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PAEDOPHILIA in high places

I'm not concerned with the messenger. Pull what you can take out and use it and throw away what you don't want. Research that which you find unsupported and there's a lot of avenues now.

It's not as though we are getting the professional information news releases.

Be your own scrutineer until there's a right / left media that is releasing information for both right and left instead of this leftist driven MSM.

Perfect nutbag method of news gathering. Dupe.
Servants of Jesus see the Vatican's perfect, unique, visible and verifiable fulfillment of the Revelation's ch 17&18 description of the Great Whore Mother

is highly significant, precious God-given EVIDENCE confirming the truth of the NT and Lordship of Jesus

Seeing the Vatican for what it is in the sight of Jesus sheds great light on past, present and future.
You remind me of a Jehovah Witness going door to door, or even of an Islamic extremist --- both totally incapable of independent examination and thought.

You also would run and hide from a thousand questions I could put before you about your own theology and even with respect to many passages in Scripture that lay waste to your bold claims. How do I know this? Because I have done so a hundred times before and the proud anti-catholic Christian never has any answers.

So it starts to become a bore, or even it begins to make me think I am being too mean.

As far as the future goes, I suggest you look inward instead of in Revelations and quit listening to your Jack Chick-like pastors. “For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.” 2 Timothy 4:3
Servants of Jesus see the Vatican's perfect, unique, visible and verifiable fulfillment of the Revelation's ch 17&18 description of the Great Whore Mother

is highly significant, precious God-given EVIDENCE confirming the truth of the NT and Lordship of Jesus

Seeing the Vatican for what it is in the sight of Jesus sheds great light on past, present and future.
You remind me of a Jehovah Witness going door to door, or even of an Islamic extremist --- both totally incapable of independent examination and thought.

You also would run and hide from a thousand questions I could put before you about your own theology and even with respect to many passages in Scripture that lay waste to your bold claims. How do I know this? Because I have done so a hundred times before and the proud anti-catholic Christian never has any answers.

So it starts to become a bore, or even it begins to make me think I am being too mean.

As far as the future goes, I suggest you look inward instead of in Revelations and quit listening to your Jack Chick-like pastors. “For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.” 2 Timothy 4:3

You don't just remind me of a dunce in denial,... you currently are one. I posted Revelation specification and fulfillment. You are just a common dunce in denial
Ok, fine. My own lament is that your theory on God leaves us abandoned to our own wiles with no clear message of purpose or direction.

There are reasons for what we are and what we will not be, and one cannot definitively account for any of that. But for me, it calls to mind (not really in your case, I know you are not an atheist) a C.S. Lewis quote and also of an exchange in the movie “The Brothers Karamazov” (which incidentally did nothing for Dostoevsky’s prodigious book)

“All that we call human history… is the long terrible story of man trying to find something other than God which will make him happy.” C.S. Lewis

[From the Brothers Karamazov]
Alexei (to his atheist brother):“I feel sorry for you, Ivan.”
Ivan: “Why is that?”
Alexei:“Because you want to believe there is a God, but you cannot.“

Ah see but I can completely agree with C.S. Lewis' quote. Only in my view, even your books have not found God, only a facade created by man to control people.

As for the latter, you're likely right. I've always had a lot of respect for religious folks, they have an inner peace and strength that a lot of "lost" folks lack and could really use. But want is merely a word with little weight for me. It's a word I use very little as I tend to have extremely good luck. I've been "winning" my entire life... even when I "fail" I still win. Maybe it's my ego and self-confidence, maybe there's some truth to the Native's myth's. Some might even call it "faith."

In the end, I don't think it matters so much the words used, nor the history believed, but rather the conviction of a person's true self.

>>Only in my view, even your books have not found God, only a facade created by man to control people.

“My books” is by no means the main source of my faith or evidence for my God. Not speaking to you personally, but that is the easy way out for the doubter and skeptic. They look no further than what Scripture says (their favorite parts), plus they look no further than their own favored interpretations. God is not limited to their way of thinking.

But they do not have answers for the signs and wonder our God has manifested over the centuries. That, is the evidence that demands a verdict. That is why I keep quoting the words from a Barbra Streisand song ---- “…that which is too painful to remember we simply choose to forget.”

It is the Catholic Church that bears greater evidence to the reality and divinity of Jesus Christ than does “the book” they gave to the faithful. So it is fair for you to judge this Church how you see fit --- but it is totally unfair to judge this Church based on the beliefs, words and actions of any other faith. When one starts their argument with “religion has caused this…” or “religion has caused that…” they lose me.

I said all that because I wanted to make some conclusive statement. I do not really apply that to your situation. You are not that person above, so much. But many, many are. I just remain puzzled that you show so little interest in what may lie beyond the grave. I wish you well.
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After having been an atheist for years, at age 25, After I became a believer in 1973, I read the NT. Came to the Revelation.
The Bible I was using happened to have footnotes revealing MANY for centuries [including RC commentators] believed Rome was the Revelation "city of 7 hills."
At the public library several encyclopedias assured me Rome had been called "city of 7 hills" for centuries.

I saw for myself that the Vatican uniquely and perfectly fit the Great Whore description.
I did not know anyone or any group that claimed the Vatican was the Great Whore.

It was eight years later someone gave me a book and pamphlet that revealed to me that MANY others had seen the fulfillment for centuries.
Now it is becoming COMMON KNOWLEDGE among Christians that the Vatican is the Revelation Great Whore. It is sooooooooo obvious
I recall back in the late 1980's early '90's there was for years a literal witchhunt of ordinary folks accused of sexual child abuse often tied to satanism. McMartin Preschool and Wenatchee, Washington being typical examples of the lies, fraud hysteria. At that time also the media was pushing a number so huge for unsolved USA disappearences that when being an engineer I 'did the math' I found that wife & I should know with no more than two degrees of separation PERSONALLY at least three families and as many as ten who had lost a child. A frankly ridiculous number! Actual number- ZERO and that was diligently going out to three degrees. Clearly the MSM was making shit up to herd the population. Remember the victims Never Lie? Yes, they do- sometimes simply to get attention like the 14 year old who utterly ruined the life of a stellar teacher of my acquaintance, sometimes there is malice, somtimes an implantation of false memory. Turns out that shrinks who are firm believers in repressed memory regarding sexual child abuse are always finding patients (usually women) who have problems stemming from? YES- sexual child abuse the memory of which was 'repressed' until brought forward by the shrink! Thing is there is another class of shrink who are firm believers in repressed memory regarding regarding alien abduction! And guess what? Their patients have a very high rate of mental problems due to those 'alien abductions!

Take away here? MSM and shrinks are simply untrustworthy and the shrinks are often the most disturbed people in the stadium.

How does this tie to 'pizzagate'? A huge difference I notice immediately is the utter MSM silence and the power/position of the suspected pervs- 180 degrees out of phase with the earlier witch hunt. My gut says something is being hidden here. At a Trial I would be looking very closely at physical evidence and chain of custody of said evidence. Is it evidence that one simply knows or does business with an accused paedo? Nope, THAT is pure witch hunting.
I recall back in the late 1980's early '90's there was for years a literal witchhunt of ordinary folks accused of sexual child abuse often tied to satanism. ................
How does this tie to 'pizzagate'? A huge difference I notice immediately is the utter MSM silence and the power/position of the suspected pervs- 180 degrees out of phase with the earlier witch hunt. My gut says something is being hidden here. At a Trial I would be looking very closely at physical evidence and chain of custody of said evidence. Is it evidence that one simply knows or does business with an accused paedo? Nope, THAT is pure witch hunting.
It's not easy for us commoners, is it. Thing is, we've heard so many preposterous lies from government and nary an apology from them. The WMD thing in Irak must be the biggest lie since Hitler claim it was the Poles who invaded Germany! Should we believe Washington? Should we believe Wikileaks? Should we believe The National Enquirer? All in all the best we can do is pluck the most obvious or most likely scenario and run with it. For me, I guess it's this sketch of the abductors of Madeleine McCann .......

.... and this photo of John and Tony Podesta.
Assassination Of Finnish Reporters Investigating Bizarre “Pizzagate” Plot Puzzles Russia
Local official, two journalists shot and killed in Finnish town
Finland shooting: 2 journalists, councilwoman killed - CNN.com

"Most disturbing, though, about Minister Stubb while holding power in Finland, FSB analysts in this report say, was his April, 2010, meeting with Hillary Clinton that “exactly coincides” with the establishment of the human smuggling sex ring of young children being sent to the United States as “hospitality workers”.

After informing Finnish journalists Katri Ikävalko and Anne Vihavainen about all of these “matters/concerns” relating to this Stubb-Clinton linked sex smuggling ring, this report says, FSB investigators note that they left Svetogorsk (Russia) to return to Imatra (Finland) at 13:00hr on 3 December.

Less than 12 hours later, this report grimly states, Katri Ikävalko and Anne Vihavainen were assassinated in front of the Vuoksenvahti Restaurant in Imatra where they went to “confront/question” council leader Tiina Wilén-Jäppinen (who was also killed) about this international smuggling sex ring and its links to her, Minister Stubb and, most importantly, Hillary Clinton."

Democrats are the champions of perversion. Their beloved homos have laid the framework for the pedophiles as to how to approach having their own sexual perversion forced to be accepted.

Thank democrats.
The article is so amateurishly written and worded that I'm not completely certain if I believe it. Had a professional reporter written it, it would have been much more credible.

The reporter [most likely bi-lingual] did a good job of explaining a complicated international case.

You'd be more credible if you weren't so obnoxious as you seek to discredit a very plausible article.

Course your avatar reveals you revel in being obnoxious.

Assassination Of Finnish Reporters Investigating Bizarre “Pizzagate” Plot Puzzles Russia
The reporter [most likely bi-lingual] did a good job of explaining a complicated international case.
Being bi-lingual has nothing to do with it. I am more than bi-lingual myself and I can tell you that the reporter is almost certainly American. But what with "Dick & Jane" your main source of world events, I'm not surprised you think he's "done a good job".

You'd be more credible if you weren't so obnoxious as you seek to discredit a very plausible article.
Course your avatar reveals you revel in being obnoxious.
I see. So gleaning credibility is as simple as judging one's avatar, which also happens to be the best way to judge the avatar-bearing critic's subject . Fascinating. You must have studied psychology at the Sorbonne, in addition to being a credited Soothsayer.
The reporter [most likely bi-lingual] did a good job of explaining a complicated international case.
Being bi-lingual has nothing to do with it. I am more than bi-lingual myself and I can tell you that the reporter is almost certainly American. But what with "Dick & Jane" your main source of world events, I'm not surprised you think he's "done a good job".

You'd be more credible if you weren't so obnoxious as you seek to discredit a very plausible article.
Course your avatar reveals you revel in being obnoxious.
I see. So gleaning credibility is as simple as judging one's avatar, which also happens to be the best way to judge the avatar-bearing critic's subject . Fascinating. You must have studied psychology at the Sorbonne, in addition to being a credited Soothsayer.

The murder [looks like a "they knew too much" murder] of the 2 Finn journalist and politician was well reported by the kind of media you place your faith in.
The well written article in question provides plausible leads to answering question of "why" ....
More and more it is obvious there is a segment of the population that despises truth that reflects badly on the "elites" ....
Since you slander the author of the article and disdain the article without good reason I am confident you are in that truth despising segment of the population.
Since you obviously have nothing worthwhile to contribute, I promise you I'll give you the last word. So have at it.
The murder [looks like a "they knew too much" murder] of the 2 Finn journalist and politician was well reported by the kind of media you place your faith in.
I do not place my faith in any “kind of media”. I judge each by its' own merits of professionalism and “ring of truth”.
The well written article in question provides plausible leads to answering question of "why" .…
The article is not well-written. It is very badly written. For example;

1). “The red-brick building owned by Tommy Tucker was bombed last night. The police say it was probably done by someone with a grudge. There were no witnesses to the incident.“

…. or …..

2). “The red-brick building owned by Tommy Tucker was bombed last night. The police say the red-brick building owned by Tommy Tucker was probably bombed by someone with a grudge. There were no witnesses to the bombing of the red-brick building owned by Tommy Tucker.”

Now read your article. It is in the category of example number 2.
More and more it is obvious there is a segment of the population that despises truth that reflects badly on the "elites" .…
Since you slander the author of the article and disdain the article without good reason I am confident you are in that truth despising segment of the population.
Clearly you do not know what the terms “slander”, “disdain”, or “despise” mean but the fact that you think that you do explains why you also think the article is “well-written”.
Since you obviously have nothing worthwhile to contribute, I promise you I'll give you the last word. So have at it.
This reply is not a “last word”. It is a relevant response. I started this thread. I want input from others. But this is a debatable subject. I won't believe any old fantasy. If you cannot accept a critical response then your motivation to this subject is not the same as mine.

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