P.King called for more surveillance on the Muslim community


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Apr 8, 2015
Peter King We Need More Surveillance of People in the Muslim Community Mediaite

I do believe in having more surveillance of people in the Muslim community, because that’s where the threat comes from.

Republican Congressman King is one of those who think all Muslims are potential terrorists and he calls for spying on people because of their religion. He knows it’s unconstitutional, but thinks it’s necessary. Do you think he’s right and the new mass surveillance acts on 2 million Muslim Americans would be a reasonable expenditure line in the budget?
Peter King We Need More Surveillance of People in the Muslim Community Mediaite

I do believe in having more surveillance of people in the Muslim community, because that’s where the threat comes from.

Republican Congressman King is one of those who think all Muslims are potential terrorists and he calls for spying on people because of their religion. He knows it’s unconstitutional, but thinks it’s necessary. Do you think he’s right and the new mass surveillance acts on 2 million Muslim Americans would be a reasonable expenditure line in the budget?
Privacy, especially here in America, is very important. Spying on people is very unnecessary. We've lost way too much privacy as it is. Terrorists are going to do what terrorists do, one way or another. If terrorists want to do harm, they'll find a way to do it. I'd love to see what privacy we've lost reinstated.
I've got an even better idea. End all immigration of Muslims whose origin is from any Islamic nation.
Ghost of the Patriot Act...

Counteterrorism Chair: ‘There Should Be Much More Surveillance in the Muslim Community in United States’
December 10, 2015 | Rep. Peter King (R.-N.Y.), who is chairman of the House Homeland Security Subcommittee on Counterterrorism and Intelligence, told reporters Thursday that he believes “there should be much more surveillance in the Muslim community in the United States.
King was responding to a reporter who asked him what Congress could do to prevent something like the San Bernardino terrorist attack from happening again. “The only way you are going to find out this in advance is to do the same type of 24/7 surveillance that was done in the Italian-American communities when they were going after the mob, mafia, and the Irish communities when they were going after the Westies,” said King. “You look where the terror threat is going to come from and right now it is going to come from the Muslim community, and it is a small percentage but to me the only way you find out about it in advance is to have sources and informers on the ground with constant surveillance,” he said.

Here is a transcript of part of King’s exchange with reporters:

Question: "What can you do on Capitol Hill to prevent something like this from happening again?"

King: "Well, that is part of the process now. I have my own view. But that’s a different--I believe there should be much more surveillance in the Muslim community here in the United States. The only way you are going to find out this in advance is to do the same type of 24/7 surveillance that was done in the Italian-American communities when they were going after the mob, mafia, and the Irish communities when they were going after the Westies. You look where the terror threat is going to come from and right now it is going to come from the Muslim community, and it is a small percentage but to me the only way you find out about it in advance is to have sources and informers on the ground with constant surveillance. It was done--"

Question: "Should they have known sooner? Should authorities have been alerted sooner to the fact that those two people were there and were a potential threat?"

King: "Well, again, we’ll to have to find out. I think the only way you are going to find that out in the future is if you have constant surveillance on the ground. Unfortunately, police departments have been pushed away from that. I think if every department followed the model of what the NYPD was doing you would have much less chance of a plot like this succeeding."

Counteterrorism Chair: ‘There Should Be Much More Surveillance in the Muslim Community in United States’

See also:

Cruz: AG’s ‘Ban on What She Calls Anti-Muslim Rhetoric’ Producing ‘Chilling Effect’ in War on Terror
December 11, 2015 | In a speech at the Heritage Foundation in Washington, D.C., on Thursday, GOP presidential contender Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) warned that the Obama administration’s efforts to be the “speech police” for the Muslim community is producing a “chilling effect” on citizens’ willingness to report suspicious activity that could be tied to terrorism for fear they will be accused of racial profiling.
“Loretta Lynch’s ban on what she calls anti-Muslim rhetoric is already producing its chilling effect, and it’s preventing Americans from taking basic steps to protect ourselves,” said Cruz. Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik killed 14 people in a shooting massacre in San Berardino last week that was deemed to be a terrorist attack. One of the couple’s neighbors told police she saw suspicious activity at their house but declined to report it for fear she would be accused of racial profiling. A man identified as Aaron Elswick told an ABC News affiliate that a neighbor noticed “quite a few packages” delivered to the couple’s home in a short period of time, Fox News reported. The woman also noticed the couple “doing a lot of work in the garage,” but didn’t want to profile them. It turns out the couple left behind a stockpile of ammunition and explosives.

The Department of Homeland Security launched the “If You See Something, Say Something” campaign in conjunction with the U.S. Department of Justice's Nationwide Suspicious Activity Reporting Initiative (NSI) in 2010. The goal was to train “state and local law enforcement to recognize behaviors and indicators of terrorism and terrorism-related crime.” “If you see something you know shouldn't be there—or someone's behavior that doesn't seem quite right—say something. Because only you know what’s supposed to be in your everyday,” DHS said on its website. People are asked to report suspicious activity to local law enforcement, describing specifically what they saw, “including who or what you saw, when you saw it, where it occurred, and why it’s suspicious.”

President Barack Obama “spent a significant portion of his Sunday address” after the San Bernardino attack “as an apologist for radical Islamic terror,” Cruz said, “and as his attorney general, Loretta Lynch told a gathering the day after the San Bernardino attack that her department would move to prosecute anyone whose ‘anti-Muslim rhetoric edged towards violence.’” “The day after a terror attack – 14 innocent lives snuffed away, we want a president and an attorney general who stand up for this nation, not an attorney general who decrees herself the speech police for any who dare speak out against this threat,” said Cruz.

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