PA Republican Blasts Democrats who Don't want Truth Uncovered by Election Audit

Who's being investigated? I thought you wanted to audit the election?

Couldn't be that what you really wanna do is pin something on Democrats in a partisan manner? Because that's not an audit.

No dumbass.
You release that info after you've gathered it all and go to court.
Once again Democrats don't want the truth to be uncovered.

---Pennsylvania Senator Doug Mastriano is leading the charge for a forensic audit in three Pennsylvania counties.---

---“If You’re Afraid of Transparency, You’re Part of the Problem” ---

There is no truth to be uncovered. Republicans want to ram through a biased clown show. Why should 3 counties be singled out? The counties should tell them to go pound sand.
I don't find that laughing at the dissolution of this country, is a very good thing. It shouldn't MATTER whether some reject the idea that their neighbors have accepted, that is, that an ELECTION was stolen. You are free to believe as you wish but when you demand that the rights of half of the rest of America be ignored, you and yours will not escape the future consequences of that. THAT is a deal-breaker and we cannot go forward when one half of the country believes- right or not - that the government is illegitimate. I'm not sure what it will take to convince some of those like yourself. Does it HAVE to come to war in the streets? I think with that being one of the potential actions, agreeing to audits will seem like a better idea. How 'bout you?

That is your opinion not fact. The dissolution is being brought on by Trump and his fascist supporters like you. You are launching a assault on our democracy. If you want war then you are a enemy of this country.
How is transparency a joke?
Sounds like a nightmare for you dems. Ya got nothing to hide you should support the audit so you can throw it back in our faces.

If it was a honest audit done by a qualified firm there might be bipartisan support. Republicans don't want a honest audit. They want to look for bamboo shoots.
Of course they didn't want a thorough audit. The reasons were:
1. Even though Trump had donated to Democrat causes in the past, he said he was going to "drain the swamp." Sadly, it's too deeply rooted in the political system.
2. The Democrat Party has been filled with Marxists and as such were determined to win at all costs, even to the point of committing massive fraud to deny any opposing candidates the opportunity to win.
3. Their goal, a one-party strict socialist government, with no opposition and to do that, you have to cheat or go to war to end freedoms.

1. Trump was creating a new swamp. He took care of his supporters by giving them pardons and commutations. His administration was corrupt as numerous cabinet officials were forced to resign for ethical reasons.

2. That is so much bull coming from a fascist. No one was denied the bright to vote by Democrats. Republicans are trying to do that.

3. Republicans are trying to create a dictatorship. They are assaulting voting rights and free speech rights. It is Republicans who are socialists as they do not believe in property rights. You have no clue what a socialist is. No democrat that I know of is saying private businesses should be run by the government. Get educated.

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