Pa Loved Ma, Ma Loved Men....

May she rest in peace and may you someday get what you have coming.

View attachment 248428

Women who cheat on a hard-working husband while enjoying the benefits of his labor never rest in peace....there is no greater betrayal than a woman means little to nothing to wandering husbands but sex to a normal woman is about her body AND her soul.....this witch murdered her husband as surely as he in turn, murdered her. His mistake was not getting away with it. And BTW, your feminazi fist symbol is the kind of thinking that made this whore believe she was ENTITLED to break her "old fashioned" marriage vows instead of walking away from it. The men she chose to screw in a car or motel room just didn't measure up to the lifestyle to which she was accustomed. Wishing harm to come to me just shows what a witch you really are while trying to pretend you're a good person on this board.
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Neither of us know the circumstances…..

She’s dead and his Dumb Ass is in jail……..

Bad choices have Bad consequences…

I know the was the second time he caught her with another guy...she made the choices and suffered the consequences....a good lawyer would have got him off if he hadn't stabbed her twice. :eusa_doh:

If the dog didn’t stop to take a shit he would have caught the rabbit.
May she rest in peace and may you someday get what you have coming.

View attachment 248428

Women who cheat on a hard-working husband while enjoying the benefits of his labor never rest in peace....there is no greater betrayal than a woman means little to nothing to wandering husbands but sex to a normal woman is about her body AND her soul.....this witch murdered her husband as surely as he in turn, murdered her. His mistake was not getting away with it. And BTW, your feminazi fist symbol is the kind of thinking that made this whore believe she was ENTITLED to break her "old fashioned" marriage vows instead of walking away from it. The men she chose to screw in a car or motel room just didn't measure up to the lifestyle to which she was accustomed. Wishing harm to come to me just shows what a witch you really are while trying to pretend you're a good person on this board.
What I hope is that someday you learn a little humility, just a tad, and realize that you are not a woman's boss. A man does not own a woman, cannot decide to take her life for "misbehaving" or rejecting him. Women are not dogs or horses. I hope someday you learn some respect for others.

Too bad so sad you don't like that fist. It is apparently needed, with men out there insisting it is fine to kill women who misbehave.
What I hope is that someday you learn a little humility, just a tad, and realize that you are not a woman's boss. A man does not own a woman, cannot decide to take her life for "misbehaving" or rejecting him. Women are not dogs or horses. I hope someday you learn some respect for others.

Too bad so sad you don't like that fist. It is apparently needed, with men out there insisting it is fine to kill women who misbehave
Pretty much what some of us despise about the Islam cult. Husbands "cheat" too. Wonder if that is justifiable?

Btw, dogs and horses are more loyal companions than most humans.

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