PA liberal governor has opened the penitentiary doors


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2016
13 of the very worst, men who were sentenced to life without parole have been let out on the streets of the Commonwealth to raise hell.

They served their time, and now these proven killers will have an opportunity to pay back society for the years of inconvenience they went through.
Reading the article they don't exactly sound like the "very worst" men...just saying.

They were sentenced to life without parole.

Sure, the liberal governor is going to make them seem like solid , but misunderstood, citizens, since he is the one releasing them into the communities.

And the story is based upon the statement from the governor's hand-picked liberal mouthpiece.
13 of the very worst, men who were sentenced to life without parole have been let out on the streets of the Commonwealth to raise hell.

They served their time, and now these proven killers will have an opportunity to pay back society for the years of inconvenience they went through.

Any action whatsoever that damages or unbalances American society . . . that's what the radical American Left has done, is doing, plans to keep on doing. Sooner or later America will crack under the weight of their madness.
13 of the very worst, men who were sentenced to life without parole have been let out on the streets of the Commonwealth to raise hell.

They served their time, and now these proven killers will have an opportunity to pay back society for the years of inconvenience they went through.

Any action whatsoever that damages or unbalances American society . . . that's what the radical American Left has done, is doing, plans to keep on doing. Sooner or later America will crack under the weight of their madness.
The goal is to destroy America. Then the worker's utopia can rise.
Pennsylvania has a long history of being very "generous" in sentencing, and making clemency fairly difficult. I have no use for Wolf or Fetterman, but I have no problem with this. I suspect they all have family support and will be no danger to anyone.
Is anyone surprised to see Coyote openly taking the side of murderous subhuman pieces of shit, against that of actual human beings, as she always does?


We all know on whose side she is, and it is certainly not on the side of human beings.

Modern LIbEralism truly is both a mental disease and a moral disease.

Reading the article they don't exactly sound like the "very worst" men...just saying.
13 of the very worst, men who were sentenced to life without parole have been let out on the streets of the Commonwealth to raise hell.

They served their time, and now these proven killers will have an opportunity to pay back society for the years of inconvenience they went through.

From the article:

“They committed a terrible crime, but they don’t deserve to die in prison,” she said. “I think people are more than the worst thing they’ve ever done.”


These are not people. These are subhuman pieces of shit,. who committed crimes that resulted in innocent people dying. If they did not intend to cause death, they certainly, at the very least, had a depraved-heart indifference to the knowledge that their crimes would likely produce that result.

Yes, they deserve to die in prison. They should have been put to death a long time ago.
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13 of the very worst, men who were sentenced to life without parole have been let out on the streets of the Commonwealth to raise hell.

They served their time, and now these proven killers will have an opportunity to pay back society for the years of inconvenience they went through.

From the article:

“They committed a terrible crime, but they don’t deserve to die in prison,” she said. “I think people are more than the worst thing they’ve ever done.”


These are not people. These are subhuman pieces of shit,. who committed crimes that resulted in innocent people dying. If they did not intend to cause death, they certainly, at the very least, had a depraved=heart indifference to the knowledge that their crimes would likely produce that result.

Yes, they deserve to die in prison. They should have been put to death a long time ago.

Sooner or later one of the monsters these democrat freaks create or unleash will take a big bite out of them. In the meantime innocent citizens will suffer, as they always do.
13 of the very worst, men who were sentenced to life without parole have been let out on the streets of the Commonwealth to raise hell.

They served their time, and now these proven killers will have an opportunity to pay back society for the years of inconvenience they went through.

From the article:

“They committed a terrible crime, but they don’t deserve to die in prison,” she said. “I think people are more than the worst thing they’ve ever done.”


These are not people. These are subhuman pieces of shit,. who committed crimes that resulted in innocent people dying. If they did not intend to cause death, they certainly, at the very least, had a depraved-heart indifference to the knowledge that their crimes would likely produce that result.

Yes, they deserve to die in prison. They should have been put to death a long time ago.

Mormon Bob, did you actually read the article. It was the daughter of the man who died who felt that the two men who were participants in a robbery that caused his heart attack, felt they shouldn't still be in jail after 40 years when the guy who was the ringleader got out a lot earlier.

This is kind of the problem with our system. Unequal sentences. A cold blooded murderer can get out in 10 years while a person who was just at the wrong place at the wrong time can end up in jail for life.

Now, if you are a member of a crazy cult that believes in "Blood Atonement", this isn't good enough.

But if you actually believe in Christian Redemption and Reform, them, um, yeah, this is probably a good idea.

What incentive would people have to fix their lives if they are going to be punished for one mistake?
Mormon Bob, did you actually read the article. It was the daughter of the man who died who felt that the two men who were participants in a robbery that caused his heart attack, felt they shouldn't still be in jail after 40 years when the guy who was the ringleader got out a lot earlier.

I wonder how she'll feel if one of those subhuman pieces of shit goers on to murder someone else.

It's wrong that the ringleader got out. It's wrong that any of them were allowed out.

It's wrong that any of these pieces of shit were allowed to continue to keep wasting space, oxygen, and other resources that could have been used to the benefit of human beings, once their guilt had been reliably enough established.

But of course, you're on the side of subhuman criminal pieces of shit, against that of human beings. All your efforts to try to portray yourself as anything human notwithstanding, it seems much more likely that you, yourself, are no human, but a subhuman criminals piece of shit no better than those whose side you consistently take. It is certainly obvious to all who read your posts that your mind and your character are far more consistent with those of a subhuman criminal piece of shit, than those of a human being.
Reading the article they don't exactly sound like the "very worst" men...just saying.
Tell that to their first victim after they are released.

These guys are all in their 50's... I doubt they are going to commit any more crimes.

You libs had not problem sending non -violent fellows like Manafort and Stone to prison for life. And neither of those guys ever killed anyone and they are a lot older than 50.

Is Gov. Wolf's thought here that he thinks these criminals he's releasing are part of his base?
Reading the article they don't exactly sound like the "very worst" men...just saying.
Those sentenced to life without parole are normally the very salt of the earth. They probably just sang to loudly in church.

A lot of liberals think prisoners doing life are all like Morgan Freeman, and they like him.

In reality, they are a more rough edged group.

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