P@rn Stars And Tweets? Mueller Spends Tax Dollar Millions to Investigate This?

Tasked with investigating 'Illegal Russian Collusion' and finding and producing ZERO evidence of a crime going on 3 years now, Mueller's investigation has collapsed to the point where 'illegal Russian Collusion' has been replaced with investigating porn stars and snowflake-offending TWEETS...


Mueller is now investigating Trump's tweets

"None of what Mr. Mueller has homed in on constitutes obstruction,"

The only thing Mueller is accomplishing by continuing to falsely claim the President 'Obstructed Justice' is to remind Americans that the Deputy Director of the DOJ made the argument why the Director of the FBI should be fired, how Rosenstein advised the President to fire the Director, and how the President then exercised his legal / Constitutional authority by firing Comey...and then the Deputy Director of the DOJ appointed Mueller, Comey's mentor and friend, to investigate the President for following his (Rosenstein's) advice...

Yeah, none of that sounds like entrapment, collusion, conspiracy, or a Conflict of Interest on the part of Rosenstein and Mueller...


You might want to stop running your mouth off like this when you really don't have all the information.
Tasked with investigating 'Illegal Russian Collusion' and finding and producing ZERO evidence of a crime going on 3 years now, Mueller's investigation has collapsed to the point where 'illegal Russian Collusion' has been replaced with investigating porn stars and snowflake-offending TWEETS...


Mueller is now investigating Trump's tweets

"None of what Mr. Mueller has homed in on constitutes obstruction,"

The only thing Mueller is accomplishing by continuing to falsely claim the President 'Obstructed Justice' is to remind Americans that the Deputy Director of the DOJ made the argument why the Director of the FBI should be fired, how Rosenstein advised the President to fire the Director, and how the President then exercised his legal / Constitutional authority by firing Comey...and then the Deputy Director of the DOJ appointed Mueller, Comey's mentor and friend, to investigate the President for following his (Rosenstein's) advice...

Yeah, none of that sounds like entrapment, collusion, conspiracy, or a Conflict of Interest on the part of Rosenstein and Mueller...


You might want to stop running your mouth off like this when you really don't have all the information.

What's going speaks for itself. Mueller drags up something from 10 years ago that also involves Podesta, but he doesn't get charged, yet Manafort does?

Partisan hackery at its finest.

Also: Teh Lamesauce.
You might want to stop running your mouth off like this when you really don't have all the information.
You snowflakes should shut your pie holes until you ever come up with any evidence against PRESIDENT Trump in regards to non-existent illegal Russian Collusion...
You might want to stop running your mouth off like this when you really don't have all the information.
You snowflakes should shut your pie holes until you ever come up with any evidence against PRESIDENT Trump in regards to non-existent illegal Russian Collusion...

If there was anything, it would have come out before the election, because they've been investigating (spying on) him since July, 2016.

2 years now.

If they had something, they would have used it prior to November 2016.

That's just common sense.
Cohen flipped. Trump is toast now. It is looking very bad for Trump. I think he might resign before the mid terms.
Were you one of the guys here saying that he wouldn't make it a year?

Or one of the guys who said that Trump would lose the election, bigly?

Or one of the guys who thought he would never win the primary?

Or one of the guys who thought his campaign was a joke, not serious, or a just a publicity stunt?

I wonder whether all of the above have ever considered the possibility that Trump just may be much smarter than them.
Cohen flipped. Trump is toast now. It is looking very bad for Trump. I think he might resign before the mid terms.
Were you one of the guys here saying that he wouldn't make it a year?

Or one of the guys who said that Trump would lose the election, bigly?

Or one of the guys who thought he would never win the primary?

Or one of the guys who thought his campaign was a joke, not serious, or a just a publicity stunt?

I wonder is all of the above have ever considered the possibility that Trump just may be much smarter than them.

I haven't, but it's possible. I don't really care anyways, that don't make my world go 'round. :)
Tasked with investigating 'Illegal Russian Collusion' and finding and producing ZERO evidence of a crime going on 3 years now, Mueller's investigation has collapsed to the point where 'illegal Russian Collusion' has been replaced with investigating porn stars and snowflake-offending TWEETS...


Mueller is now investigating Trump's tweets

"None of what Mr. Mueller has homed in on constitutes obstruction,"

The only thing Mueller is accomplishing by continuing to falsely claim the President 'Obstructed Justice' is to remind Americans that the Deputy Director of the DOJ made the argument why the Director of the FBI should be fired, how Rosenstein advised the President to fire the Director, and how the President then exercised his legal / Constitutional authority by firing Comey...and then the Deputy Director of the DOJ appointed Mueller, Comey's mentor and friend, to investigate the President for following his (Rosenstein's) advice...

Yeah, none of that sounds like entrapment, collusion, conspiracy, or a Conflict of Interest on the part of Rosenstein and Mueller...

OH and by the way. How good do you think the argument is, that a special prosecutor exploring an avenue of evidence means that he has no other evidence to prove his case? I'm not a lawyer but I'm pretty sure that in an investigation a prosecutor investigates every angle to build a case that is as strong as possible. So what makes you think that this is different?
...porn stars & tweets...

'nuff said. :p
Actually repeating a bad argument because you can't defend it doesn't constitute "nuff" , it signals that you have no argument.
Tasked with investigating 'Illegal Russian Collusion' and finding and producing ZERO evidence of a crime going on 3 years now, Mueller's investigation has collapsed to the point where 'illegal Russian Collusion' has been replaced with investigating porn stars and snowflake-offending TWEETS...


Mueller is now investigating Trump's tweets

"None of what Mr. Mueller has homed in on constitutes obstruction,"

The only thing Mueller is accomplishing by continuing to falsely claim the President 'Obstructed Justice' is to remind Americans that the Deputy Director of the DOJ made the argument why the Director of the FBI should be fired, how Rosenstein advised the President to fire the Director, and how the President then exercised his legal / Constitutional authority by firing Comey...and then the Deputy Director of the DOJ appointed Mueller, Comey's mentor and friend, to investigate the President for following his (Rosenstein's) advice...

Yeah, none of that sounds like entrapment, collusion, conspiracy, or a Conflict of Interest on the part of Rosenstein and Mueller...

OH and by the way. How good do you think the argument is, that a special prosecutor exploring an avenue of evidence means that he has no other evidence to prove his case? I'm not a lawyer but I'm pretty sure that in an investigation a prosecutor investigates every angle to build a case that is as strong as possible. So what makes you think that this is different?
...porn stars & tweets...

'nuff said. :p
Actually repeating a bad argument because you can't defend it doesn't constitute "nuff" , it signals that you have no argument.
Snowflakes know all about having no argument.

Going on 3 years
No crime
No evidence
Porn stars
Millions of tax dollars wasted on butt-hurt
Tasked with investigating 'Illegal Russian Collusion' and finding and producing ZERO evidence of a crime going on 3 years now, Mueller's investigation has collapsed to the point where 'illegal Russian Collusion' has been replaced with investigating porn stars and snowflake-offending TWEETS...


Mueller is now investigating Trump's tweets

"None of what Mr. Mueller has homed in on constitutes obstruction,"

The only thing Mueller is accomplishing by continuing to falsely claim the President 'Obstructed Justice' is to remind Americans that the Deputy Director of the DOJ made the argument why the Director of the FBI should be fired, how Rosenstein advised the President to fire the Director, and how the President then exercised his legal / Constitutional authority by firing Comey...and then the Deputy Director of the DOJ appointed Mueller, Comey's mentor and friend, to investigate the President for following his (Rosenstein's) advice...

Yeah, none of that sounds like entrapment, collusion, conspiracy, or a Conflict of Interest on the part of Rosenstein and Mueller...

WTF?? Since when does the right care how much money is spent investigating a president??
President Trump will undoubtedly have articles of impeachment introduced against him at the conclusion of the Mueller inquisition!... (Little Question about it). Mueller will keep delaying the other related court proceedings as he continues to 'troll' for any tidbit / morsel that he can twist and fabricate... What is the actual threshold of impeachment? (use your 'google box' lol) ... Can that threshold be artificially fabricated & snowballed by ideologically driven & partial Congressional members... ? Yes of course it will happen, & y'all will have an artificially conjured up moment of "phaux victory"..(OK do it.. WTF! WTFC's!.ROTFL!!! When you start stacking up the "standard" for 'slick Willy' to 'Pres. T' the duplicity is redonculous... By all means though, if T committed an impeachable offense, purgers himself in the future etc. I will support draconian indictments... It just aint there though, SORRY haters, lol. Trump has been 'carrying his water' and that of our Nation. I am not about to carry water for Trump, based purely on political ideology... He's doing a DAMN fine job & don't need no stinking help in that regard!
Mueller is just the latest failed investigation...

Moron, Can you tell me what this is?

Over 100 Charges, 32 People and 3 Companies: The Mueller Inquiry, Explained
Absolutely NOTHING to do with Trump & non-existent illegal collusion with Russians, MORON!


Idiot, aside form the fact that Mueller can't bring up Trump on charges before he gets impeached, Mueller's investigation is NOT DEFINED by Trump's involvement.

It's task is to investigate ILLEGAL RUSSIAN INTERFERENCE. As to that central mission, Mueller's investigation has so far shown a lot of success.

SO when you say "a failed investigattion" you sound like a fucking idiot who fundamentally does not undertand wtf the investgation is even about.
Here is what failed investigations REALLY look like:


In ALL of these there were:

People convicted - 0
People indicted - 0
Last edited:
Here is what failed investigations REALLY look like:


In ALL of these there were:

People convicted - 0
People indicted - 0
There was a socialist democrat in control. The FBI would never let inculpatory evidence see the light of day.
Nowhere in four pages of thread or any links, including the OP is there any evidence of millions being spent to investigate tweets.
Fake News Pro Trump Promotional Thread.
Tasked with investigating 'Illegal Russian Collusion' and finding and producing ZERO evidence of a crime going on 3 years now, Mueller's investigation has collapsed to the point where 'illegal Russian Collusion' has been replaced with investigating porn stars and snowflake-offending TWEETS...


To be fair, something like that happened before, only then it was cigars and blue dresses

Does Trump have an intern btw?

P@rn Stars And Tweets? Mueller Spends Tax Dollar Millions to Investigate This?

yet you dont say a word about Trumps mega expensive golf habit

of course not - trumpdrone
Mueller is just the latest failed investigation...

Moron, Can you tell me what this is?

Over 100 Charges, 32 People and 3 Companies: The Mueller Inquiry, Explained
Absolutely NOTHING to do with Trump & non-existent illegal collusion with Russians, MORON!


You have absolutely. no clue what Mueller is doing or isn't doing. All you got is who and why Grand Jury indicts, after their investigation of the charges Mueller presents.
The Mueller team does not leak, unlike the Trump team.
Again and as usual, another thread by you is pure conjecture and conspiracy, or in other words, your usual bullshit.
What a fucking loser.

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