are your boys.
The problem with our country is liberalism 100%.
Yup, and the opposite of Trumpism is Bidenism, a brain dead moron who spent his life selling this country out to the Chinese and any other highest bidder.

We no longer have a President willing to stand up to Communist China, bring manufacturing jobs back, keeping us energy independent, and keeping relative peace in the Middle East while still turning terrorists into puddles of burnt goo.

So thanks to idiots like you, we traded “Trumpism” for Bidenism.

As usual you have no clue what you are talking about. Trump made big money being President. The US was never energy independent. We still continued to import oil under Trump. We never had peace in the Middle East and Trump signed a surrender document with the Taliban setting the stage for the messy withdrawal in Afghanistan. There also in no evidence Biden has sold out to anyone. Typical Trump talking points.
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I don’t think you’re thinking specifically about the crazy shit Trump was saying after the election. He was saying extremely far fetched things about states flipping and Pence stopping the constitutionally mandated election certification.

Instead, I think you’re probably just substitute still far fetched but relatively more rational conspiracies about things like mail in voter fraud, which nearly a year later are completely unsubstantiated.

You’re probably a reasonably intelligent person but you let your mind trick you into bending reality in order to preserve your sense of reality. I think Trump largely suffers from the same but much more publicly and to a greater degree.

How would you suggest proving mass voter fraud via mail-in ballots? Seems like a pretty ingenious way to cover their tracks as they knew it was all but impossible. The burden of proof is on the accuser. Couple this with the fact that Democrats don't want voter id, don't want signature validation, and want to continue and even expand mail-in balloting. It stinks to high heavens and if the roles were reversed you would be singing a different tune.

Let's get back to the rules that were previously in place and add voter ID to make sure that we are getting accurate votes. Democrats don't want that, in fact, they certainly give the impression that they don't care much about WHO votes as long as it is for them.
Of course it's far fetched. 10 months since the election and there's still no proof he won.

Hard to prove with the changes made to key states just prior to the election. These changes were made by the state's judicial branches and did not go through the legislature. Yeah, nothing fishy about that at all.

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