Oxford University is an insane asylum


Diamond Member
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Mar 23, 2013
The Real World
It's not 'he' and 'she'. It's 'ze': Oxford University union tells students to use gender neutral pronouns so as 'not to offend transgender undergraduates'

Oxford University says students must use gender neutral 'ze' in place of 'she' and 'he' | Daily Mail Online

I for one will never use gender neutral terms to placate people who are clearly suffering from a psychosis, but coddled and encouraged to pursue their delusions rather than treated properly by professionals.

I have no issue using whatever pronoun someone politely asks me to use, probably after I use the "wrong" one at first. However, assuming I should either know what to use, or use a made up neutral one to placate the 0.00001% of the population that feels the need to be gender fluid is a no go. What is a further no go is making it a social stigma to use the wrong one, or not use the made up neutral one. If that's the case, then your new pronoun is "you asshole", or "that asshole"

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