Pa Judge Strikes Down Individual Mandate


Silver Member
Aug 4, 2011
PA Federal Court Strikes Obamacare Mandate

Posted by William A. Jacobson Tuesday, September 13, 2011 at 2:18pm

Judge Christopher C. Conner of the U.S. District Court in the Middle District of Pennsylvania has stricken the Obamacare mandatge in a Memorandum and Order issued today (h/t Fuzzy via Gateway Pundit), as reported by Bloomberg:

The insurance-buying mandate in President Barack Obama’s health-care reform legislation is unconstitutional, a federal judge in Pennsylvania ruled.

U.S. District Judge Christopher C. Conner in Harrisburg today said Congress exceeded its powers under the federal constitution when it included in the act Obama signed into law last year a provision requiring almost all Americans to have medical insurance starting in 2014.

“The federal government,” Conner said, “is one of limited enumerated powers, and Congress’s efforts to remedy the ailing health care and health insurance markets must fit squarely within the boundaries of those powers.”

A copy of the decision is here. An appeal would go to the Third Circuit Court of Appeals, which has not yet ruled on the issue.

The 4th Circuit recently dismissed the Obamacare case brought by Virginia on “standing” grounds without reaching the merits, while the 11th Circuit threw out ....

» PA Federal Court Strikes Obamacare Mandate - Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion
hes a Booooooosh appointee....doesn't mean anything;):lol:
hes a Booooooosh appointee....doesn't mean anything;):lol:

It really is scary that some people can't seem to see the forrest for the trees on this issue. Are people so desperate for cheap health care that they're willing to let the precedent be set that the federal government can make people buy things?
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If you listen to Shelia Jackson Lee of the 4th ward in Houston give one of her speeches, her supporters don't have to worry she and Obama will take care of everything. They even built a project housing with granite counters and two car garages all with rent subsidy. Man I would like to have that to but Ted Poe, my congressman knows that I have a job.

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