Own Your Failure, Biden Voters

Fine say Biden screwed it up. Trump never proposed anything. There's nothing to show it could have been better. Biden got us out, and nobody else did.
the fk he didn't. His plan was actually posted in the forum in another thread.
Sorry pal, that excuse ain't going to get it. Other countries had the same virus and not the same deaths and infections.

You stupid FUCK........We have twice the case counts today as one year ago. No wonder you vote Demoncrat, you're a blind asshole. Excuse me, you're a blind dick, assholes can be respected.
Still looking for where he told anyone to remain in Afghanistan.

Moreover, it clearly indicates that no one in Afghanistan should expect the military to bail them out given we all knew they were completely leaving.
You said he warned them, I pointed out he didn't.
We were getting over it till Biden brought over a million unvetted illegals and shipped them all over the country.
But you said that was because of Trump. What did Trump do to getting us over it?
Nah, Trump negotiated a pull out. Biden just delayed it. And you trampanzis cheered both.
Biden screwed the pooch, this is what he did after each soldier he killed was unloaded in front of him.

He is a piece of shit.
Nothing was thrown out the window. Biden extended the deadline to Aug 31st and the Taliban continue to stick to the Surrender agreement they signed with Trump. The Afghan Army and the Government we spent billions on arming and training screwed the pooch! Our military performed admirably in the face of that failure.
To be fair though the Afghan Army and Government were cut out of the surrender negotiations.
I've explained this but you idiots don't understand.
Fine say Biden screwed it up. Trump never proposed anything, except turning prisoners loose, cutting troops and getting the fuck out. There's nothing to show it could have been better. Biden got us out, and nobody else did. But more than 70% wanted out. The people complaining now realize .... we lost. But we never had a winnable goal. W was good at that. I don't blame either Trump or Biden. They both tried to do the right, but distasteful, thing. Trump thought he'd get a nobel though. Not that Obama deserved one either. LOL
Several here have repeated the lies that Biden was bound by this, and just followed the Trump deal.

Please copy and paste the parts of this deal that Biden followed.

never understood the thinking that the afghan army wouldn't collapse, but even the Taliban were surprised it happened so fast. I didn't realize the Taliban could move so quickly.
They now have 22,000 humvees, 100 modern helicopters several hundred thousand small arms, thousands of night vison goggles, tanks, radio equipment, body armor and God only knows what else

all thanks to biden

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