Own Your Failure, Biden Voters

You would rather see girls and women raped and tortured in mass and allies and americans murdered in the middle east to go along with the terror attacks that Biden has just now encouraged here.

Your blind hate of Trump must be really bad and really be stupid then.
Like Trumpsters give a shit about girls and women being raped.
No, that's the right. You always have an excuse.

For example, trump can't lose the election because he wasn't a good president, there had to be some kind of fraud.

Hey IM2, Trump just called a black man "Boy"..........What are your thoughts?
Get a book and study Communism. It ain't what it was promised to be. Study those nation-states which have "Peoples", "Republic", & "Democratic Republic" in their nation's name. Such as N. Korea, China, etc.:

People's republic - Wikipedia
It's much more about capitalism having free rein to do as it pleases in America.

And now that the chickens are coming home, Americans like you are having second thoughts.

Just maybe there should have been some restraint placed on US corporations that marched off to China to take advantage of the most lucrative marketplace.

And furthermore, maybe those corporations should have taken up on China'a offer of America bringing it's own labour over to fill the jobs created. (yes, that was offered) (any idea why the corporatists turned the offer down?)
Where is this five dollar a gallon gasoline at then?
It's much more about capitalism having free rein to do as it pleases in America.

And now that the chickens are coming home, Americans like you are having second thoughts.

Just maybe there should have been some restraint placed on US corporations that marched off to China to take advantage of the most lucrative marketplace.

And furthermore, maybe those corporations should have taken up on China'a offer of America bringing it's own labour over to fill the jobs created. (yes, that was offered) (any idea why the corporatists turned the offer down?)
living in China maybe?
He stunk because why?

Your feelings don't count, nor does your race.
Fuck off punk, you don't tell me what doesn't count. 600,000 people died because his incompetence when we have the best medical resources on earth. We are 5 percent of the global population and during trump we had 20 percent of the deaths and infections. Not to mention his rampant corruption. So your feelings that trump was great and you wanted to MAWA, oops MAGA is the only reason you still support trump.
Fuck off punk, you don't tell me what doesn't count. 600,000 people died
8000 people die daily, do you know that? come on man, fking learn something once in your pathetic life.
Biden didn't cause this, fool. This would have happened if trump was in office. Because this is happening globally.
nope, never. You're a very confused monkey. Jim Joneser drinking demofk koolaid daily. you believe every mthr fking word out of their mouths when they are 180 degrees out of sync with the american people.
Fuck off punk, you don't tell me what doesn't count. 600,000 people died because his incompetence when we have the best medical resources on earth. We are 5 percent of the global population and during trump we had 20 percent of the deaths and infections. Not to mention his rampant corruption. So your feelings that trump was great and you wanted to MAWA, oops MAGA is the only reason you still support trump.

You don't even believe the trash you put on paper, how do expect anyone else to?
8000 people die daily, do you know that? come on man, fking learn something once in your pathetic life.
Sorry pal, that excuse ain't going to get it. Other countries had the same virus and not the same deaths and infections.
I had to stop reading your hilarious bullshit when you called ME a dumbass then declared, Biden is the best person for the job.' :p

If the job is:
Surrending our energy independence
Surrendering our Border Security
Surrendering our national security
Taking money from the CCP & Russia
Taking orders from the Taliban
Breaking promises, lying, & leaving Americans behind

You're absolutely righ, Bullshit!
Doesn't matter what you may or may not have read.
There is no way you can spin it to make it better. Biden royally screwed up the withdrawal, not Trump. There were plenty of things that could have been done ahead of time and Trump very well may have done those things. It is very doubtful he would have executed the withdrawal as poorly as Biden. As cocky as Trump was, he decided to reverse course and not pull completely out of Syria for fear of Al Qaeda taking hold. At the least, Trump would have shown some backbone. Biden has made the US and the world more dangerous. Why would anyone want to join our military knowing that they will leave you hanging if it is politically expeditious? This administration doesn't even have to make any bones about their incompetency because they don't have to answer to the media or the uninformed people that vote for them.
Fine say Biden screwed it up. Trump never proposed anything, except turning prisoners loose, cutting troops and getting the fuck out. There's nothing to show it could have been better. Biden got us out, and nobody else did. But more than 70% wanted out. The people complaining now realize .... we lost. But we never had a winnable goal. W was good at that. I don't blame either Trump or Biden. They both tried to do the right, but distasteful, thing. Trump thought he'd get a nobel though. Not that Obama deserved one either. LOL
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Sorry pal, that excuse ain't going to get it. Other countries had the same virus and not the same deaths and infections.
so you don't know that. You have no evidence to support the statement that 600,000 people died because of wuhan. you can't. to say anything else makes you jim jones.

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