P@rn Stars And Tweets? Mueller Spends Tax Dollar Millions to Investigate This?

,Mueller's investigation is NOT DEFINED by Trump's involvement.
If that were so he would be investigating the only real Russian collusion:

- Hillary's $100+ million from the KGB Bank

- Hillary and Barry giving 20% of the US supply of Uranium to Russia

- Obama knowing about the Russians since 2014 & doing nothing

- Obama 'giving' Crimea to Putin

- Hillary 'giving' 6 foreign entities TS data from her illegal server

- Hillary colluding with / paying foreign spies & Russians..
Mueller is just the latest failed investigation...

Moron, Can you tell me what this is?

Over 100 Charges, 32 People and 3 Companies: The Mueller Inquiry, Explained
Absolutely NOTHING to do with Trump & non-existent illegal collusion with Russians, MORON!


You have absolutely. no clue what Mueller is doing or isn't doing. All you got is who and why Grand Jury indicts, after their investigation of the charges Mueller presents.
The Mueller team does not leak, unlike the Trump team.
Again and as usual, another thread by you is pure conjecture and conspiracy, or in other words, your usual bullshit.
What a fucking loser.
Zero Crimes involving Trump
Zero evidence of crimes involving Trump
Porn Stars
Wasting Tax Dollars on butt-hurt & hate
Obstructing Justice

That suns up what he's doing

You have absolutely. no clue what Mueller is doing or isn't doing...

Nobody knows what Mueller is doing, including Mueller himself....

But that doesn't matter as long as the conclusion is that the Russians did it

Nowhere in four pages of thread or any links, including the OP is there any evidence of millions being spent to investigate tweets.
Fake News Pro Trump Promotional Thread.
Yeah, 3 years of investigations cost nothing, snowflake.... :p
Nowhere in four pages of thread or any links, including the OP is there any evidence of millions being spent to investigate tweets.
Fake News Pro Trump Promotional Thread.
Yeah, 3 years of investigations cost nothing, snowflake.... :p
Dude, you are well known as the biggest snowflake on this message board. You echo Liar in Chief Don the Con talking points and whine like a baby when you get called on it.
Nowhere in four pages of thread or any links, including the OP is there any evidence of millions being spent to investigate tweets.
Fake News Pro Trump Promotional Thread.
Yeah, 3 years of investigations cost nothing, snowflake.... :p
Dude, you are well known as the biggest snowflake on this message board. You echo Liar in Chief Don the Con talking points and whine like a baby when you get called on it.
Dude, all you do is insult and attack people, like you just did, because you have no evidence to support the treasonous BS you parrot...

Run along and come back when you have the evidence Democrats have been looking for going on 3 years now....

You have absolutely. no clue what Mueller is doing or isn't doing...

Nobody knows what Mueller is doing, including Mueller himself....

But that doesn't matter as long as the conclusion is that the Russians did it


"Nobody knows what Mueller is doing, including Mueller himself...."-Jantje_Smit

And you 100% know this, how?
Going on 3 years
Zero Evidence Zero crimes involving Trump
Rosenstein Obstruction
Mueller Obstruction....

If Mueller had anything it would have been leaked...

Less than 48hrs after seizing Cohen tapes they had been 'leaked' to CNN (exposing ZEO CRIME)...
The worst kept secret in the world is that Mueller & Snowflakes have NOTHING because there never was anything...
And you 100% know this, how?

Because I have a 3 digit IQ and nobody can explain why the orange clown hasn't been impeached yet while the evidence is overwhelming

On the other hand, maybe the #resistance is right and it will be any day now...

And you 100% know this, how?

Because I have a 3 digit IQ and nobody can explain why the orange clown hasn't been impeached yet while the evidence is overwhelming

On the other hand, maybe the #resistance is right and it will be any day now...


Republicans control both chambers - given that, do tell how Trump will be impeached MISS 3 DIGIT IQ ..
Republicans control both chambers - given that, do tell how Trump will be impeached MISS 3 DIGIT IQ ..

I really don't get all this partisan $hit, it should be clear by now that your so called democracy has just one big, happy, corrupt, corporate party with two wings to give the voters the illusion that they actually have a choice.

The real reason Trump won't be impeached (or any other pretzeldent) is because it would set a bad example if the ruling elite can be punished for their crimes (yes, the orange clown is a criminal but he really isn't the Manchurian candidate. That's also the reason why Hillary won't go to jail, Nixon got a pardon, Obama said to look forward, not backward etc.

And I know, Bill got impeached for lying about a bj, but there was never a chance that he would actually be removed from the oval office

Oh, and I'm not a miss..

Like the Orange Turd, you flaky trumpanzees just keep screaming 'Witch Hunt!', all the while shitting your pants cos you just KNOW Mueller has the goods.
Must be hard being so stupid...
Like the Orange Turd, you flaky trumpanzees just keep screaming 'Witch Hunt!', all the while shitting your pants cos you just KNOW Mueller has the goods.

The problem with that narrative is that it's getting pretty boring after all this time

You really think "the Russians are coming" is a good campaign slogan?
Must be hard being so stupid...

You should know, you're an expert after all

Tasked with investigating 'Illegal Russian Collusion' and finding and producing ZERO evidence of a crime going on 3 years now, Mueller's investigation has collapsed to the point where 'illegal Russian Collusion' has been replaced with investigating porn stars and snowflake-offending TWEETS...


Mueller is now investigating Trump's tweets

"None of what Mr. Mueller has homed in on constitutes obstruction,"

The only thing Mueller is accomplishing by continuing to falsely claim the President 'Obstructed Justice' is to remind Americans that the Deputy Director of the DOJ made the argument why the Director of the FBI should be fired, how Rosenstein advised the President to fire the Director, and how the President then exercised his legal / Constitutional authority by firing Comey...and then the Deputy Director of the DOJ appointed Mueller, Comey's mentor and friend, to investigate the President for following his (Rosenstein's) advice...

Yeah, none of that sounds like entrapment, collusion, conspiracy, or a Conflict of Interest on the part of Rosenstein and Mueller...


Or he could spend 80 million dollars on a blue dress
,Mueller's investigation is NOT DEFINED by Trump's involvement.
If that were so he would be investigating the only real Russian collusion:

- Hillary's $100+ million from the KGB Bank

- Hillary and Barry giving 20% of the US supply of Uranium to Russia

- Obama knowing about the Russians since 2014 & doing nothing

- Obama 'giving' Crimea to Putin

- Hillary 'giving' 6 foreign entities TS data from her illegal server

- Hillary colluding with / paying foreign spies & Russians..
There was no $100+ million from a KGB bank. All you do by repeating that debunked lie is expose yourself as an idiot sycophant and a liar.
Tasked with investigating 'Illegal Russian Collusion' and finding and producing ZERO evidence of a crime going on 3 years now,

We KNOW you are retarded, but watching you say blatantly counterfactual shit like this day in and out is still mindblowing.

Lets just cover the most basic - Mueller (1 year and 3 months ago) was tasked with investigating RUSSIAN INTERFERENCE IN 2016 ELECTION, and any other crime he happens uncover during his investigaiton.

How the fuck can you get just about ALL OF THAT wrong?
There is no “and”.

He doesn’t get to investigate whatever the hell he wants. How the fuck did you get so gullible and stupid?
,Mueller's investigation is NOT DEFINED by Trump's involvement.
If that were so he would be investigating the only real Russian collusion:

- Hillary's $100+ million from the KGB Bank

- Hillary and Barry giving 20% of the US supply of Uranium to Russia

- Obama knowing about the Russians since 2014 & doing nothing

- Obama 'giving' Crimea to Putin

- Hillary 'giving' 6 foreign entities TS data from her illegal server

- Hillary colluding with / paying foreign spies & Russians..

You are so fuking crazy it’s not even funny.
Republicans control both chambers - given that, do tell how Trump will be impeached MISS 3 DIGIT IQ ..

I really don't get all this partisan $hit, it should be clear by now that your so called democracy has just one big, happy, corrupt, corporate party with two wings to give the voters the illusion that they actually have a choice.

The real reason Trump won't be impeached (or any other pretzeldent) is because it would set a bad example if the ruling elite can be punished for their crimes (yes, the orange clown is a criminal but he really isn't the Manchurian candidate. That's also the reason why Hillary won't go to jail, Nixon got a pardon, Obama said to look forward, not backward etc.

And I know, Bill got impeached for lying about a bj, but there was never a chance that he would actually be removed from the oval office

Oh, and I'm not a miss..



I really dont know how impeachments really work ..



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