pacific, europe, africa ….. where did family or ancestorrs of yours fight?


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The ETO mostly.....My Uncle was captured in the German's Ardennes offensive and confined at Stalag IX-B Bad Orb.....He went in at 186# and when liberated weighed about 100# less.


On 2 April 1945 an American task force broke through the German lines, and drove north over 60 km (37 mi) through enemy held territory to Bad Orb, and liberated Stalag IX-B.

The camp was liberated by a task force comprising the 2nd Battalion, 114th Regiment, U.S. 44th Infantry Division, reinforced with Stuart tanks and armored cars from the 106th Cavalry Group and M-10 tank destroyers of 776th Tank Destroyer Battalion.

My grandfather was too small they wouldn't take him and my father was a little boy in WW2. he was in for Korea at the end but got the mumps and wasnt sent he fought in vietnam did 2 tours was wounded severely during 2nd tour.
Europe, Pacific area Korea, Vietnam, North America I am not sure of any one before the 1600s
My Grandfather served in WWI. Both my parents served in Occupied Germany in the 50's
On my Dad's side of the family there's Sir Robert The Keith.....loyal to King Robert The Bruce, King of Scotland.

I myself fought in Africa in 93'.

You didn't mention the US.
My ancestor on my Mom's side was General Sherman.
My cousin on my Dad's side was Abraham Lincoln.


On my Dad's side of the family there's Sir Robert The Keith.....loyal to King Robert The Bruce, King of Scotland.
View attachment 835835

I myself fought in Africa in 93'.

You didn't mention the US.
My ancestor on my Mom's side was General Sherman.
My cousin on my Dad's side was Abraham Lincoln.


Cowardice Is the Crime That Enables All Others

Why didn't the Irish achieve anything remotely resembling the glorious Battle of Bannockburn? Outnumbered 4 to 1, the Scots had a few dozen dead while the English lost 12,000.

In the pathetic and cowardly disaster they glorified with "The Rising of the Moon" ballad, the Irish lost 10 micks for every limey they killed. The song is presented like the rah-rah Notre Dame fight song, but it should have been a sad wasteland like "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald."
An uncle came home from Europe with a crooked leg and a permanent limp. Friends called him "Bumpy" Gallagher for the rest of his life. I regret I never asked him about his experiences.

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