Palestinian leaders undecided on Kerry's latest peace proposal

That phrase has been debunked as a fraud. Why you aceholes keep repeating the same garbage over and over as if its going to make a difference.
Since you can't back it up with any citations, the only fraud is you and your big, lionist mouth!
Don't need to, it's been refuted and debunked as garbage many times. Keep up will ya.
The Origins and Evolutionof the Palestine Problem:1917-1988 PART I 1917-1947- One authority writes:*"The most significant and incontrovertible fact is, however, that by itself the Declaration was legally impotent. For Great Britain had no sovereign rights over Palestine, it had no proprietary interest, it had no authority to dispose of the land. The Declaration was merely a statement of British intentions and no more".* Other authorities in international law have also held the Declaration to be legally invalid3 but this was not an issue in 1917, when the Balfour Declaration became official British policy for the future of Palestine. The ambiguities and contradictions within the Declaration contributed heavily towards the conflict of goals and expectations that arose between the Palestinian Arabs and the non-Palestinian Jews. The Zionist Organization was to use the assurances for "a national home for the Jewish people" to press its plans for the colonization of Palestine on the basis of the Balfour Declaration and its implementation through the League of Nations Mandates System. The Palestinian people were to resist these efforts, since their fundamental political right to self-determination had been denied, and their land was to become the object of colonization from abroad during the period it was under a League of Nations Mandate.*- See more at: The Origins and Evolution of the Palestine Problem - CEIRPP, DPR study, part I: 1917-1947 (30 June 1978)
I think Arthur Balfour's comment at the time of the Balfour decision made it pretty clear.
The Balfour Declaration

The British Foreign Office, November 2nd, 1917

Dear Lord Rothschild, I have much pleasure in conveying to you, on behalf of His Majesty’s Government, the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations which has been submitted to, and approved by, the Cabinet.

“His Majesty’s Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.”​

Arthur James Balfour
[Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs]

And this is worth repeating...

...the Zionists didn't live up to their part of the Decision.

And there's no better prima facia evidence of their failure to live up to their terms of the agreement, than the statements from a famous Zionist humanist living in Palestine at the time...

the settlers must under no circumstances arouse the wrath of the natives ... 'Yet what do our brethren do in Palestine? Just the very opposite! Serfs they were in the lands of the Diaspora and suddenly they find themselves in unrestricted freedom and this change has awakened in them an inclination to despotism. They treat the Arabs with hostility and cruelty, deprive them of their rights, offend them without cause and even boast of these deeds; and nobody among us opposes this despicable and dangerous inclination.
- Ahad Ha'am
And Sherri, his next comment, happens to be something we are experiencing on this board, a half-century later...

' [the Zionists] wax angry towards those who remind them that there is still another people in Eretz Yisrael that has been living there and does not intend at all to leave its place. In a future when this illusion will have been torn from their hearts and they will look with open eyes upon the reality as it is, they will certainly understand how important this question is and how great our duty to work for its solution'.
That was one honest Zionist. I wish there were more like him.

Just one more...

balfour declaration and british mandate gave the jews some of palestine as long as they respect palesinian arab rights.

they violagted this agreemant from 1922 to 1948, and they violated the agremant from 1949 to 2013.

the agreemant is null and void!!!! the contraxct has been brokem by israel!!
what gave the british and the league of nations the right to give a peoples' land away to foreigners from europe, africa, and asia????

what gave the british and the league of nations the right to violate the promise to the arabs that if they fight the turks they will get independence in all arab lands???

the british played both sides like two faced pigs.
Ha ha ha. Was third grade your three hardest years? The land belonged to the Ottomans for 700 years and when they were defeated the British and French took control of the region and then proceeded to divide it.

british promises the arab lands of the ottoman empire would be independent and free....and they the people would decide their status and be consulted on their status and independence!!!!

even if the jews got some of palesyine the british still promised no prejudice and discrimination against the native arabs!!! the zionists violated this contract!!!!
That is a partial list of Israel's pre-conditions.

67 Borders which were never accepted are the Palestinians demand/ Pre Conditions

" Right of Return" which even you admit would eventually make the Jews a minority are the Palestinians demand/ Pre Conditions

The demand that ALL Palestinian prisoners be released are the Palestinians pre- Conditions.

So, name one thing that Israel is demanding. You can't.

67 Borders are established by intl law, no settlement til Israel complies with intl law!

Frau Sheri, When did those borders become " International Law?" Somehow they weren't when the Arabs didn't recognize them; Israel doesn't have to recognize them now.

No " settlement" till Israel complies with " International Law?" What would that be, Frau Sheri? Borders that were never accepted or recognized, Israel having no access to E. Jerusalem where their most religious sites are and " Right of Return" which even the Palestinian poster admits would make the Jews a minority eventually annexed to " Palestine"? Leave it to the " Christian" who sees nothing wrong with Christians being killed and enslaved by Muslims to come up with that one :clap2:
Frau Sheri, When did those borders become " International Law?" Somehow they weren't when the Arabs didn't recognize them; Israel doesn't have to recognize them now.

No " settlement" till Israel complies with " International Law?" What would that be, Frau Sheri? Borders that were never accepted or recognized, Israel having no access to E. Jerusalem where their most religious sites are and " Right of Return" which even the Palestinian poster admits would make the Jews a minority eventually annexed to " Palestine"? Leave it to the " Christian" who sees nothing wrong with Christians being killed and enslaved by Muslims to come up with that one :clap2:

1967 borders are recognized byb the UN has the legitimate and legal borders for israel.

green line borders were recognize in 1949 by un general assembly as israel's legitimate and legal borders!!!!!!!!
the '67 borders are nothing but a pipe dream for Palestinians and their supporters. Not gonna happen.
Neither will right of return

So cry me a river
the '67 borders are nothing but a pipe dream for Palestinians and their supporters. Not gonna happen.
Neither will right of return

So cry me a river

the 1967 borders with land exchanges of like 5% of the land is ok right?
what gave the british and the league of nations the right to give a peoples' land away to foreigners from europe, africa, and asia????

what gave the british and the league of nations the right to violate the promise to the arabs that if they fight the turks they will get independence in all arab lands???

the british played both sides like two faced pigs.
Ha ha ha. Was third grade your three hardest years? The land belonged to the Ottomans for 700 years and when they were defeated the British and French took control of the region and then proceeded to divide it.

british promises the arab lands of the ottoman empire would be independent and free....and they the people would decide their status and be consulted on their status and independence!!!!

even if the jews got some of palesyine the british still promised no prejudice and discrimination against the native arabs!!! the zionists violated this contract!!!!

Below is what this lying Pro Palestinian does not tell you. These are just some small examples;

Massacres of Jews by Muslims before 1948 | EuropeNews

Massacres of Jews by Muslims before 1948

Jewish Refugees Blog 3 February 2011

"Jews lived happily together with Muslims and in harmony before Israel was established." How many times have you heard this said?

We are indebted to Torbjorn Karfunkel, who has blown the myth of peaceful coexistence sky-high with his pre-1948 'massacre map' of Jews by Muslims (click on the map to enlarge). The map should not be considered exhaustive, but it does go back to the 7th century, when Mohammed's followers massacred Jewish tribes in Arabia.

It reminds us that Jews were murdered in Spain in 1066, in spite of the 'Andalusian Golden Age'. The cluster of explosive dots over Morocco recalls that relationships between Jews and Muslims during the 19th century were not always plain sailing.

To this 'massacre map' one might add the blood libels which spread like wildfire across the Ottoman empire, often resulting not in massacres, but in individuals arrested, tortured and unfairly accused.

As the great Tunisian-Jewish writer Albert Memmi has written: "coexistence with the Arabs was not just uncomfortable, it was marked by threats periodically carried out."

History of the Jews under Muslim rule - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Nothing to do with the JEWISH STATE. Just a few examples !
the '67 borders are nothing but a pipe dream for Palestinians and their supporters. Not gonna happen.
Neither will right of return

So cry me a river
You're the only one in the world that believes that.

You and a few others can hang on to your pipe dream that Israel will go back to borders that were never accepted in the first place, give up E. Jerusalem where their most religious sites are, and allow " Right of Return" which even the Palestinian admits will destroy Israel all you want but it won't happen.

Kery understands that which is why he's leaving it up to the two parties to " negotiate" lol Even the Arab League understands it which is why they are encouraging Abbas to " negotiate" instead of demanding it be 100% his way. :cuckoo:
You and a few others can hang on to your pipe dream that Israel will go back to borders that were never accepted in the first place, give up E. Jerusalem where their most religious sites are, and allow " Right of Return" which even the Palestinian admits will destroy Israel all you want but it won't happen.

Kery understands that which is why he's leaving it up to the two parties to " negotiate" lol Even the Arab League understands it which is why they are encouraging Abbas to " negotiate" instead of demanding it be 100% his way. :cuckoo:
The world wouldn't let Germany get away with it over 50 years ago and they won't let you get away with it now. Your only option is to get the fuck off land that isn't yours.
Frau Sheri, When did those borders become " International Law?" Somehow they weren't when the Arabs didn't recognize them; Israel doesn't have to recognize them now.

No " settlement" till Israel complies with " International Law?" What would that be, Frau Sheri? Borders that were never accepted or recognized, Israel having no access to E. Jerusalem where their most religious sites are and " Right of Return" which even the Palestinian poster admits would make the Jews a minority eventually annexed to " Palestine"? Leave it to the " Christian" who sees nothing wrong with Christians being killed and enslaved by Muslims to come up with that one :clap2:

1967 borders are recognized byb the UN has the legitimate and legal borders for israel.

green line borders were recognize in 1949 by un general assembly as israel's legitimate and legal borders!!!!!!!!

Are you referring to the 1967 Borders that the Arabs never recognized or the 1949 Borders that the Arabs never recognized ? I think it's hilarious when I hear about Israel returning to thr " 49" Borders. Until now I only heard that from the Palestinian. Neither is going to happen ! :cuckoo:
Are you referring to the 1967 Borders that the Arabs never recognized or the 1949 Borders that the Arabs never recognized ? I think it's hilarious when I hear about Israel returning to thr " 49" Borders. Until now I only heard that from the Palestinian. Neither is going to happen ! :cuckoo:

the 1967 borders with minor 5% exchanges is ok right?

the zionists won;t complain about this i assume
Are you referring to the 1967 Borders that the Arabs never recognized or the 1949 Borders that the Arabs never recognized ? I think it's hilarious when I hear about Israel returning to thr " 49" Borders. Until now I only heard that from the Palestinian. Neither is going to happen ! :cuckoo:

the 1967 borders with minor 5% exchanges is ok right?

the zionists won;t complain about this i assume

" Minor exchanges" which would take down ALL Settlements, Have no Rights in E. Jerusalem, allow a Pathway on Israeli land Between Gaza and the W.Bank under Palestinian Control ( which they want) and " Right of Return?" lol Now, THAT IS FUNNY :clap2:

Definition of NEGOTIATE

b: to arrange for or bring about through conference, discussion, and compromise <negotiate a treaty>

Read the above definition SLOWLY. Does my response sound like " Negotiation" to you? Only in the Pro Palestinian mindset and mentality
Keep dreaming ! :cuckoo:
the '67 borders are nothing but a pipe dream for Palestinians and their supporters. Not gonna happen.
Neither will right of return

So cry me a river
You're the only one in the world that believes that.

No he's not. And when a person makes such ridiculous assertions as you just did, it drastically undercuts the credibility of their arguments.

The poster may not be the only one in the World that believes it . However it will never happen.
You and a few others can hang on to your pipe dream that Israel will go back to borders that were never accepted in the first place, give up E. Jerusalem where their most religious sites are, and allow " Right of Return" which even the Palestinian admits will destroy Israel all you want but it won't happen.

Kery understands that which is why he's leaving it up to the two parties to " negotiate" lol Even the Arab League understands it which is why they are encouraging Abbas to " negotiate" instead of demanding it be 100% his way. :cuckoo:
The world wouldn't let Germany get away with it over 50 years ago and they won't let you get away with it now. Your only option is to get the fuck off land that isn't yours.

Germany initiated WW 2. The Arabs have initiated every War since 1948. If the Arabs had won any of those Wars Israel would no longer exist and somehow the UN wouldn't give a S**T about " International Law" Israel is not going to go back to borders that were never accepted in the first place unlike WW 2,have no access to E. Jerusalem or allow " Right of Return" Leave it to a Fucking Pro Palestinian to initiate the foul language :eusa_whistle:
The Origins and Evolutionof the Palestine Problem:1917-1988 PART I 1917-1947- One authority writes:*"The most significant and incontrovertible fact is, however, that by itself the Declaration was legally impotent. For Great Britain had no sovereign rights over Palestine, it had no proprietary interest, it had no authority to dispose of the land. The Declaration was merely a statement of British intentions and no more".* Other authorities in international law have also held the Declaration to be legally invalid3 but this was not an issue in 1917, when the Balfour Declaration became official British policy for the future of Palestine. The ambiguities and contradictions within the Declaration contributed heavily towards the conflict of goals and expectations that arose between the Palestinian Arabs and the non-Palestinian Jews. The Zionist Organization was to use the assurances for "a national home for the Jewish people" to press its plans for the colonization of Palestine on the basis of the Balfour Declaration and its implementation through the League of Nations Mandates System. The Palestinian people were to resist these efforts, since their fundamental political right to self-determination had been denied, and their land was to become the object of colonization from abroad during the period it was under a League of Nations Mandate.*- See more at: The Origins and Evolution of the Palestine Problem - CEIRPP, DPR study, part I: 1917-1947 (30 June 1978)
I think Arthur Balfour's comment at the time of the Balfour decision made it pretty clear.
And this is worth repeating...

...the Zionists didn't live up to their part of the Decision.

And there's no better prima facia evidence of their failure to live up to their terms of the agreement, than the statements from a famous Zionist humanist living in Palestine at the time...

And Sherri, his next comment, happens to be something we are experiencing on this board, a half-century later...

' [the Zionists] wax angry towards those who remind them that there is still another people in Eretz Yisrael that has been living there and does not intend at all to leave its place. In a future when this illusion will have been torn from their hearts and they will look with open eyes upon the reality as it is, they will certainly understand how important this question is and how great our duty to work for its solution'.
That was one honest Zionist. I wish there were more like him.

Just one more...

balfour declaration and british mandate gave the jews some of palestine as long as they respect palesinian arab rights.

they violagted this agreemant from 1922 to 1948, and they violated the agremant from 1949 to 2013.

the agreemant is null and void!!!! the contraxct has been brokem by israel!!
Yup, and that's why Israelis have absorbed almost 2 million Arabs as Israeli citizens. And what have Arabs done but racism, bigotry, aggression, war, savagery, and terrorism? Nothing.
Yup, and that's why Israelis have absorbed almost 2 million Arabs as Israeli citizens. And what have Arabs done but racism, bigotry, aggression, war, savagery, and terrorism? Nothing.
All the attributes you display in your posts, over and over again.

And there is one thing that is missing in every single one of your posts at this website....

...any sense of humanity.

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