Why Do Democrats Fear a Forensic Audit in Pennsylvania?

There is as much proof of a stolen election as existed for "Russiagate"...for people like you to now get all self-righteous is the HEIGHT of hypocrisy.

One little problem. I didn’t believe Russiagate. Oh I could believe Trump would bang hookers. I can believe that anyone would do that. History is full of affairs and that sort of thing. I could believe someone would photograph or video him doing it.

It was the Watersports that was a bridge too far for me. Oh I could believe that he might be into it. A lot of people are. But in someone else’s hotel? When he has places around the world where people would happily clean up that mess along with the residue from elephants mating if that is what Trump wanted? That was a little harder. Then the idea that the modern renamed KGB would go through the effort to record all of this? Dumb. Trump was a nobody. Not even contemplating a Presidential run. Blackmail files on a businessman would be worse than a waste of time.

I said this then. I voted for Trump in 2016. I can list the reasons I voted for him if I must. I can list the reasons I did not want Hillary to be president again if I must.

My problems with Trump in 2020 had everything to do with his actions in office. Not with some four year old nonsense.
Er, no there isn't. There is definite evidence that Russia was trying to skew the election. And there is at least a little more than supposition that Trump or his agents were trying to gain an advantage using Russian assets.

Nothing to see here..

Rex Tillerson

Former ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson, who was appointed Secretary of State by President Trump, has close ties to Russia and Vladimir Putin. He managed the Russia account of ExxonMobil, and was appointed Exxon CEO in 2006 largely on the strength of his Russian relationships. In 2011, Tillerson struck a major deal with Russia and its state-owned oil company Rosneft, giving ExxonMobil access to oil resources in the Russian Arctic. In recognition, Tillerson was awarded the Russian Order of Friendship, Russia's highest decoration for foreign citizens. Tillerson has known Putin since his work in Russia during the 1990s, and according to John Hamre, "he has had more interactive time with Vladimir Putin than probably any other American with the exception of Henry Kissinger"

I was going to bold the relevant parts of the above paragraph, but then realised it was ALL relevent....

There has not been one iota of evidence of major fraud by either party in the last election. I think I've read somewhere that one Repub voter voted twice and a couple of similar things from Dem voters. Outside of that, every other piece of verifiable evidence points to a clean election .

Hold on to your illusions. Ignore the Senate Investigation, ignore the House investigation, ignore the FBI, ignore the Mueller Report. OBVIOUSLY you are right and ALL those folks were wrong.

You are a moron.
There have been dozens of audits/recounts confirming the results, and over 60 court cases that dismissed the Orange Jesus cult's claims of fraud.

Yet here we are, a bunch of emotionally stunted snowflake Trump cultists unable to deal with the fact that their Orange God lost because feelings.
Hold on to your illusions. Ignore the Senate Investigation, ignore the House investigation, ignore the FBI, ignore the Mueller Report. OBVIOUSLY you are right and ALL those folks were wrong.

You are a moron.

Ignore the election and all the court decisions, Trumptard loon.
Hold on to your illusions. Ignore the Senate Investigation, ignore the House investigation, ignore the FBI, ignore the Mueller Report. OBVIOUSLY you are right and ALL those folks were wrong.

You are a moron.
Oh, so now government agencies matter? So the election wasn't a fraud. Finally, an inbred, neocon, white trailer trash, Deplorable gets it. Only took you eight months, Cletus.
Obviously if the democrats had not rigged the election they would be all for a well run audit.

They did rig the election and they sure as hell don’t want to get caught. If nothing else it would make rigging future elections extremely difficult and the democrats will need to rig future elections in order to win thanks to Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Schumer and AOC plus inflation and the skyrocketing crime rate due to defunding the police.
Obviously if the democrats had not rigged the election they would be all for a well run audit.

They did rig the election and they sure as hell don’t want to get caught. If nothing else it would make rigging future elections extremely difficult and the democrats will need to rig future elections in order to win thanks to Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Schumer and AOC plus inflation and the skyrocketing crime rate due to defunding the police.
Evidence please. Take your time...
Evidence please. Take your time...
Evidence may be on its way.

The democrats plus COVIID-19 are holding up the the results of the Arizona audit but eventually I predict we will see the evidence. Another audits may be launched in the future.

Evidence may be on its way.

The democrats plus COVIID-19 are holding up the the results of the Arizona audit but eventually I predict we will see the evidence. Another audits may be launched in the future.

You will see nothing.
Plain and simple. Pennsylvania cheated for Biden, big time. Suppressing an audit IS the coverup. The motto of Pa. Democrats is cheat, delay, cover up.

Sorry there was no cheating. Move on. Worth noting that even Republican counties said no.

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