Own Your Failure, Biden Voters

So much nonsense in one post. The unemployment rate goes down one percent while Trump is in office and he gets credit for the lowest unemployment rate ever? The record stock market that we currently have now? Order in our cities like last summer while Trump was in office? Good trade deals? You have to be kidding, he ceded Asia to China. A President who does not show weakness to our enemies? Trump who capitulated to the Taliban? You seem to have a way different fantasy of Trump than the reality of his presidency.

What's it like to be so misinformed? Sucks to be you. Try another source other than CNN.
So if these people were willing to stay after the US forces left, why do you think they’d be willing to leave with them?

Point is they were warned, they decided not to leave. We couldn’t evacuate people who weren’t willing to leave.
Biden was saying a few weeks ago it was okay and the taliban wasn't going to take over. I guess we can say, Biden lied innocent Americans died.
The war Biden supported and voted for and was vice president for eight years during it? Then he screws the pooch trying to end it.

"Afghanistan, where, by the way, I started the process. All the troops are coming back home. They couldn’t stop the process. 21 years is enough. Don’t we think? 21 years. They couldn’t stop the process. They wanted to, but it was very tough to stop the process when other things…yeah. Thank you. Thank you."

-The Braggart who couldn't help himself-'djt ex-President, sort of....'
The President has nothing to do with the price of fuel. This is a dead argument only used by pathetic partisans.

According to Pelosi and Obama the President does affect gas prices. You can dig up those videos yourself. They would correct. A president's polices will indirectly affect the price of gas.
Mine was a vote against Trumpism, and I'll never regret that.
No, it wasn't. You might might say that, you might tell that to yourself, but the only recorded effect of your vote was a vote FOR Biden. That's how are system works, until we fix it.
Biden was saying a few weeks ago it was okay and the taliban wasn't going to take over. I guess we can say, Biden lied innocent Americans died.
He said what was okay?

At no point in time did Biden say it was okay to remain in Afghanistan and the State Dept was very clearly saying the exact opposite.
"Afghanistan, where, by the way, I started the process. All the troops are coming back home. They couldn’t stop the process. 21 years is enough. Don’t we think? 21 years. They couldn’t stop the process. They wanted to, but it was very tough to stop the process when other things…yeah. Thank you. Thank you."

-The Braggart who couldn't help himself-'djt ex-President, sort of....'
But, but Trump lol.
According to Pelosi and Obama the President does affect gas prices. You can dig up those videos yourself. They would correct. A president's polices will indirectly affect the price of gas.
Gas prices started rising in November. Which Biden policy caused that?
So you're NOT for a secure border, a strong economy with a record low unemployment rate, a record stock market, order in our cities, good trade deals, a strong military and a President who does not show weakness to our enemies? Seriously, I know you hated the tweets, larger than life ego and braggadocios attitude. I wasn't a fan either. But that ego was working in a positive way for all of us. I'll put up with that any day to get the aforementioned stuff. Unfortunately we're now stuck with a weak President and moving backwards.
Trump was the weak one. He was a disgrace.
I’m not sure you guys are capable of calling out others judgement. Most of y’all still support a guy who thinks he won the election.

I have never said Trump won the election, but I am not naive enough to believe that no cheating occurred with the mass mail-in balloting campaign and sudden changes to voting laws in the swing states like PA. Where there is smoke there is fire, but Biden supporters choose to ignore it because it doesn't suit them. Funny though, the same probably supported Hillary who said in late 2020 that the 2016 election had been stolen. I might also add that in 2016 Democrats like Maxine Waters voted NOT to award the Wyoming delegates to Trump, a state Trump won by 40+ points with FAR, FAR less evidence of any wrongdoing, and of course no last-minute change of rules before the election.
He said what was okay?

At no point in time did Biden say it was okay to remain in Afghanistan and the State Dept was very clearly saying the exact opposite.
He said everything was going smoothly, and when asked about the taliban taking over. He said the Afghanistan troops could hold them. So Americans trusted him. They screwed up big time, because you never trust a democrat. Biden screwed the pooch on Afghanistan no matter how you spin it. If Trump did the same, you would be demanding impeachment.
If you live in California, you chose to live in the state with the highest gas tax in the country. You chose to live in the state with the highest state taxes in the country. You chose to live in one of the 3 highest costs of living states in the country.
You chose poorly.

Socialist CA sucks
These Moon Bats will never own up to their stupidity.

We told these idiots last year that Potatohead was a disaster but they didn't listen.

It takes a significant amount of stupidity to be a Democrat in the first place but not admitting that Potatohead is a disaster is just doubling down on that stupidity.

And obstinate. The more you think about it, the more you realize why their party mascot is a jackass.
Yea. So odd they started rising when Biden "won". Thanks for pointing that out.
That doesn't answer my question. You said a president's policies affect gas prices. Biden wasn't president then. My unanswered question is what Biden policies caused gas prices to start rising in November?
I have never said Trump won the election, but I am not naive enough to believe that no cheating occurred with the mass mail-in balloting campaign and sudden changes to voting laws in the swing states like PA. Where there is smoke there is fire, but Biden supporters choose to ignore it because it doesn't suit them. Funny though, the same probably supported Hillary who said in late 2020 that the 2016 election had been stolen. I might also add that in 2016 Democrats like Maxine Waters voted NOT to award the Wyoming delegates to Trump, a state Trump won by 40+ points with FAR, FAR less evidence of any wrongdoing, and of course no last-minute change of rules before the election.
I’m not sure your judgement seems any better simply because you don’t think Trump won but you support a man who does believe in extremely far fetched delusional theories about a stolen election.

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