Pagan roots of Valentines (Lupercalia) Day Exposed

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
Where did Valentines Day come from? Do you know the history of it? Did you know that it has nothing to do with a saint named Valentine and is really based on the worship of Nimrod and is celebrating a feast called Lupercalia? Should Christians celebrate Valentines Day when it is clearly a pagan holiday that is an abomination before God? God warns us in His Word to have nothing to do with Pagan rituals, feasts and the worship of false gods. Many do not know the pagan roots of Valentines.

Watch this informative video and look up the bible scriptures provided that will prove that Lupercalia (Valentine's day) is a day Christians should have nothing to do with.

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A lot of work for someone bitter because they never got a Valentines card or flowers or candy in their life.
Nonsense. I do not have anything to do with Satanic feast days. I do not celebrate October 31st either. If you do, you are ignoring the word of God which warns you that those who celebrate such things have put themselves under a curse.
Where did Valentines Day come from? Do you know the history of it? Did you know that it has nothing to do with a saint named Valentine and is really based on the worship of Nimrod and is celebrating a feast called Lupercalia? Should Christians celebrate Valentines Day when it is clearly a pagan holiday that is an abomination before God? God warns us in His Word to have nothing to do with Pagan rituals, feasts and the worship of false gods. Many do not know the pagan roots of Valentines.

Watch this informative video and look up the bible scriptures provided that will prove that Lupercalia (Valentine's day) is a day Christians should have nothing to do with.







Uhm, what was that about Halloween?
A lot of work for someone bitter because they never got a Valentines card or flowers or candy in their life.
Nonsense. I do not have anything to do with Satanic feast days. I do not celebrate October 31st either. If you do, you are ignoring the word of God which warns you that those who celebrate such things have put themselves under a curse.
Ever read Songs of Solomon?
Most people know that there was no saintly little dude named Valentine shooting arrows for goodly love. It's like Halloween or Sweetest day- have some candy, give some candy- or don't. It's not worth getting riled up over.
Take Back Valentine's Day! Get a Heart On For Jesus!

Valentine's Day has always been nothing more than a shameless celebration of promiscuity. In grade schools throughout the land, six-year-olds are encouraged to fill their classmates' shoeboxes with sexually predatory demands like, "Be Mine!" Hearts are everywhere - red and round like ripe baboon anuses when the monkeys are in heat. Grown women are running around with their hearts on fire for any stranger with a Whitman's Sampler. But all these people whipped into a fornicating frenzy have their hearts turned off to the one person who matters - Jesus! Well, we at Landover Baptist are going on record, saying we've got a heart on for Jesus! Landover Baptist joins Christians nationwide in implementing the “I’ve Got a Heart On For Jesus!” campaign to teach children the importance of living chaste, sin-free lives. The program replaces the secular "holiday" of "Valentine's Day."

The program features heart-shaped Christian products inscribed with "I've Got A Heart On For Jesus!" All are available for sale in family stores nationwide, with all profits going to help children in secular schools learn that the Bible is the only history book anyone needs. "If this program is as successful as I believe God wants it to be, we'll soon replace every library book with God's book," Brother Harry Hardwick stated, to a round of applause. "Praise God, what a day for true freedom that will be!"

Even ignorant, crazed, pew-jumping, demon-tongue yapping Pentecostals know that Valentine's Day is a pagan (Catholic) holiday that glorifies the homosexual relationship between third century Emperor, Claudius II and a young priest named Augustanus Valentine. If you want to lift up the sewer cap and smell the stinky history of this so-called "holiday," click here. The "Heart on For Jesus" program makes this important information available to pre-schoolers and Christian parents through a grant from the Sex 4 Salvation Ministry.

Get A Heart On For Jesus!

The Authoritative Baptist Guide to Mary Worshippers (Catholics)

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Take Back Valentine's Day! Get a Heart On For Jesus!

Valentine's Day has always been nothing more than a shameless celebration of promiscuity. In grade schools throughout the land, six-year-olds are encouraged to fill their classmates' shoeboxes with sexually predatory demands like, "Be Mine!" Hearts are everywhere - red and round like ripe baboon anuses when the monkeys are in heat. Grown women are running around with their hearts on fire for any stranger with a Whitman's Sampler. But all these people whipped into a fornicating frenzy have their hearts turned off to the one person who matters - Jesus! Well, we at Landover Baptist are going on record, saying we've got a heart on for Jesus! Landover Baptist joins Christians nationwide in implementing the “I’ve Got a Heart On For Jesus!” campaign to teach children the importance of living chaste, sin-free lives. The program replaces the secular "holiday" of "Valentine's Day."

The program features heart-shaped Christian products inscribed with "I've Got A Heart On For Jesus!" All are available for sale in family stores nationwide, with all profits going to help children in secular schools learn that the Bible is the only history book anyone needs. "If this program is as successful as I believe God wants it to be, we'll soon replace every library book with God's book," Brother Harry Hardwick stated, to a round of applause. "Praise God, what a day for true freedom that will be!"

Even ignorant, crazed, pew-jumping, demon-tongue yapping Pentecostals know that Valentine's Day is a pagan (Catholic) holiday that glorifies the homosexual relationship between third century Emperor, Claudius II and a young priest named Augustanus Valentine. If you want to lift up the sewer cap and smell the stinky history of this so-called "holiday," click here. The "Heart on For Jesus" program makes this important information available to pre-schoolers and Christian parents through a grant from the Sex 4 Salvation Ministry.

Get A Heart On For Jesus!
Guno, will you be my valentine?
Take Back Valentine's Day! Get a Heart On For Jesus!

Valentine's Day has always been nothing more than a shameless celebration of promiscuity. In grade schools throughout the land, six-year-olds are encouraged to fill their classmates' shoeboxes with sexually predatory demands like, "Be Mine!" Hearts are everywhere - red and round like ripe baboon anuses when the monkeys are in heat. Grown women are running around with their hearts on fire for any stranger with a Whitman's Sampler. But all these people whipped into a fornicating frenzy have their hearts turned off to the one person who matters - Jesus! Well, we at Landover Baptist are going on record, saying we've got a heart on for Jesus! Landover Baptist joins Christians nationwide in implementing the “I’ve Got a Heart On For Jesus!” campaign to teach children the importance of living chaste, sin-free lives. The program replaces the secular "holiday" of "Valentine's Day."

The program features heart-shaped Christian products inscribed with "I've Got A Heart On For Jesus!" All are available for sale in family stores nationwide, with all profits going to help children in secular schools learn that the Bible is the only history book anyone needs. "If this program is as successful as I believe God wants it to be, we'll soon replace every library book with God's book," Brother Harry Hardwick stated, to a round of applause. "Praise God, what a day for true freedom that will be!"

Even ignorant, crazed, pew-jumping, demon-tongue yapping Pentecostals know that Valentine's Day is a pagan (Catholic) holiday that glorifies the homosexual relationship between third century Emperor, Claudius II and a young priest named Augustanus Valentine. If you want to lift up the sewer cap and smell the stinky history of this so-called "holiday," click here. The "Heart on For Jesus" program makes this important information available to pre-schoolers and Christian parents through a grant from the Sex 4 Salvation Ministry.

Get A Heart On For Jesus!

The Authoritative Baptist Guide to Mary Worshippers (Catholics)
I'm not a Catholic. You say you are a Jew yet you do not obey the Hebrew Scriptures and choose Pagan practices instead. If you believe in the God of Israel why don't you obey Him and do what He tells you to do?

It is written:

And them that worship the host of heaven upon the housetops; and them that worship and that swear by the LORD, and that swear by Malcham; And them that are turned back from the LORD; and those that have not sought the LORD, nor enquired for him. Hold thy peace at the presence of the Lord GOD: for the day of the LORD is at hand: for the LORD hath prepared a sacrifice, he hath bid his guests. And it shall come to pass in the day of the LORD'S sacrifice, that I will punish the princes, and the king's children, and all such as are clothed with strange apparel. In the same day also will I punish all those that leap on the threshold, which fill their masters' houses with violence and deceit. And it shall come to pass in that day, saith the LORD, that there shall be the noise of a cry from the fish gate, and an howling from the second, and a great crashing from the hills.
Zephaniah 1: 5-10
Take Back Valentine's Day! Get a Heart On For Jesus!

Valentine's Day has always been nothing more than a shameless celebration of promiscuity. In grade schools throughout the land, six-year-olds are encouraged to fill their classmates' shoeboxes with sexually predatory demands like, "Be Mine!" Hearts are everywhere - red and round like ripe baboon anuses when the monkeys are in heat. Grown women are running around with their hearts on fire for any stranger with a Whitman's Sampler. But all these people whipped into a fornicating frenzy have their hearts turned off to the one person who matters - Jesus! Well, we at Landover Baptist are going on record, saying we've got a heart on for Jesus! Landover Baptist joins Christians nationwide in implementing the “I’ve Got a Heart On For Jesus!” campaign to teach children the importance of living chaste, sin-free lives. The program replaces the secular "holiday" of "Valentine's Day."

The program features heart-shaped Christian products inscribed with "I've Got A Heart On For Jesus!" All are available for sale in family stores nationwide, with all profits going to help children in secular schools learn that the Bible is the only history book anyone needs. "If this program is as successful as I believe God wants it to be, we'll soon replace every library book with God's book," Brother Harry Hardwick stated, to a round of applause. "Praise God, what a day for true freedom that will be!"

Even ignorant, crazed, pew-jumping, demon-tongue yapping Pentecostals know that Valentine's Day is a pagan (Catholic) holiday that glorifies the homosexual relationship between third century Emperor, Claudius II and a young priest named Augustanus Valentine. If you want to lift up the sewer cap and smell the stinky history of this so-called "holiday," click here. The "Heart on For Jesus" program makes this important information available to pre-schoolers and Christian parents through a grant from the Sex 4 Salvation Ministry.

Get A Heart On For Jesus!
Guno, will you be my valentine?
will we hie to kolob?
Where did Valentines Day come from? Do you know the history of it? Did you know that it has nothing to do with a saint named Valentine and is really based on the worship of Nimrod and is celebrating a feast called Lupercalia? Should Christians celebrate Valentines Day when it is clearly a pagan holiday that is an abomination before God? God warns us in His Word to have nothing to do with Pagan rituals, feasts and the worship of false gods. Many do not know the pagan roots of Valentines.

Watch this informative video and look up the bible scriptures provided that will prove that Lupercalia (Valentine's day) is a day Christians should have nothing to do with.

Never heard of a "Nimrod" connection but yes this is (will be on the morrow) an ancient fertility exercise.

As I posted here several years ago in the thread "Whip My Roman Sex Gods..."....

The true Valentine's Day? Forget roses and candy, sweetheart, and kneel before Lupercalia

Hot pagan sex and lustful gods and ancient wolf goddesses and potential marriage and more sex and more than a little crazed giddy divine animal blood sacrifice.

All followed by some nice light whippings administered by nearly naked grinning boy-men, casual flagellations by goat-skin, some joyful thrashing in the name of fertility and purity and, you know, sex. Ahh, Valentine's Day.

The original, that is. Before it was called Valentine's Day, back when it was called Lupercalia, a big Roman festival in honor of the fertility god Lupercus, before the ever-scowlin' church got a hold of this ancient and rather odd and blood-pumped Roman lust-fest, co-opted it and de-sexed it stripped it of its more salacious and admittedly libertine joys, as the church is so tragically wont to do.

... Tried to convert it into a mildly consecrated (read: bland, not naked) day, the church did, "Christianize" that naughty pagan fest, and failing that because no way are you gonna trump ancient sex and lust with uptight chastity and faux-purity, they tossed in Saint Valentine to the mix, invented some nice legend, tried to turn this most funky of pagan holidays into an homage to saccharine romantic love and cherry nougat chocolates and Hallmark schmalz [sic].

... Luperci priests gathered and sacrificed goats and young dogs, the former for strength, the latter for purification and in honor of their strong sexual instinct and because it was a fertility diety and this is just what you did if you were a happy pagan citizen a couple thousand [sic] years ago.

Some hunky boys of noble birth were then led to the shrine, where the priests would dab their foreheads with a sword dipped in the animal blood, after which our baffled youths were apparently obliged to break out into a shout of purifying laughter because that's what the rite called for and no one is quite sure why and, well, wouldn't you?

Then, a feast. Meat. Wine galore. Followed by the slicing of goat skins into pieces, some of which the priests cut into strips and dipped in the blood and then handed to the boys, who would take off and run through the streets, gently touching or lashing crops and bystanders -- especially women -- with the skins along the way to inspire fertility and harvest and because hey, half-naked laughing boys wielding bloody goat skins ‚- what's not to love?

Actually, the women eagerly stepped forward to be so stroked, believing that such a blessing rendered them fertile (even if they were sterile), and procured them ease in childbearing, and made them look all gothy and cool and sexy.

... Then came the sex lottery. Oh yes. Say it like you mean it. Pretty much only have to say the words, "sex lottery," and already you're like, damn, count me in, sure beats dinner and a movie.

And all the young lasses in the city would place their names in a large urn, and the city's eligible bachelors would choose a name out of the urn and become paired for the year with his chosen woman, oftening resulting in marriage. You know, sort of like the Mormons. Only with actual sex. And booze. And without the creepy undergarments.

Lupercal was said to be the birthplace of Rome, the spot where Romulus and Remus were suckled by a wolf (lupus). The festival Lupercalia, on the ides of February, incited fertility for the coming year and honoured Pan, who protected flocks from wolves. The idea of lupine foster-mothers was a recurring mid-Eastern mythological theme, making appearances in the origins of Zoroaster, the origins of Turkey and the Canary Islands (from canis), and even the fable of Little Red Riding Hood. But we digress.

As the Christian Church rose in European influence, it subsumed the older pagan festivals and mythological personages into holy-days and saints, in the case of this day substituting the names of real-life partners with sermons or saints' names to be emulated over the next year (with predictable (lack of) popularity), and eventually coming up in the 5th century with a "St. Valentine", who was a sort of conglomeration of several irreconcilable biographies built vaguely designed on the spirits of Eros/Cupid and the aforementioned Pan.

So Happy VD And good luck in the lottery :eusa_angel:

...Because it's always good to know where your manufactured holidays really come from. Always healthy to pay homage to the true origins, realize how much calculated deceit has happened along the way. Just like Christmas and Easter and Halloween and any major holiday worth mentioning that the church gutted and renamed and from whose moist tremulous soul they tried to suck the pithy throbbing joy, ya gotta give props to the old gods, throw a karmic kiss to Lupercus and Juno and the she-wolf. Word. (ibid)

I'll bump that thread tomorrow if I think of it, or somebody else can.

VD is a day to celebrate human lust. I want all hands on deck. :thup:

Lust is life.
Take Back Valentine's Day! Get a Heart On For Jesus!

Valentine's Day has always been nothing more than a shameless celebration of promiscuity. In grade schools throughout the land, six-year-olds are encouraged to fill their classmates' shoeboxes with sexually predatory demands like, "Be Mine!" Hearts are everywhere - red and round like ripe baboon anuses when the monkeys are in heat. Grown women are running around with their hearts on fire for any stranger with a Whitman's Sampler. But all these people whipped into a fornicating frenzy have their hearts turned off to the one person who matters - Jesus! Well, we at Landover Baptist are going on record, saying we've got a heart on for Jesus! Landover Baptist joins Christians nationwide in implementing the “I’ve Got a Heart On For Jesus!” campaign to teach children the importance of living chaste, sin-free lives. The program replaces the secular "holiday" of "Valentine's Day."

The program features heart-shaped Christian products inscribed with "I've Got A Heart On For Jesus!" All are available for sale in family stores nationwide, with all profits going to help children in secular schools learn that the Bible is the only history book anyone needs. "If this program is as successful as I believe God wants it to be, we'll soon replace every library book with God's book," Brother Harry Hardwick stated, to a round of applause. "Praise God, what a day for true freedom that will be!"

Even ignorant, crazed, pew-jumping, demon-tongue yapping Pentecostals know that Valentine's Day is a pagan (Catholic) holiday that glorifies the homosexual relationship between third century Emperor, Claudius II and a young priest named Augustanus Valentine. If you want to lift up the sewer cap and smell the stinky history of this so-called "holiday," click here. The "Heart on For Jesus" program makes this important information available to pre-schoolers and Christian parents through a grant from the Sex 4 Salvation Ministry.

Get A Heart On For Jesus!

The Authoritative Baptist Guide to Mary Worshippers (Catholics)
I'm not a Catholic. You say you are a Jew yet you do not obey the Hebrew Scriptures and choose Pagan practices instead. If you believe in the God of Israel why don't you obey Him and do what He tells you to do?

It is written:

And them that worship the host of heaven upon the housetops; and them that worship and that swear by the LORD, and that swear by Malcham; And them that are turned back from the LORD; and those that have not sought the LORD, nor enquired for him. Hold thy peace at the presence of the Lord GOD: for the day of the LORD is at hand: for the LORD hath prepared a sacrifice, he hath bid his guests. And it shall come to pass in the day of the LORD'S sacrifice, that I will punish the princes, and the king's children, and all such as are clothed with strange apparel. In the same day also will I punish all those that leap on the threshold, which fill their masters' houses with violence and deceit. And it shall come to pass in that day, saith the LORD, that there shall be the noise of a cry from the fish gate, and an howling from the second, and a great crashing from the hills.
Zephaniah 1: 5-10
its called satire jeri
Back in the 1980's a Christian couple published a booklet on the true history of Valentines including information about the connection between Valentine hearts and the disease Lupus. There was a Christian couple who had almost lost their daughter due to systemic Lupus when they happened to find the booklet and contacted the ministry asking for prayer. After destroying all heart shaped possessions she owned including jewelry she received answer to that prayer and was completely healed of Lupus. The family did further research searching out encyclopedia books that were 120 years old and found the occult was deeply connected to the heart shape. It is a shame that so many people have no idea as to the connection between the heart shape symbol, Lupercalia and the occult. How many people are suffering from Lupus and have no idea of that disease and its connection to the occult / heart shaped items in possession of the victim, etc?

It would be wise to do a study on it for anyone who doesn't believe it. You should expect plenty of people involved in the occult to strongly object to this thread and the truth that is revealed here. After all, those in the occult do not like their secrets being exposed.
Take Back Valentine's Day! Get a Heart On For Jesus!

Valentine's Day has always been nothing more than a shameless celebration of promiscuity. In grade schools throughout the land, six-year-olds are encouraged to fill their classmates' shoeboxes with sexually predatory demands like, "Be Mine!" Hearts are everywhere - red and round like ripe baboon anuses when the monkeys are in heat. Grown women are running around with their hearts on fire for any stranger with a Whitman's Sampler. But all these people whipped into a fornicating frenzy have their hearts turned off to the one person who matters - Jesus! Well, we at Landover Baptist are going on record, saying we've got a heart on for Jesus! Landover Baptist joins Christians nationwide in implementing the “I’ve Got a Heart On For Jesus!” campaign to teach children the importance of living chaste, sin-free lives. The program replaces the secular "holiday" of "Valentine's Day."

The program features heart-shaped Christian products inscribed with "I've Got A Heart On For Jesus!" All are available for sale in family stores nationwide, with all profits going to help children in secular schools learn that the Bible is the only history book anyone needs. "If this program is as successful as I believe God wants it to be, we'll soon replace every library book with God's book," Brother Harry Hardwick stated, to a round of applause. "Praise God, what a day for true freedom that will be!"

Even ignorant, crazed, pew-jumping, demon-tongue yapping Pentecostals know that Valentine's Day is a pagan (Catholic) holiday that glorifies the homosexual relationship between third century Emperor, Claudius II and a young priest named Augustanus Valentine. If you want to lift up the sewer cap and smell the stinky history of this so-called "holiday," click here. The "Heart on For Jesus" program makes this important information available to pre-schoolers and Christian parents through a grant from the Sex 4 Salvation Ministry.

Get A Heart On For Jesus!

The Authoritative Baptist Guide to Mary Worshippers (Catholics)
I'm not a Catholic. You say you are a Jew yet you do not obey the Hebrew Scriptures and choose Pagan practices instead. If you believe in the God of Israel why don't you obey Him and do what He tells you to do?

It is written:

And them that worship the host of heaven upon the housetops; and them that worship and that swear by the LORD, and that swear by Malcham; And them that are turned back from the LORD; and those that have not sought the LORD, nor enquired for him. Hold thy peace at the presence of the Lord GOD: for the day of the LORD is at hand: for the LORD hath prepared a sacrifice, he hath bid his guests. And it shall come to pass in the day of the LORD'S sacrifice, that I will punish the princes, and the king's children, and all such as are clothed with strange apparel. In the same day also will I punish all those that leap on the threshold, which fill their masters' houses with violence and deceit. And it shall come to pass in that day, saith the LORD, that there shall be the noise of a cry from the fish gate, and an howling from the second, and a great crashing from the hills.
Zephaniah 1: 5-10
its called satire jeri
The Hebrew Scriptures are 100% accurate and give us instruction as to what we should and should not do. We should have nothing to do with Pagan holidays, feasts such as Nimrod's birthday *(Dec. 25th) February 14 - 15th, Lupercalia worship of Pan / Nimrod, October 31st (Satan's high holy Day), Easter (the worship of Ishtar - goddess of fertility)......there are many more such pagan days that are celebrated by the devil's children but God's children should have nothing to do with it and yet some do because they are ignorant of what is behind it. It is a very dangerous thing to be involved in the celebration of a pagan occult day.

Those who do it have been plagued with curses, awful accidents, diseases and in some cases, death. Have nothing to do with the works of darkness. Expose them but have nothing to do with partaking of them.

* Jesus Christ was not born on December 25th and no where in the Scriptures does God tell us to celebrate the birthday of Jesus Christ.
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Where did Valentines Day come from? Do you know the history of it? Did you know that it has nothing to do with a saint named Valentine and is really based on the worship of Nimrod and is celebrating a feast called Lupercalia? Should Christians celebrate Valentines Day when it is clearly a pagan holiday that is an abomination before God? God warns us in His Word to have nothing to do with Pagan rituals, feasts and the worship of false gods. Many do not know the pagan roots of Valentines.

Watch this informative video and look up the bible scriptures provided that will prove that Lupercalia (Valentine's day) is a day Christians should have nothing to do with.

Never heard of a "Nimrod" connection but yes this is (will be on the morrow) an ancient fertility exercise.

As I posted here several years ago in the thread "Whip My Roman Sex Gods..."....

The true Valentine's Day? Forget roses and candy, sweetheart, and kneel before Lupercalia

Hot pagan sex and lustful gods and ancient wolf goddesses and potential marriage and more sex and more than a little crazed giddy divine animal blood sacrifice.

All followed by some nice light whippings administered by nearly naked grinning boy-men, casual flagellations by goat-skin, some joyful thrashing in the name of fertility and purity and, you know, sex. Ahh, Valentine's Day.

The original, that is. Before it was called Valentine's Day, back when it was called Lupercalia, a big Roman festival in honor of the fertility god Lupercus, before the ever-scowlin' church got a hold of this ancient and rather odd and blood-pumped Roman lust-fest, co-opted it and de-sexed it stripped it of its more salacious and admittedly libertine joys, as the church is so tragically wont to do.

... Tried to convert it into a mildly consecrated (read: bland, not naked) day, the church did, "Christianize" that naughty pagan fest, and failing that because no way are you gonna trump ancient sex and lust with uptight chastity and faux-purity, they tossed in Saint Valentine to the mix, invented some nice legend, tried to turn this most funky of pagan holidays into an homage to saccharine romantic love and cherry nougat chocolates and Hallmark schmalz [sic].

... Luperci priests gathered and sacrificed goats and young dogs, the former for strength, the latter for purification and in honor of their strong sexual instinct and because it was a fertility diety and this is just what you did if you were a happy pagan citizen a couple thousand [sic] years ago.

Some hunky boys of noble birth were then led to the shrine, where the priests would dab their foreheads with a sword dipped in the animal blood, after which our baffled youths were apparently obliged to break out into a shout of purifying laughter because that's what the rite called for and no one is quite sure why and, well, wouldn't you?

Then, a feast. Meat. Wine galore. Followed by the slicing of goat skins into pieces, some of which the priests cut into strips and dipped in the blood and then handed to the boys, who would take off and run through the streets, gently touching or lashing crops and bystanders -- especially women -- with the skins along the way to inspire fertility and harvest and because hey, half-naked laughing boys wielding bloody goat skins ‚- what's not to love?

Actually, the women eagerly stepped forward to be so stroked, believing that such a blessing rendered them fertile (even if they were sterile), and procured them ease in childbearing, and made them look all gothy and cool and sexy.

... Then came the sex lottery. Oh yes. Say it like you mean it. Pretty much only have to say the words, "sex lottery," and already you're like, damn, count me in, sure beats dinner and a movie.

And all the young lasses in the city would place their names in a large urn, and the city's eligible bachelors would choose a name out of the urn and become paired for the year with his chosen woman, oftening resulting in marriage. You know, sort of like the Mormons. Only with actual sex. And booze. And without the creepy undergarments.

Lupercal was said to be the birthplace of Rome, the spot where Romulus and Remus were suckled by a wolf (lupus). The festival Lupercalia, on the ides of February, incited fertility for the coming year and honoured Pan, who protected flocks from wolves. The idea of lupine foster-mothers was a recurring mid-Eastern mythological theme, making appearances in the origins of Zoroaster, the origins of Turkey and the Canary Islands (from canis), and even the fable of Little Red Riding Hood. But we digress.

As the Christian Church rose in European influence, it subsumed the older pagan festivals and mythological personages into holy-days and saints, in the case of this day substituting the names of real-life partners with sermons or saints' names to be emulated over the next year (with predictable (lack of) popularity), and eventually coming up in the 5th century with a "St. Valentine", who was a sort of conglomeration of several irreconcilable biographies built vaguely designed on the spirits of Eros/Cupid and the aforementioned Pan.

So Happy VD And good luck in the lottery :eusa_angel:

...Because it's always good to know where your manufactured holidays really come from. Always healthy to pay homage to the true origins, realize how much calculated deceit has happened along the way. Just like Christmas and Easter and Halloween and any major holiday worth mentioning that the church gutted and renamed and from whose moist tremulous soul they tried to suck the pithy throbbing joy, ya gotta give props to the old gods, throw a karmic kiss to Lupercus and Juno and the she-wolf. Word. (ibid)

I'll bump that thread tomorrow if I think of it, or somebody else can.

VD is a day to celebrate human lust. I want all hands on deck. :thup:

Lust is life.

Matter of fact the very name of this month of February comes from the Latin febris --- the ardor or "fever" of lust. And connected with seasonal washing/purification.
Pogo Do you also know the story about two baby boys Romulus and Remus who were discovered at the bottom of a tree by a man and taken to his wife, her name was Laurentia and she raised them. According to sources (of research) Laurentia was a fallen woman before she married which in Latin means Lupa (she-wolf) which is where the name of the festival originated, Lupercalia.

In the book Two Babylons by Alexander Hislop and another book, Mystery Babylon there are images depicted which were used in the creation of faces one would find on Valentine Cards and those images are Semiramis, Dianna, Ashtarte and Tammuz who is supposed to be the face of Cupid from one source I read about.

Valentines day is the celebration of Lupercalia not the life of a saint named Valentine. That story was used as a cover but was exposed long ago. If I am not mistaken the Roman Catholic Church no longer acknowledges the day as one of their own and the St. has been taken off of Valentines day because of this.

The satanic powers behind such pagan rites is real. When a Christian invokes such powers upon themselves by participation in such celebrations they have opened themselves up to great danger through the sin of idolatry. It is literally opening the door wide to satanic attack.

Also you should look up the significance of Romulus and Remus, you may be surprised.
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.
Hosea 4:6

I find many Believers who prefer the modern Christianity, Christian rock music, telephone bible (any version but the KJV), empty sermons, sin your way to heaven crowd will quote only the first part of this verse but not second part. Then they wonder why God doesn't rescue their children in a time of sudden disaster. They have left themselves wide open for attack by disobedience to God, even celebrating pagan holidays. Destroyed for lack of knowledge? Yes, destroyed for rejecting knowledge which is called rebellion against God.
Pogo Do you also know the story about two baby boys Romulus and Remus who were discovered at the bottom of a tree by a man and taken to his wife, her name was Laurentia and she raised them. According to sources (of research) Laurentia was a fallen woman before she married which in Latin means Lupa (she-wolf) which is where the name of the festival originated, Lupercalia.

In the book Two Babylons by Alexander Hislop and another book, Mystery Babylon there are images depicted which were used in the creation of faces one would find on Valentine Cards and those images are Semiramis, Dianna, Ashtarte and Tammuz who is supposed to be the face of Cupid from one source I read about.

Valentines day is the celebration of Lupercalia not the life of a saint named Valentine. That story was used as a cover but was exposed long ago. If I am not mistaken the Roman Catholic Church no longer acknowledges the day as one of their own and the St. has been taken off of Valentines day because of this.

The satanic powers behind such pagan rites is real. When a Christian invokes such powers upon themselves by participation in such celebrations they have opened themselves up to great danger through the sin of idolatry. It is literally opening the door wide to satanic attack.

Also you should look up the significance of Romulus and Remus, you may be surprised.

Sure, I'm aware of the Romulus/Remus creation myth, it's cute. And of course the wolf/Lupo linguistic connection. And I'm in full agreement that "St. Valentine" was made up to co-opt existing pagan holidays, as were Easter and Christmas and "All Souls Day". I'm not up to date on Valentine's status in the Church in the present day though. It really is of no consequence.

I don't believe in the whole "Satan" concept though. I consider that a childish anthropomorphism to (literally) demonize forces we don't understand or find intimidating. It's also a way of running away from them by embodying them in a mythical "being" who can then be "cast out". Which completely ignores that these forces are part of not only human nature but Nature itself. There's nothing to be learned from such an avoidance, plus it's WAY too façile and blatantly binary, so I've always rejected it out of hand.

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