This advertisement will go down as one of the most FUBAR corporate moves since Coca Cola's reformulation.
Who in the hell green lit this thing? What kind of moron that sells a product to only men, make an ad that is over the top sexist, anti-male garbage that makes a ridiculous assertion that all men are misogynistic pigs.
Insult 100% of your demographic.
Yeah...that'll work.
Working on 2,000,000 dislikes on YouTube.... a record.

Once AGAIN this is not an "advertisement". Advertisements sell products. There is no product being sold or even displayed here. NOR does it make any such assertion that "all men are misogynistic pigs", NOR does it ever advise "shaving one's toxic masculinity" or "shaving" anything (the headline is entirely fake). Moreover the video is a minute and 48 seconds long and that fits into absolutely nobody's broadcast clock.

And btw this just in --- women use razors too so "sells a product to only men" doesn't apply anyway.
That is correct! It suggests that only white males are misogynistic miscreants. And that by, and large... brown men are the sole voices of decency in a misogynistic world gone wrong.
This advertisement will go down as one of the most FUBAR corporate moves since Coca Cola's reformulation.
Who in the hell green lit this thing? What kind of moron that sells a product to only men, make an ad that is over the top sexist, anti-male garbage that makes a ridiculous assertion that all men are misogynistic pigs.
Insult 100% of your demographic.
Yeah...that'll work.
Working on 2,000,000 dislikes on YouTube.... a record.

Once AGAIN this is not an "advertisement". Advertisements sell products. There is no product being sold or even displayed here. NOR does it make any such assertion that "all men are misogynistic pigs", NOR does it ever advise "shaving one's toxic masculinity" or "shaving" anything (the headline is entirely fake). Moreover the video is a minute and 48 seconds long and that fits into absolutely nobody's broadcast clock.

And btw this just in --- women use razors too so "sells a product to only men" doesn't apply anyway.
Obviously you seen a different ad.
Or are blind as a bat.
Truth is, today, a very small % of men act anything like the beast that are portrayed in the ad. And if they do - they are called out.
What we really have to fear is the femi-nazis who put this garbage out.

What I saw was the video linked by the OP. It is not an "ad". Period. No product. No sales pitch. No exhortation to "shave toxic masculinity" or "shave" anything. A minute forty-eight.

Perhaps you should watch the same thing before swallowing fake headlines and fake thread titles.
I agree. In fact; everyone should watch it on mute. Take it in frame, by frame... then tell us what exactly, it is you saw. What was actually shown in this video; and what do you believe the director was trying to suggest...?
This advertisement will go down as one of the most FUBAR corporate moves since Coca Cola's reformulation.
Who in the hell green lit this thing? What kind of moron that sells a product to only men, make an ad that is over the top sexist, anti-male garbage that makes a ridiculous assertion that all men are misogynistic pigs.
Insult 100% of your demographic.
Yeah...that'll work.
Working on 2,000,000 dislikes on YouTube.... a record.

Once AGAIN this is not an "advertisement". Advertisements sell products. There is no product being sold or even displayed here. NOR does it make any such assertion that "all men are misogynistic pigs", NOR does it ever advise "shaving one's toxic masculinity" or "shaving" anything (the headline is entirely fake). Moreover the video is a minute and 48 seconds long and that fits into absolutely nobody's broadcast clock.

And btw this just in --- women use razors too so "sells a product to only men" doesn't apply anyway.
That is correct! It suggests that only white males are misogynistic miscreants. And that by, and large... brown men are the sole voices of decency in a misogynistic world gone wrong.

This advertisement will go down as one of the most FUBAR corporate moves since Coca Cola's reformulation.
Who in the hell green lit this thing? What kind of moron that sells a product to only men, make an ad that is over the top sexist, anti-male garbage that makes a ridiculous assertion that all men are misogynistic pigs.
Insult 100% of your demographic.
Yeah...that'll work.
Working on 2,000,000 dislikes on YouTube.... a record.

Once AGAIN this is not an "advertisement". Advertisements sell products. There is no product being sold or even displayed here. NOR does it make any such assertion that "all men are misogynistic pigs", NOR does it ever advise "shaving one's toxic masculinity" or "shaving" anything (the headline is entirely fake). Moreover the video is a minute and 48 seconds long and that fits into absolutely nobody's broadcast clock.

And btw this just in --- women use razors too so "sells a product to only men" doesn't apply anyway.
Obviously you seen a different ad.
Or are blind as a bat.
Truth is, today, a very small % of men act anything like the beast that are portrayed in the ad. And if they do - they are called out.
What we really have to fear is the femi-nazis who put this garbage out.

What I saw was the video linked by the OP. It is not an "ad". Period. No product. No sales pitch. No exhortation to "shave toxic masculinity" or "shave" anything. A minute forty-eight.

Perhaps you should watch the same thing before swallowing fake headlines and fake thread titles.
I agree. In fact; everyone should watch it on mute. Take it in frame, by frame... then tell us what exactly, it is you saw. What was actually shown in this video; and what do you believe the director was trying to suggest...?

I dunno, some wags here seem to be counting skin colors. That didn't occur to me so I don't have a count.

As far as what the PSA's 'message' is I don't think it's at all clear. It makes some sociocultural allusions without making a statement. That lack of clarity is why fake headlines like the OP can paint their own definitions on a tabula rasa.
This advertisement will go down as one of the most FUBAR corporate moves since Coca Cola's reformulation.
Who in the hell green lit this thing? What kind of moron that sells a product to only men, make an ad that is over the top sexist, anti-male garbage that makes a ridiculous assertion that all men are misogynistic pigs.
Insult 100% of your demographic.
Yeah...that'll work.
Working on 2,000,000 dislikes on YouTube.... a record.

Once AGAIN this is not an "advertisement". Advertisements sell products. There is no product being sold or even displayed here. NOR does it make any such assertion that "all men are misogynistic pigs", NOR does it ever advise "shaving one's toxic masculinity" or "shaving" anything (the headline is entirely fake). Moreover the video is a minute and 48 seconds long and that fits into absolutely nobody's broadcast clock.

And btw this just in --- women use razors too so "sells a product to only men" doesn't apply anyway.
That is correct! It suggests that only white males are misogynistic miscreants. And that by, and large... brown men are the sole voices of decency in a misogynistic world gone wrong.

This advertisement will go down as one of the most FUBAR corporate moves since Coca Cola's reformulation.
Who in the hell green lit this thing? What kind of moron that sells a product to only men, make an ad that is over the top sexist, anti-male garbage that makes a ridiculous assertion that all men are misogynistic pigs.
Insult 100% of your demographic.
Yeah...that'll work.
Working on 2,000,000 dislikes on YouTube.... a record.

Once AGAIN this is not an "advertisement". Advertisements sell products. There is no product being sold or even displayed here. NOR does it make any such assertion that "all men are misogynistic pigs", NOR does it ever advise "shaving one's toxic masculinity" or "shaving" anything (the headline is entirely fake). Moreover the video is a minute and 48 seconds long and that fits into absolutely nobody's broadcast clock.

And btw this just in --- women use razors too so "sells a product to only men" doesn't apply anyway.
Obviously you seen a different ad.
Or are blind as a bat.
Truth is, today, a very small % of men act anything like the beast that are portrayed in the ad. And if they do - they are called out.
What we really have to fear is the femi-nazis who put this garbage out.

What I saw was the video linked by the OP. It is not an "ad". Period. No product. No sales pitch. No exhortation to "shave toxic masculinity" or "shave" anything. A minute forty-eight.

Perhaps you should watch the same thing before swallowing fake headlines and fake thread titles.
I agree. In fact; everyone should watch it on mute. Take it in frame, by frame... then tell us what exactly, it is you saw. What was actually shown in this video; and what do you believe the director was trying to suggest...?

I dunno, some wags here seem to be counting skin colors. That didn't occur to me so I don't have a count.

As far as what the PSA's 'message' is I don't think it's at all clear. It makes some sociocultural allusions without making a statement. That lack of clarity is why fake headlines like the OP can paint their own definitions on a tabula rasa.
While I agree with you that the video is not an advertisement for a product... It is abundantly clear; and certainly not accidental... That every antagonist in the video, and the victims of antagonists... Were, and were victims of; “White males”.
Only in topsy turvyville are all the white males the perpetuators of societal negativity; while the the brown skinned folks were, if not just shocked onlookers... were the outright white knights attempting to inject some decency into to situation. Despite hard data that shows prevalence to the contrary.
Show me someone who didn’t notice; and I’ll show you someone who is completely full of shit...
Last edited:
This advertisement will go down as one of the most FUBAR corporate moves since Coca Cola's reformulation.
Who in the hell green lit this thing? What kind of moron that sells a product to only men, make an ad that is over the top sexist, anti-male garbage that makes a ridiculous assertion that all men are misogynistic pigs.
Insult 100% of your demographic.
Yeah...that'll work.
Working on 2,000,000 dislikes on YouTube.... a record.

Once AGAIN this is not an "advertisement". Advertisements sell products. There is no product being sold or even displayed here. NOR does it make any such assertion that "all men are misogynistic pigs", NOR does it ever advise "shaving one's toxic masculinity" or "shaving" anything (the headline is entirely fake). Moreover the video is a minute and 48 seconds long and that fits into absolutely nobody's broadcast clock.

And btw this just in --- women use razors too so "sells a product to only men" doesn't apply anyway.
Obviously you seen a different ad.
Or are blind as a bat.
Truth is, today, a very small % of men act anything like the beast that are portrayed in the ad. And if they do - they are called out.
What we really have to fear is the femi-nazis who put this garbage out.

What I saw was the video linked by the OP. It is not an "ad". Period. No product. No sales pitch. No exhortation to "shave toxic masculinity" or "shave" anything. A minute forty-eight.

Perhaps you should watch the same thing before swallowing fake headlines and fake thread titles.
Perhaps you should man up and defend what you are.... a man.
Unless you are a woman, than you should realize that masculinity is desperately needed today
This advertisement will go down as one of the most FUBAR corporate moves since Coca Cola's reformulation.
Who in the hell green lit this thing? What kind of moron that sells a product to only men, make an ad that is over the top sexist, anti-male garbage that makes a ridiculous assertion that all men are misogynistic pigs.
Insult 100% of your demographic.
Yeah...that'll work.
Working on 2,000,000 dislikes on YouTube.... a record.

Actually, men who are secure in themselves are not insulted.

And most of Gillettes' sales are probably to women who use more razors than men do.
I agree. In fact; everyone should watch it on mute. Take it in frame, by frame... then tell us what exactly, it is you saw. What was actually shown in this video; and what do you believe the director was trying to suggest...?

That some men need to behave better.
This advertisement will go down as one of the most FUBAR corporate moves since Coca Cola's reformulation.
Who in the hell green lit this thing? What kind of moron that sells a product to only men, make an ad that is over the top sexist, anti-male garbage that makes a ridiculous assertion that all men are misogynistic pigs.
Insult 100% of your demographic.
Yeah...that'll work.
Working on 2,000,000 dislikes on YouTube.... a record.

Actually, men who are secure in themselves are not insulted.

And most of Gillettes' sales are probably to women who use more razors than men do.
Actually you're full of pig dung
Only in topsy turvyville are all the white males the perpetuators of societal negativity; while the the brown skinned folks were, if not just shocked onlookers... were the outright white knights attempting to inject some decency into to situation. Despite hard data that shows prevalence to the contrary.
Show me someone who didn’t notice; and I’ll show you someone who is completely full of shit...

The only people who would "notice" something like that are the ones who pee themselves when a black person walks down the street...
This advertisement will go down as one of the most FUBAR corporate moves since Coca Cola's reformulation.
Who in the hell green lit this thing? What kind of moron that sells a product to only men, make an ad that is over the top sexist, anti-male garbage that makes a ridiculous assertion that all men are misogynistic pigs.
Insult 100% of your demographic.
Yeah...that'll work.
Working on 2,000,000 dislikes on YouTube.... a record.

Once AGAIN this is not an "advertisement". Advertisements sell products. There is no product being sold or even displayed here. NOR does it make any such assertion that "all men are misogynistic pigs", NOR does it ever advise "shaving one's toxic masculinity" or "shaving" anything (the headline is entirely fake). Moreover the video is a minute and 48 seconds long and that fits into absolutely nobody's broadcast clock.

And btw this just in --- women use razors too so "sells a product to only men" doesn't apply anyway.
Obviously you seen a different ad.
Or are blind as a bat.
Truth is, today, a very small % of men act anything like the beast that are portrayed in the ad. And if they do - they are called out.
What we really have to fear is the femi-nazis who put this garbage out.

What I saw was the video linked by the OP. It is not an "ad". Period. No product. No sales pitch. No exhortation to "shave toxic masculinity" or "shave" anything. A minute forty-eight.

Perhaps you should watch the same thing before swallowing fake headlines and fake thread titles.
Perhaps you should man up and defend what you are.... a man.
Unless you are a woman, than you should realize that masculinity is desperately needed today

Perhaps you should read the post you quoted before responding with nonsense red herrings.
This advertisement will go down as one of the most FUBAR corporate moves since Coca Cola's reformulation.
Who in the hell green lit this thing? What kind of moron that sells a product to only men, make an ad that is over the top sexist, anti-male garbage that makes a ridiculous assertion that all men are misogynistic pigs.
Insult 100% of your demographic.
Yeah...that'll work.
Working on 2,000,000 dislikes on YouTube.... a record.

Once AGAIN this is not an "advertisement". Advertisements sell products. There is no product being sold or even displayed here. NOR does it make any such assertion that "all men are misogynistic pigs", NOR does it ever advise "shaving one's toxic masculinity" or "shaving" anything (the headline is entirely fake). Moreover the video is a minute and 48 seconds long and that fits into absolutely nobody's broadcast clock.

And btw this just in --- women use razors too so "sells a product to only men" doesn't apply anyway.
Obviously you seen a different ad.
Or are blind as a bat.
Truth is, today, a very small % of men act anything like the beast that are portrayed in the ad. And if they do - they are called out.
What we really have to fear is the femi-nazis who put this garbage out.

What I saw was the video linked by the OP. It is not an "ad". Period. No product. No sales pitch. No exhortation to "shave toxic masculinity" or "shave" anything. A minute forty-eight.

Perhaps you should watch the same thing before swallowing fake headlines and fake thread titles.
Perhaps you should man up and defend what you are.... a man.
Unless you are a woman, than you should realize that masculinity is desperately needed today

Perhaps you should read the post you quoted before responding with nonsense red herrings.

Pogo, you are the poster child for the emasculated liberal least on this forum. You have competition, but you would get my vote.

This advertisement will go down as one of the most FUBAR corporate moves since Coca Cola's reformulation.
Who in the hell green lit this thing? What kind of moron that sells a product to only men, make an ad that is over the top sexist, anti-male garbage that makes a ridiculous assertion that all men are misogynistic pigs.
Insult 100% of your demographic.
Yeah...that'll work.
Working on 2,000,000 dislikes on YouTube.... a record.

Once AGAIN this is not an "advertisement". Advertisements sell products. There is no product being sold or even displayed here. NOR does it make any such assertion that "all men are misogynistic pigs", NOR does it ever advise "shaving one's toxic masculinity" or "shaving" anything (the headline is entirely fake). Moreover the video is a minute and 48 seconds long and that fits into absolutely nobody's broadcast clock.

And btw this just in --- women use razors too so "sells a product to only men" doesn't apply anyway.
That is correct! It suggests that only white males are misogynistic miscreants. And that by, and large... brown men are the sole voices of decency in a misogynistic world gone wrong.
So..there are only white men acting like "boys will be boys" in that ad? You might want to look again.
Pogo, you are the poster child for the emasculated liberal least on this forum. You have competition, but you would get my vote.


Again, Stew Bum Dale is part of the InCel Movement who thinks that this is all a conspiracy by the Illuminati.
Backlash over Gillette's '#MeToo advert'
A Gillette advert which references bullying, the #MeToo movement and toxic masculinity has split opinion online.

The razor company's short film, called Believe, plays on their famous slogan "The best a man can get", replacing it with "The best men can be".

The company says it wants men to hold each other "accountable".

ahhhahh . you all made fun of it cause you didn't get it apparently enough ppl are intelligent enouggh to see the SUBLIMINAL messages being passed . It's a shame the same intelligence doesn't always exist here.



here you want a list of all the ways men are being changed to either be women are act like one, why do you think feminist are like nazi bitches....... they hate men they want men like you cause you are pussies they can order around. You are the soy boys , you are the antifas, you are the Trump haters more often than not.

View attachment 240259

Feminization Program

View attachment 240261

I mean they are using mental health as a weapon.

Do you realize how many mental health counselors are fkn feminazis's how many believe in woman power .
The only people who should be upset by the ad are those who identify with the bullies and misogynists that Gillette speaks against. Fact.

Eh, not really. I mean, it does get pretty annoying being lectured to all the time. And I think the effects of shit like this on young guys is as of yet unexplored. Sort of an insinuation that they are inherently bad and need to make a special effort to do the right thing, whereas with women the assumption is they are inherently good and the bad ones are aberrant. How could constant messaging like that not have a negative effect on young men?
Pogo, you are the poster child for the emasculated liberal least on this forum. You have competition, but you would get my vote.


Again, Stew Bum Dale is part of the InCel Movement who thinks that this is all a conspiracy by the Illuminati.

Joe Blowhard, the indignant leftard commie of Chi-town bath-house fame? You didn't do Pogo any favors by rushing to his defense and swinging your purse. "Incel", Joe Blowhard? Is that queer bath-house lingo that us "straights" are not privy to?

Joe Blowhard, the indignant leftard commie of Chi-town bath-house fame? You didn't do Pogo any favors by rushing to his defense and swinging your purse. "Incel", Joe Blowhard? Is that queer bath-house lingo that us "straights" are not privy to?

No, "InCel"... come on, you know all the conspiracy lingo, StewBum Dale.

It's loser men who think women are holding out on them.

You'd know this if were diving in the right dumpsters.
Backlash over Gillette's '#MeToo advert'
A Gillette advert which references bullying, the #MeToo movement and toxic masculinity has split opinion online.

The razor company's short film, called Believe, plays on their famous slogan "The best a man can get", replacing it with "The best men can be".

The company says it wants men to hold each other "accountable".

ahhhahh . you all made fun of it cause you didn't get it apparently enough ppl are intelligent enouggh to see the SUBLIMINAL messages being passed . It's a shame the same intelligence doesn't always exist here.



here you want a list of all the ways men are being changed to either be women are act like one, why do you think feminist are like nazi bitches....... they hate men they want men like you cause you are pussies they can order around. You are the soy boys , you are the antifas, you are the Trump haters more often than not.

View attachment 240259

Feminization Program

View attachment 240261

I mean they are using mental health as a weapon.

Do you realize how many mental health counselors are fkn feminazis's how many believe in woman power .
The only people who should be upset by the ad are those who identify with the bullies and misogynists that Gillette speaks against. Fact.

Eh, not really. I mean, it does get pretty annoying being lectured to all the time. And I think the effects of shit like this on young guys is as of yet unexplored. Sort of an insinuation that they are inherently bad and need to make a special effort to do the right thing, whereas with women the assumption is they are inherently good and the bad ones are aberrant. How could constant messaging like that not have a negative effect on young men?

Whether one infers that or not, that particular message has been around way longer than Gillette has.

Ever heard the nursery rhyme that tells us girls are made of sugar and spice and everything nice while boys are made of snips and snails and puppy dogs' tails? It starts there and then gets reinforced from every angle, for life.

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