Pakistan Forms Task Force to “Block Anti-Islam Content Around the Clock”


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Pakistan Forms Task Force to “Block Anti-Islam Content Around the Clock”

by Daniel Greenfield
Sep 18th, 2012

A quarter of Pakistanis live below the poverty line, less than half its women know how to read and write and 95 percent of its citizens have been polled as fearing a complete breakdown of their economy.

But the Pakistani government is doing something about that. They have formed a bold plan to appoint a task force to block Anti-Islamic content around the clock. Sure you might think that you can get your picture of Mohammed eating a cheeseburger in a gay bar on Ramadan past the brave Pakistani censors, but forget about it. They have loaded up on coffee and are constantly on the lookout for anything that offends Muslims in any way, which at latest count includes 99.44 percent of the internet.


Pakistan Forms Task Force to “Block Anti-Islam Content Around the Clock” | FrontPage Magazine
Youtube blocked, Google Apps. are running so freaking slow. I better suggest to my Govt. to block the links based on keywords using to upload the film, not the entire websites as those websites are few resourceful places that help in work.

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