Own Your Failure, Biden Voters

As usual you have no clue what you are talking about. Trump made big money being President. The US was never energy independent. We still continued to import oil under Trump. We never had peace in the Middle East and Trump signed a surrender document with the Taliban setting the stage for the messy withdrawal in Afghanistan. There also in no evidence Biden has sold out to anyone. Typical Trump talking points.
Putin got his pipeline to control energy to Europe, after Hunter got 3.5 million from Putin. China will now get all the lithium from Afghanistan they want, and our technology from the equipment we left behind. Biden has been selling us out his entire life.
Last I remember, Biden has been president for 7 months. Threw Trump's plan out the window and screwed the pooch in that order. I think I remember hearing after the election the grown-ups are in charge again. That's some funny stuff there.

Biden did not throw out Trump's plan. He followed Trump's plan and that is why the withdrawal was a mess. The seeds were
w planted by Trump. Biden's mistake was following through on it.
Biden did not throw out Trump's plan. He followed Trump's plan and that is why the withdrawal was a mess. The seeds were
w planted by Trump. Biden's mistake was following through on it.
If he did we would've been out in May. Or did you forget about that fact?
Simple. Match up mail in ballots with their voter roles. Same as before.

And how do we know that the registered voter actually voted and someone else didn't vote in their name? As soon as mail-in ballots were approved on a mass scale, the wheels started turning on just how easy it is to vote on someone else's behalf and just how difficult and almost impossible it would be to prove on a vote-by-vote basis.
There is no way you can spin it to make it better. Biden royally screwed up the withdrawal, not Trump. There were plenty of things that could have been done ahead of time and Trump very well may have done those things. It is very doubtful he would have executed the withdrawal as poorly as Biden. As cocky as Trump was, he decided to reverse course and not pull completely out of Syria for fear of Al Qaeda taking hold. At the least, Trump would have shown some backbone. Biden has made the US and the world more dangerous. Why would anyone want to join our military knowing that they will leave you hanging if it is politically expeditious? This administration doesn't even have to make any bones about their incompetency because they don't have to answer to the media or the uninformed people that vote for them.

Biden was dealt a bad hand. His mistake was following Trump's plan rather than completely scrapping it. The same thing would have happened under Trump. Trump's National Security Advisor says Afghanistan was lost the day Trump signed the agreement. Trump abandoned the Kurds in Syria. The Russians took over our airfield. Trump is the one who has made the US and world more dangerous.
Like the article said, "essentially unserious people applying essentially unserious criteria."

You Biden-supporters apparently have little to no remorse. Your whole administration is coming apart at the seams and all you people can do is come up with "But Trump..."

The article is unserious
How would you suggest proving mass voter fraud via mail-in ballots? Seems like a pretty ingenious way to cover their tracks as they knew it was all but impossible. The burden of proof is on the accuser. Couple this with the fact that Democrats don't want voter id, don't want signature validation, and want to continue and even expand mail-in balloting. It stinks to high heavens and if the roles were reversed you would be singing a different tune.

Let's get back to the rules that were previously in place and add voter ID to make sure that we are getting accurate votes. Democrats don't want that, in fact, they certainly give the impression that they don't care much about WHO votes as long as it is for them.
Mass mail in voter fraud.

Well, let’s see. If people were sending in thousands and thousands of fraudulent mail in ballots, eventually someone would come in to vote only to be told that they’ve already voted. As far as I know, the only person who made that claim was in Nevada and as soon as they asked her to testify to that under oath, she bailed.

We’ve done mail in voting for decades. Now y’all are getting mad about it because it didn’t go your way. Please try to be less transparent. This isn’t about voter fraud, it’s about winning elections one way or another.

But remember, we aren’t talking about YOUR opinion, but Trump’s opinion.

Tell me, do you think the Vice President can just throw out electors from states because he felt like it? Insane. Can the SOS of Georgia throw out tens of thousands of votes for no reason? Idiotic. Can Wisconsin’s Supreme Court decide to eliminate votes from Democratic counties? Stupid.

Trump believes crazy shit because he’s too delusional to accept reality. That’s what you support and you can’t spin it any other way.
Hard to prove with the changes made to key states just prior to the election. These changes were made by the state's judicial branches and did not go through the legislature. Yeah, nothing fishy about that at all.
Which applied to all registered voters. And some changes were not observed, like in Pennsylvania, where they didn't count ballots which came in after election day, despite a late change to allow for ballots to be received up until 3 days later.
He said everything was going smoothly, and when asked about the taliban taking over. He said the Afghanistan troops could hold them. So Americans trusted him. They screwed up big time, because you never trust a democrat. Biden screwed the pooch on Afghanistan no matter how you spin it. If Trump did the same, you would be demanding impeachment.
Still looking for where he told anyone to remain in Afghanistan.

Moreover, it clearly indicates that no one in Afghanistan should expect the military to bail them out given we all knew they were completely leaving.
Last I remember, Biden has been president for 7 months. Threw Trump's plan out the window and screwed the pooch in that order. I think I remember hearing after the election the grown-ups are in charge again. That's some funny stuff there.
Nah, Trump negotiated a pull out. Biden just delayed it. And you trampanzis cheered both.
And how do we know that the registered voter actually voted and someone else didn't vote in their name? As soon as mail-in ballots were approved on a mass scale, the wheels started turning on just how easy it is to vote on someone else's behalf and just how difficult and almost impossible it would be to prove on a vote-by-vote basis.
Huh? How do you get a hold of a ballot I request? How do you know my name?

Had what you're claiming occurred, there would have been massive double voting which would have been caught. You have any evidence that occurred? Or are you just making shit up?
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Last I remember, Biden has been president for 7 months. Threw Trump's plan out the window and screwed the pooch in that order. I think I remember hearing after the election the grown-ups are in charge again. That's some funny stuff there.
Nothing was thrown out the window. Biden extended the deadline to Aug 31st and the Taliban continue to stick to the Surrender agreement they signed with Trump. The Afghan Army and the Government we spent billions on arming and training screwed the pooch! Our military performed admirably in the face of that failure.
To be fair though the Afghan Army and Government were cut out of the surrender negotiations.
But I did vote for Biden.

I assumed a reasonably intelligent adult would get that.

Which is it, you voted against Trump now you say you voted for Biden?

Bwuhahahaha....as decisive as Biden...

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